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9.2.1 • Public • Published

React Video Player (Extended)

React Video Player (with Markers, Next, Last Frame jumps)

npm NPM npm type definitions npm


React-video-player-extended supports both development and general user requirements. In addition to the basic video player functionality, react-video-player-extended provides the functionality for marking and selecting frames, jumping back and forth between frames based on the fps.


npm install react-video-player-extended --save
# or
npm i react-video-player-extended
# or
yarn add react-video-player-extended


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import VideoPlayer from 'react-video-player-extended';

class App extends Component {
  state = {
    isPlaying: false,
    volume: 0.7

  handlePlay = () => {
    this.setState({isPlaying: true});

  handlePause = () => {
    this.setState({isPlaying: false});

  handleVolume = value => {
    this.setState({volume: value});

  render () {
    const {isPlaying, volume} = this.state;

    return <VideoPlayer



  • Package supports basic video player functionality like play/pause, volume control and full screen
  • Markers creation, display and selection
  • Jumping back and forth between frames based on FPS (default fps value is 30)
  • Display various settings associated with the video player such as title, fps, volume, repeat, start time
  • Export markers as JSON file.
  • Importing markers from JSON file.

alt text


Prop Description Default
controls Set visible controls. Available controls: ControlSelection [ControlSelection.Play, ControlSelection.Time, ControlSelection.Progress, ControlSelection.Volume, ControlSelection.FullScreen, ControlSelection.AddMarker, ControlSelection.ExportMarkers]
height Set the height of the player '360px'
width Set the width of the player '640px'
isPlaying Set to true or false to play or pause the media false
volume Set the volume of the player, between 0 and 1 0.7
loop Set to true or false to loop the media false
markers Set array of markers. Example: [{id: 1, time: 5, color: '#ffc837', title: 'Marker 1'}] []
timeStart Set the second number to start playing video 0
url The url of a video
fps Frame per second 30
selectedMarker Selected marker undefined
viewSettings Array of SettingSelection displaying various video player settings e.g. Title, FPS, Volume, Repeat, Start Time, Markers Count undefined

Callback Events

Prop Description Version
onPlay Called when video is started
onPause Called when media is paused
onVolume Called when volume is changed. Callback contains volume
onProgress Callback contains event, progressProps, ProgressProps is an object containing currentTime, duration and percentage,
onDuration Callback contains duration of the media, in seconds
onMarkerClick Called when marked is clicked. Callback contains marker object. Example: {id: 1, time: 5, color: '#ffc837', title: 'Marker 1'}
onContinuousMarkerReceived Callback sending markers continuously, but it will not mark the video timeline. Callback contains marker object. Example: {id: 1, time: 5, color: '#ffc837', title: 'Marker 1'}
onMarkerAdded Callback when a new marker is being added, this API will return a new marker object with current time. 8.0.0
onLoadedMetadata Callback is triggered when the video player is loaded with new video, with all the meta-information
onVideoPlayingComplete Callback triggered when the video is completely played contains progressProps object. Example: {"currentTime":52.209,"duration":52.209,"percentage":100}. Note: This event will not be triggered in case video is being played in loop. 8.3.0

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  • amittksharma