
0.3.0 • Public • Published


Router transitions based on arbitrary actions.

This store enhancer allows you to co-locate transitions next to your actions and have them automatically executed on your router instance, after the action has been dispatched.


A typical case is that you want to redirect your user to another page, when they log in. There are multiple ways of doing this. You could for example listen to your store and perform a transition based on some kind of loginSuccessful flag. But this type of flag is something that does not actually belong into your state, as it is only used as an internal flag so you know when to transition.

Another way would be to use something like RX, and listen to distinct state changed, so you could transition your user to a page, whenever the loggedIn or user prop on your state changes.

While these approaches work, they make it hard to connect a transition to a specific action. Your transitions are also spread out over your code. redux-react-router-transitions allows your to embed your transitions directly within your actions and have them executed after your action has been dispatched.


Create an enhanced store like this:

import { createStore, compose } from 'redux';
import storeEnhancer from 'redux-react-router-transitions';
// you have to create your router here and pass it to the store enhancer
const finalCreateStore = compose(

Now you can dispatch actions in the following form and have your desired transition automatically executed for you:

// we expect `LOGGED_IN` to have been imported here from your action constants
export default {
  login() {
    return {
      type: LOGGED_IN,
      payload: {
        userId: 123
      meta: {
        transition: (state, action) => ({
          path: '/logged-in/:userId',
          query: {
            some: 'queryParam'
          params: {
            userId: action.payload.userId

Now every time you dispatch your login action, a transition to /logged-in will happen automatically. Of course query and params are optional. They are just here to show a complete example.


coming soon


For a working example check out the example directory!

Running the example app

git clone
cd redux-react-router-transitions
npm install

cd example
npm install
npm start
open http://localhost:3000


Why is this a store enhancer and not a middleware?

Because the transition handlers should receive the state after the action has been dispatched. And I did not want to use something like _.defer.

Does this work with react-router 1.0?

Not currently, but there is a pending PR which will make the 1.0 branch much more modular. After that PR is merged this should work flawlessly.

Can I perform replaceWith transitions instead of transitionTo?

Yes, just add replace: true to the object returned by your action's meta.transition function.

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  • johanneslumpe