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0.1.2 • Public • Published


A full-fledged wrapper for the Youtube Player API created with the render props pattern.



  • playback of single video or supported lists (playlist, user uploads, search results),
  • full access to the Youtube Player API inside the render prop,
  • access to the player instance as an escape hatch,
  • ability to control selected features as props to the component


$ yarn add react-yt

Minimal usage example

 * We are using `module` field to provide an ES module format
 * and `main` field for an CommonJS fallback
import YouTube from "react-yt";

Accepted props

The player accepts all the official player parameters as props.

Prop name TypeScript type Accepted values
autoplay YT.AutoPlay 0 \| 1
ccLoadPolicy YT.ClosedCaptionsLoadPolicy 0 \| 1
color YT.ProgressBarColor "white" \| "red"
controls YT.Controls 0 \| 1
disablekb YT.KeyboardControls 0 \| 1
enableJsApi YT.JsApi 0 \| 1
end number number
fs YT.FullscreenButton 0 \| 1
hl string ISO 639-1 languag code
ivLoadPolicy YT.IvLoadPolicy 0 \| 1
list string string
listType ListType "playlist" \| "user_uploads" \| "search"
loop YT.Loop 0 \| 1
modestbranding YT.ModestBranding 0 \| 1
origin string string
playlist string string
playsinline YT.PlaysInline 0 \| 1
rel YT.RelatedVideos 0 \| 1
showinfo YT.ShowInfo 0 \| 1
start number number
videoId string string

Additionally it's possible to subscribe to the Player events by providing an events prop with following keys:

Key name Event signature
onReady YT.PlayerEventHandler<YT.PlayerEvent>
onStateChange YT.PlayerEventHandler<YT.OnStateChangeEvent>
onPlaybackQualityChange YT.PlayerEventHandler<YT.OnPlaybackQualityChangeEvent>
onPlaybackRateChange YT.PlayerEventHandler<YT.OnPlaybackRateChangeEvent>
onError YT.PlayerEventHandler<YT.OnErrorEvent>
onApiChange YT.PlayerEventHandler<YT.PlayerEvent>

Using the render prop

The render prop (render) will be called with an object exposing:

Field name Content
iframe The iframe React Element containing the player
player The player instance, allowing access to all internal mechanics

And all the internal Youtube player functions:

Function name Parameters Return type
loadVideoById videoId: string[, startSeconds: number, suggestedQuality: string] void
cueVideoByUrl videoId: string[, startSeconds: number, suggestedQuality: string] void
loadVideoByUrl videoUrl: string[, startSeconds: number, suggestedQuality: string] void
loadPlaylist playlist: string\|Array[, index: number, startSeconds: number, suggestedQuality: string] void
cuePlaylist playlist: string\|Array[, index: number, startSeconds: number, suggestedQuality: string] void
pauseVideo void void
playVideo void void
mute void void
unMute void void
isMuted void boolean
setVolume number void
getVolume void number
stopVideo void void
clearVideo void void
nextVideo void void
previousVideo void void
playVideoAt number void
seekTo number void
getPlaybackRate void number
setPlaybackRate number void
getAvailablePlaybackRates void Array<number>
setLoop boolean void
setShuffle boolean void
getPlayerState void number
getCurrentTime void number
getPlaybackQuality void string
setPlaybackQuality string void
getVideoLoadedFraction void float
getDuration void number
getVideoUrl void string
getVideoEmbedCode void string
getPlaylist void Array<string>
getPlaylistIndex void number
addEventListener string, Function void
removeEventListener string, Function void

Rendering with render props

  }) => (
      {getPlayerState() !== 1 && <button onClick={(event) => playVideo()}>Play video</button>}
      {getPlayerState() === 1 && <button onClick={(event) => pauseVideo()}>Pause video</button>}

Controlling the player from outside

While the recommended way to control the playback is from inside the render prop function, it is also possible to control the component from outside by changing the props. Developers are able to provide the following props in order to control the component without having to remount it.

Prop Result
videoId When given a non-falsy value, the selected video will play
list + listType When given a non-falsy value, the selected list will play
autoplay Controls the playback state, false to pause the playback, or true to start / resume

The logic uses componentWillReceiveProps to control the playback, so passing the props in a given order will override older props. Passing new values to both props at the same time will give priority to the videoId prop.




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