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React Ultra Date Picker

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React Ultra Date Picker is an iOS like, comprehensive date picker component for React.

If you are looking for a React Date Picker working on mobile platforms, this one would be a good choice. After browsing a lot of React Date Picker projects on GitHub, I found that most of them are PC-oriented, so I decided to write one for mobile platforms. This is how React Ultra Select and React Ultra Date Picker come.

This component depends on React Ultra Select, so scrolling also relies on its version. You can change UltraSelect's version to use different scrolling features. 1.0.x for iscroll-scrolling and 1.1.x for div-scrolling. Default uses iscroll-scrolling.


  • Supporting 4 Types of Date Picker

    • date

      Default type, you can select year, month and date with this type.

    • datetime

      You can select year, month, date, hour and minute with this type.

    • time

      You can select hour and minute with this type.

    • month

      You can select year and month with this type.

  • Precise Date Range(aka min date and max date)

    Comprehensive and precise support of date range for all Date Picker types. Also supports out-of-range detection.

  • 24-hour System and 12-hour System

    Both two time system are supported.

  • Flexible Locale Configurations

    Provides a very convenient API addLocaleConfig for custom locale config. Using this API, you can not only arrange order, but also decide how each year/month/date/ampm/hour/minute element is displayed.

  • Selection Events

    Supports 6 events, same as React Ultra Select.

How to use

npm i react-ultra-date-picker --save

Using it in your project:

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import DatePicker from 'react-ultra-date-picker'

class SomeComponent extends Component {
    render() {
        return <DatePicker></DatePicker>



dateStringProp is used as a constructor parameter of JavaScript Date Object. It can either be a number, or a string with RFC2822 Section 3.3, ISO-8601 format or simply dd:dd format.

  • Number

    A positive or negative number representing the number of milliseconds passed from 1970-01-01.

  • String of RFC2822 Section 3.3

    A string like Sat Jul 30 2016 18:17:37 GMT+0800 (CST), which can be generated by Date.toString() or Date.toDateString()

  • String of ISO-8601

    A string like 2016-07-30T10:18:43.422Z, which can be generated by Date.toJSON(). Note that Date.toJSON() will return a UTC time.

  • String of dd:dd format

    You should only use this format with prop type=time, and dd:dd is in 24-hour time system.

Optional Props

Prop Name Default Value Type Description
min '01 Jan 1970 00:00' dateStringProp Minimum date you can select.
max '19 Jan 2038 03:14' dateStringProp Maximum date you can select.
defaultDate null dateStringProp Default selected date.
type 'date' One of 'date', 'datetime', 'month' and 'time' Decide which type of date to select.
locale 'en' One of 'en' or 'zh-cn', or locale name added by addLocaleConfig Tells which date locale configuration to use.
use24hours false Boolean Whether to use 24-hour system or not.
title null String/ReactNode Title for the selection panel.
outOfRangeLabel null String/ReactNode Label indicating given defaultDate out of range. Use it if you don't want the default value in locale configuration.
noneSelectedLabel null String/ReactNode Label indicating not given defaultDate prop and user haven't made a selection. Use it if you don't want the default value in locale configuration.

Props for React Ultra Select

Since this component relies on React Ultra Select, you can also pass these props to it:

  • rowsVisible
  • rowHeight
  • rowHeightUnit
  • backdrop
  • disabled
  • useTouchTap
  • isOpen


React Ultra Date Picker shares same events/callbacks with React Ultra Select:

  • onOpen(date)

    Will be called when the selection panel shows up.

  • onClose(date)

    Will be called when the selection panel hides.

  • onConfirm(date)

    Will be called when the confirm button or backdrop is clicked.

  • onCancel(date)

    Will be called when the cancel button is clicked.

  • onDidSelect(date)

    Will be called when scrolling stops, useful for real-time selection. date is the current selected date.

  • onSelect(date)

    Will be called when scrolling and selected value is changed, useful for playing sound effects or so. date is the current selected date.

  • getTitle(fullDate)

    Same as React Ultra Select1, but it will be called with a fullDate object, which contains selected date and out-of-range and none-selected status.

    The priorities of getTitle prop is higher than title prop.

  • getStaticText(fullDate)

    Same as React Ultra Select1, but it will be called with a fullDate object.


  • addLocaleConfig(name, config)

    Adding a locale configuration to the Date Picker, so you can specify locale other than en and zh-cn. The config keys includes:

    Key Type Description Example Value
    order Array The order of year, month, date, ampm, hour and minute in selection ['month', 'date', 'year', 'hour', 'minute', 'ampm']
    year Function A function generates year string. year => year
    month Function A function generates month string. month => month + 1
    date Function A function generates date string. date => date
    am String A string for am, probably in different languages. 'AM'
    pm String A string for pm, probably in different languages. 'PM'
    hour Function A function generates hour string. (hour, use24hours) => hour
    minute Function A function generates minute string. minute => minute
    confirmButton String A string for the confirm button label, probably in different languages.
    cancelButton String A string for the cancel button label, probably in different languages.
    dateLabel Function A function accepts current selected date and generates display string. (fullDate, type, use24) => date.toJSON()

    For example, adding a Japanese(ja) locale config would be like below:

    import DatePicker,{addLocaleConfig, padStartWith0, translateHour} from 'react-ultra-date-picker'
    const jaConfig = {
        order: ['year', 'month', 'date', 'ampm', 'hour', 'minute'],
        year: year => `$year年`,
        month: month => `$month+1月`,
        date: date => `$date日`,
        am: '朝',
        pm: '午後',
        hour: translateHour,
        minute: minute => padStartWith0(minute),
        confirmButton: '決定します',
        cancelButton: 'キャンセル',
        dateLabel: (fullDate, type, use24) => {
            const { date, noneSelected, outOfRange } = fullDate
            if (noneSelected) {
                return '日付を選択してください'
            if (outOfRange) {
                return '日付を範囲で選択されていません'
            let ampmStr = ''
            if (!use24) {
                ampmStr = date.getHours() < 12 ? :
            switch (type) {
            case 'time':
                return `$ampmStr$jaConfig.hour(date.getHours(), use24):$jaConfig.minute(date.getMinutes())`  
            case 'month':
                return `$jaConfig.year(date.getFullYear())$jaConfig.month(date.getMonth())`  
            case 'datetime':
                return `$jaConfig.year(date.getFullYear())$jaConfig.month(date.getMonth())$ $ampmStr$jaConfig.hour(date.getHours(), use24):$jaConfig.minute(date.getMinutes())`  
            case 'date':
                return `$jaConfig.year(date.getFullYear())$jaConfig.month(date.getMonth())$`  
                return ''
    addLocaleConfig('ja', jaConfig)
  • padStartWith0(num)

    Pad a number smaller than 10 with a 0 at the start.

  • daysInMonth(year, month)

    Calculates how many days in given year and month. Referenced from StackOverflow. Returns a number.

  • isPm(date)

    Whether a given date is in p.m. or not. Returns a Boolean.

  • translateHour(hour, use24hours)

    Translate an hour number to correct number according to the use24hour parameter with padding zero if needed.


    Get the current selected date, a javascript Date Object will be returned. You can call getFullYear(), getMonth(), getDate(), getHour() or getMinute() depending on your needs. Remember to attach ref to <DatePicker>.

    If given defaultDate is out of range, or user haven't select a date, null will be returned.
  • DatePicker.fullDate

    Get the current selected date and out-of-range, none-selected status. It will return an object like:

        date: Date,
        outOfRange: false,
        noneSelected: true,



  • Add more language configurations and export them to chunks

  • Implementing more features in the web APIs of the INPUT DATE element


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    • swenyang