
0.3.0 • Public • Published

Redux Easy Forms


See it in action: REF DEMO

Full rewrite as of ver 0.3.0 -- smaller, cleaner, nicer API :)

Yet another forms solution

  • Simplify dealing with client-side forms
  • Define your form fields via a simple "schema" object
  • Supply desired validation functions and error messages per field
  • Use a friendly API to interact with your forms and data
  • Obtain all JSX props for each input via a single API method call


REF exposes a small number of handy methods to cut down on common form-related chores. It maintains its "private" Redux state, eliminating the need for dispatching actions or connecting to the forms reducer directly. It is a fairly narrowly-focused abstraction, compatible with native HTML inputs and any React components which follow the same props (adaptable).

API Methods: clear | clearLiveErrors | get | getErrors | getLiveErrors | init | isDirty | isValid | props | restorePristine | saveAsPristine | set | setFocus


npm install redux-easy-forms --save or yarn add redux-easy-forms

  1. Define forms "schema" object and a validators object for ALL forms used throughout your app:
const schema = {
  login: {                                                  // specify unique key per each form
    password: { type: 'password' },                         // unique name per input within each form
    username: { type: 'text', placeholder: 'Username' }     // specify type and any other valid props
  agreement: {
    pin:  { type: 'tel', validators: 'isPin' },             // reference desired validator by key
    agree:  [{                                              // checkboxes/radios/select must be arrays
      type: 'checkbox',
      value: 'on',
      validators: 'isAgree'
    duration: [
      { type: 'select-one', value: 'day', selected: true }, // can have init value, checked, or selected
      { type: 'select-one', value: 'week' },
      { type: 'select-one', value: 'month' },
const validators = {
  isAgree: { fn: val => !!val.length, error: 'You must agree to proceed' },
  isPin: [
    { fn: val => !!val, error: 'PIN is required' },
    { fn: val => val.length === 4, error: '4-digit PIN is required' }
  1. Add reformsReducer to your Redux store and wrap your app with the ReformsProvider:
import { reformsReducer, ReformsProvider } from 'redux-easy-forms';
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  reformsData: reformsReducer                               // <-- be sure to name it reformsData
  /* ... */                                                 // <-- your other reducers...
const store = createStore(rootReducer);
<Provider store={store}>
  <ReformsProvider schema={schema} validators={validators}> // <-- beneath the Redux provider is great
    <App />
  1. Then, for any component needing access to REForms, enhance it with the withReforms HOC:
import { withReforms } from 'redux-easy-forms';             // <--
class LoginPage extends React.Component { /* ... */ }
export default withReforms(LoginPage);                      // <--

Of course, you can also compose in connect to any of your other reducers:

export default connect(
)(withReforms(LoginPage));                                  // <--

Or, if you enjoy using the decorator syntax:

@connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)
class LoginPage extends React.Component { /* ... */ }


The enhanced component will now receive this.props.reforms, which provides a handy API to your forms data:

const { reforms } = this.props;

To render an input field in JSX:

<input {...reforms.props('login', 'username')}/>

The props method returns all necessary props in one swoop (including name, value, onChange, etc.)

Other API examples:

reforms.setFocus('login', 'username');               // --> username input gets focused
reforms.set('login', {username: {value: 'Jane'}});   // --> 'Jane' appears in username field
reforms.get('login', 'username');                    // --> 'Jane'
reforms.get('login');                                // --> { username: 'Jane', password: '' }
reforms.isValid('login');                            // --> true

API Reference

clear(form:String, [name:String])

Clear all fields within a given form, or a single field. Also reset the "touched" status, thus clearing any "live" validation errors.


clearLiveErrors(form:String, [name:String])

Reset the "touched" status of specified form field(s), thus clearing any "live" validation errors.


get(form:String, [name:String]) ⇒ Object or String|Array

Get current form values (object of key-vals), or the value of a given form field (string, or an array of strings if multiple values). For multi-input arrays (checkboxes, radios, select-one) holding only one value element, it is delivered as a string.


getErrors(form:String, [name:String]) ⇒ Object or Array

Get validation errors for the entire form, or a given form field. Errors are arrays of strings, or an empty array (if no errors).


getLiveErrors(form:String, [name:String]) ⇒ Object or String

Suitable for per-field errors while editing a form. Delivers only the first error, as long as the form/field is "touched" and not in focus.

reforms.getLiveErrors('login', 'username')


Dynamically initialize additional form schema into REF. Existing form names will be "extended" in. Any validators referenced in the new schema must already be defined.

reforms.init({ 'note_2': { note: { type: 'text' } } })

isDirty(form:String, [name:String]) ⇒ Boolean

Check whether a form or a given field have changed from their "pristine" state. A form/field is considered "pristine" when first initialized, upon performing a set, or saveAsPristine.


isValid(form:String, [name:String]) ⇒ Boolean

Check whether a form or a given field have no validation errors.


props(form:String, name:String, [value:String]) ⇒ Object

Get all JSX props for a given input field. For checkboxes and radios, the input's value is required (third argument). Returns the schema props along with REF-specific props, e.g. onChange or onClick handlers, ref (used for setFocus), plus onFocus & onBlur (to support getLiveErrors logic).

reforms.props('login', 'username') or reforms.props('login', 'agree', 'on')

restorePristine(form:String, [name:String])

Reset all form fields, or a given field, to their "pristine" state.


saveAsPristine(form:String, [name:String])

Store current form state, or the state of a given field, as the new "pristine" state.


set(form:String, payload:Object)

Set value(s) into one or more fields of a given form. The payload must match the schema structure exactly, as it will be "extended" directly over the current field data. To be bullet-proofed in future versions, in the meantime, tread lightly!

reforms.set('login', { username: { value: '', disabled: true } })

setFocus(form:String, name:String)

Set focus to a given field.

reforms.setFocus('login', 'username')


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