RedSys POS
NodeJS library to ease the communication with RedSys point of sales
Install the NPM package:
npm install redsys-pos
Generating a request
Generate the parameters to create a transaction:
const RedSys = ;const CURRENCIES TRANSACTION_TYPES = RedSys; const MERCHANT_KEY = "sq7HjrUOBfKmC576ILgskD5srU870gJ7"; // TESTING KEYconst redsys = MERCHANT_KEY; var obj = amount: '100' // cents (in euro) orderReference: '1508428360' merchantName: "INTEGRATION TEST SHOP" merchantCode: '327234688' currency: CURRENCIESEUR transactionType: TRANSACTION_TYPESAUTHORIZATION // '0' terminal: '1' merchantURL: '' successURL: 'http://localhost:8080/success' errorURL: 'http://localhost:8080/error' const result = redsys;console;
The above code will print:
Send the above JSON to the browser, and submit a form like below:
const DEBUG = ...;var result = ... ; // The response above from the server var form = document;ifDEBUG form else formform;form; // Parametersfork in result var field = document; field; field; field; form; documentbody;form;
For a detailed example, check out example/frontend.html
The official recommended mechanism is a plain old HTML form as below, which is an equivalent of the JS code above:
Checking a response
// Previously initialized // const RedSys = require('redsys-pos');// const MERCHANT_KEY = "sq7HjrUOBfKmC576ILgskD5srU870gJ7";// const redsys = new RedSys(MERCHANT_KEY); // Check the response const merchantParams = "eyJEc19EYXRlIjoiMjAlMkYxMCUyRjIwMTciLCJEc19Ib3VyIjoiMTclM0EyMyIsIkRzX1NlY3VyZVBheW1lbnQiOiIwIiwiRHNfQW1vdW50IjoiMTAwIiwiRHNfQ3VycmVuY3kiOiI5NzgiLCJEc19PcmRlciI6IjAwMDA5NjU1RDg0IiwiRHNfTWVyY2hhbnRDb2RlIjoiMzI3MjM0Njg4IiwiRHNfVGVybWluYWwiOiIwMDEiLCJEc19SZXNwb25zZSI6Ijk5MTUiLCJEc19UcmFuc2FjdGlvblR5cGUiOiIwIiwiRHNfTWVyY2hhbnREYXRhIjoiIiwiRHNfQXV0aG9yaXNhdGlvbkNvZGUiOiIrKysrKysiLCJEc19Db25zdW1lckxhbmd1YWdlIjoiMSJ9";const signature = "vrUsaNbxfonyn4ONUos6oosUaTBY0_SGoKDel6qsHqk"; const result = redsys;console;
If successful, this will print:
Ds_Date: '20/10/2017' Ds_Hour: '17:23' Ds_SecurePayment: '0' Ds_Amount: '100' Ds_Currency: '978' Ds_Order: '00009655D84' Ds_MerchantCode: '327234688' Ds_Terminal: '001' Ds_Response: '9915' Ds_TransactionType: '0' Ds_MerchantData: '' Ds_AuthorisationCode: '++++++' Ds_ConsumerLanguage: '1'
Very important Make sure that you handle properly the trailing "=" symbols of the Base64 payload. More on the FAQ.
Checking an invalid response/signature
If an invalid response or signature is provided:
// Check the response const merchantParams = "eyJEc19EYXRlIjoiMjAlMkYxMCUyRjIwMTciLCJEc19Ib3VyIjoiMTclM0EyMyIsIkRzX1NlY3VyZVBheW1lbnQiOiIwIiwiRHNfQW1vdW50IjoiMTAwIiwiRHNfQ3VycmVuY3kiOiI5NzgiLCJEc19PcmRlciI6IjAwMDA5NjU1RDg0IiwiRHNfTWVyY2hhbnRDb2RlIjoiMzI3MjM0Njg4IiwiRHNfVGVybWluYWwiOiIwMDEiLCJEc19SZXNwb25zZSI6Ijk5MTUiLCJEc19UcmFuc2FjdGlvblR5cGUiOiIwIiwiRHNfTWVyY2hhbnREYXRhIjoiIiwiRHNfQXV0aG9yaXNhdGlvbkNvZGUiOiIrKysrKysiLCJEc19Db25zdW1lckxhbmd1YWdlIjoiMSJ9";const invalidSignature = "invalid-signature"; result = redsys;console;
This will print:
Checking a response code
const getResponseCodeMessage = ; var str = ;console;
This will print:
Operación no permitida para ese tipo de tarjeta.
Checking an invalid response code
const getResponseCodeMessage = ; var str = ;console;
This will print:
Sometimes, random requests may fail, even if parameters are just what comes from RedSys
- If you are getting the
from a URL, you may have trouble parsing the data properly. RedSys appends the Base64 payload without escaping the "=" symbols, and query string parsers may treat them as if they were a parameter assignment like?id=123&test=456
. - You are responsible of parsing and handling the entire payload, or otherwise the deciding will not match.
To test the component, run npm test
End to end tests are performed with the help of Puppeteer. Unit tests are provided as well. At the time, Puppeteer only runs as expected with { headless: false }
Note that in order to prevent bloatware from reaching the development node_modules
folder, a separate package.json
file is used on the spec
The present library is a work of Jordi Moraleda and Joel Moreno