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A reactive dataflow JavaScript library inspired by RStudio's Shiny framework

Reactiveflow enables declaration of complicated graphs of data dependencies that automatically update in batch whenever source nodes are changed. The model was inspired by Shiny's reactive programming model, but simplified to handle pure dataflow logic without built-in UI component integration. Reactiveflow works in both Node.js and the browser.


In a browser

<script src="reactiveflow-min.js"></script>

The entire library is scoped under the reactiveflow namespace.

In Node.js

Using npm to install:

npm install reactiveflow

Loading the module:

var reactiveflow = require('reactiveflow');

Main concepts

  • A context represents a dependency graph of nodes that all update together. Contexts are created via reactiveflow.newContext(). All nodes are associated with the single context they're created within.

  • A node is an abstract type wrapping an arbitrary value that can be retrieved via node.getValue(). There are two concrete subtypes of nodes: sources and conduits (covered below). You can use node.addListener(listener) to register listeners that are called whenever the node is updated. Every node is created with a string id that must be unique within the context it belongs to.

  • A source is a type of node that can be directly updated to a new value via source.triggerUpdate(newValue). This triggers recursive updates on all of its dependents. Alternatively, multiple sources can be updated at the same time using context.triggerUpdate(sources, newValues). These are the only possible ways of triggering an update. Sources are created via context.newSource(id, initVal).

  • A conduit is a type of node that only updates in response to updates in the nodes it depends on. Conduits are created via context.newConduit(id, configOpts, updateFunc). The configOpts argument specifies all the nodes depended on, while updateFunc is the function that's called to compute the conduit's new value whenever it is triggered to update.

Simple example

Let's define a simple context containing the node structure below:

Simple example graph

// Create a context to define nodes within
var context = reactiveflow.newContext();
// Create all the source nodes with their initial values
var rawFirstName = context.newSource('rawFirstName', 'John');
var rawLastName = context.newSource('rawLastName', 'Chambers');
var format = context.newSource('format', 'lowercase');
// Create conduit nodes to wire up dependencies
var firstName = context.newConduit('firstName',
  {args: [rawFirstName, format]},
  function(args) {
    return (args.format === 'lowercase') ?
      args.rawFirstName.toLowerCase() :
var lastName = context.newConduit('lastName',
  {args: [rawLastName, format]},
  function(args) {
    return (args.format === 'lowercase') ?
      args.rawLastName.toLowerCase() :
var fullName = context.newConduit('fullName',
  {args: [firstName, lastName], initVal: '[initial value]'},
  function(args) {
    return args.firstName + ' ' + args.lastName;
// Every node has a value
console.log(rawFirstName.getValue());  // prints: John
console.log(rawLastName.getValue());  // prints: Chambers
console.log(format.getValue());  // prints: lowercase
console.log(fullName.getValue());  // prints: [initial value]
// Conduits that aren't constructed with initVal will make an initial updateFunc call
console.log(firstName.getValue());  // prints: john
console.log(lastName.getValue());  // prints: chambers

A couple things to notice:

  • In our example, the var name of each source and conduit is identical to the id it's constructed with.
    (e.g. var format = context.newSource('format', 'lowercase');)
    This isn't strictly necessary, but it's highly recommended for consistency since reactiveflow contexts have no knowledge of the var names. The args properties passed to each conduit's updateFunc are based on the node ids.
  • The call to context.newConduit(id, configOpts, updateFunc) requires configOpts to have an args property specifying which nodes the conduit is dependent on. configOpts can optionally have an initVal property containing the conduit's initial value. If this property is missing, updateFunc will be called upon construction to compute an initial value.

We've wired up the context but haven't done anything with it yet. Let's trigger our first update on the format source node.

// All dependent conduits are updated
console.log(format.getValue())  // prints: uppercase
console.log(firstName.getValue());  // prints: JOHN
console.log(lastName.getValue());  // prints: CHAMBERS
console.log(fullName.getValue());  // prints: JOHN CHAMBERS

Triggering format propagates updates to firstName and lastName, which in turn cause fullName to update. All this happens in a single synchronous batch, so fullName will only be recomputed once even though both of its arguments were updated. This stands in contrast to a simple asynchronous approach, where a single update to a node like format could result in 2 updates to fullName. In reactiveflow, any triggerUpdate() call will only cause a node to update at most once.

Instead of updating a single source node, you can also update a set of sources simultaneously:

context.triggerUpdate([rawFirstName, rawLastName], ['Hadley', 'Wickham']);
// All dependent conduits are updated
console.log(rawFirstName.getValue())  // prints: Hadley
console.log(rawLastName.getValue())  // prints: Wickham
console.log(firstName.getValue());  // prints: HADLEY
console.log(lastName.getValue());  // prints: WICKHAM
console.log(fullName.getValue());  // prints: HADLEY WICKHAM

Modified example

Let's modify the simple example above to show some more advanced features. We're going to create a new context almost identical to the simple example but with format being converted to passive arguments (pArgs), represented by dashed gray lines in the diagram below:

Modified example graph

// Create a context to define nodes within
var ctx2 = reactiveflow.newContext();
// Create all the source nodes with their initial values
ctx2.newSource('rawFirstName', 'John');
ctx2.newSource('rawLastName', 'Chambers');
ctx2.newSource('format', 'lowercase');
console.log(ctx2.nodes.rawFirstName.getValue());  // prints: John

We created a new context, ctx2, and this time we've created sources without even assigning them to JavaScript variables. In fact, we don't really need the variables since we can always retrieve any node by its id using the nodes property on the context.

Next let's define a more generic nameUpdateFunc that we'll reuse for both our firstName and lastName conduits.

var nameUpdateFunc = function(args) {
  return (args.format === 'lowercase') ?
    args.rawName.toLowerCase() :

Instead of copying the same formatting logic for separate firstName and lastName conduits, we access a rawName property in args. This doesn't refer to a valid node id, so we need to tell each conduit to use rawName as an alias when we construct it:

// Create conduit nodes to wire up dependencies
  {args: {rawName: 'rawFirstName'}, pArgs: 'format'},
  {args: {rawName: 'rawLastName'}, pArgs: 'format'},
console.log(ctx2.nodes.firstName.getValue());  // prints: john
console.log(ctx2.nodes.lastName.getValue());  // prints: chambers

Instead of passing in an array of nodes to args, we can pass an array of objects mapping alias names to nodes. In fact, we're not referencing nodes directly here; we can just use their string ids. When there's only a single node in args, there's no need to wrap it in an array.

The pArgs property has identical type expectations as args, but none of the nodes in pArgs cause the conduit to update. They are just passive arguments that show up in the updateFunc's args parameter (as you can see in the definition of nameUpdateFunc).

Finally, let's construct the fullName conduit. We'll also add a listener to track any updates on it.

  {args: ['firstName', 'lastName']},
  function(args, currVal) {
    var newVal = args.firstName + ' ' + args.lastName;
    if (newVal === currVal)
      return;  // returning undefined will prevent updating
    return newVal;
console.log(ctx2.nodes.fullName.getValue());  // prints: john chambers
// Define and add listener to fullName
var listener = function(value, node) {
  console.log( + ' - ' + value);

The updateFunc for fullName demonstrates a couple additional features. In addition to the args argument, updateFunc can take a currVal argument that's set to the node's current value. If updateFunc returns undefined, the conduit won't be updated and won't propagate updates to its dependents. (Its dependents can still be triggered to update by other nodes though.) Since returning undefined prevents an update, none of the conduit's listeners will be called.

With the wiring complete, let's trigger some updates.

// (fullName listener does NOT trigger)
console.log(ctx2.nodes.firstName.getValue());  // prints: john
console.log(ctx2.nodes.lastName.getValue());  // prints: chambers

Since format does not have any non-passive dependents, it's the only node that gets updated here. If firstName or lastName were updated, they would be uppercase, but nothing has triggered them yet. Let's "update" rawLastName to cause lastName to update. We're going to set rawLastName to be the same value that it currently is. This still triggers an update since reactiveflow doesn't check the new values for equality.

// "Update" rawLastName to be the same value it currently is
// fullName listener prints: fullname - john CHAMBERS
console.log(ctx2.nodes.firstName.getValue());  // prints: john
console.log(ctx2.nodes.lastName.getValue());  // prints: CHAMBERS
console.log(ctx2.nodes.fullName.getValue());  // prints: john CHAMBERS

lastName now picks up the new value of its passive format argument. fullName is updated due to lastName so the fullName listener is triggered. Finally, let's perform the same exact update to rawLastName to see fullName prevent its own update.

// "Update" rawLastName to be the same value it currently is again
// (fullName listener does NOT trigger)

Since the fullName updateFunc explicitly compares against its current value, it prevents an update in this case and therefore prevents notification of any of its listeners.

This concludes our tour of the primary features of reactiveflow.

API Reference

By convention, when a clean map is mentioned we mean an object created with Object.create(null). Such an object has no inherited properties, so Object.keys(obj), for (key in obj) loops, and key in obj tests all work without requiring hasOwnProperty().

All properties that begin with an underscore (e.g. context._privateProp) should be considered private implementation details.


  • The reactiveflow version string



  • Constructs a new context


  • Returns true if and only if the context has a node with the given id


  • A clean map from all of the context's node ids to its nodes. This property and all of its entries should be treated as read-only.

context.triggerUpdate(sources, newValues)

  • Triggers a simultaneous update for the array of sources to take on the respective array of newValues. The sources array may contain either source nodes or their id strings.
  • Updates will propagate recursively to dependent conduits, but no node will update more than once in a single context.triggerUpdate call.
  • Before any conduit is triggered to call its updateFunc, all the nodes it depends on (including passive arguments) are guaranteed to have already been updated if they are going to be triggered at all. (This is accomplished via a topological sort of the dependency graph.)
  • All listeners for updated nodes are triggered in batch after all nodes have already been updated.
  • It is an error to make another triggerUpdate call while an update is already in progress. This means none of the updateFuncs or listeners are allowed to directly trigger updates in the same context they're in. One workaround could be to use setTimeout, but the possibility of infinite loops may be a concern.


  • A variation of the method above that takes a sourceMap from source node ids to their new values
  • e.g. context.triggerUpdate({source1: 'val1', source2: 'val2'})



  • Returns the node's current value

  • The unique string id of the node. Treat as read-only.


  • The context this node belongs to. Treat as read-only.


  • Adds a listener that will be called whenever this node is updated
  • signature: listener(value, node)
    • value is the newly updated value of the node
    • node is a reference to the node itself


  • Removes the specified listener from this node. Only one instance of the listener is removed if it was added multiple times.


  • Removes all listeners from the node


  • Returns the number of listeners on this node


context.newSource(id, initVal)

  • Creates a new source node with initVal as the initial value. The context must not already have a node with the given id.


  • Triggers an update for the source, propagating to its descendants. This is equivalent to calling context.triggerUpdate([source], [newValue])


context.newConduit(id, configOpts, updateFunc)

  • Creates a new conduit node. The context must not already have a node with the given id.
  • configOpts must be an object with only the following possible properties:
    • args is a mandatory property defining which nodes the conduit is dependent on to trigger it to update. args should consist of an array of "items", where each item is either a node, a node id, or a map from aliases to nodes or node ids. If only one item is present, it does not need to be wrapped within an array. Here are a bunch of valid example args:
      • [node1, node2]
      • ['node1', 'node2']
      • 'node1'
      • [{alias: node1}, node2]
      • {alias1: 'node1', alias2: 'node2'}
    • pArgs is an optional property defining passive arguments the conduit receives in its updateFunc but is not triggered to update by. It is specified in the same possible ways as args. The set of all nodes and aliases specified by args and pArgs must be unique. (A node can't be both in args and pArgs for the same conduit.)
    • initVal is an optional property specifying the initial value of the conduit. If it isn't specified, updateFunc is called to compute the initial value instead. This initial call will have currVal set to null and updateMap empty. (See the updateFunc signature below.)
  • updateFunc is the function that's called to compute the conduit's new value whenever it's triggered to update. Having updateFunc return undefined will prevent the conduit from updating: it will keep its current value and won't trigger any of its dependents or listeners.
  • signature: updateFunc(args, currVal, updateMap, node)
    • args is a clean map from the aliases of this conduit's arguments (including passive arguments) to their corresponding values. These are all the nodes specified via args and pArgs in configOpts. Any argument that wasn't given an alias will use its node id as the "alias" by default.
    • currVal is the current value of the conduit
    • updateMap is a clean map from aliases to nodes consisting of only the arguments that triggered this conduit to update. This will never include passive arguments since passive arguments don't cause a conduit to update.
    • node is a reference to the conduit itself

Note: this library relies on ECMAScript 5 features.


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