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React Reasm

I think that convention over configuration.

This is a repo of react and redux burket and I want to simplify redux flow for a react production. I think that a react production is following some rules is beneficial prefer to not. So I try to make a method of "avoid unnecessary troubles" by some rules and conventions.

Warning: The repo is in testing status now. I don't recommend using this in publishing production. But I hope to received suggestion for the repo, thanks.


It likes a introduction more than a library. But I accumulate react burket in the repo.

npm install react-reasm

And the repo is contains these libraries.

react-redux redux redux-observable reselect rxjs


I hope the redux flow is following the rule in every time.

  • define actions
export const SampleActionType = {
export const SampleRequestType = {
export const SamplePayloadType = {

We can classify actions into three parts likes "actions", "requests", "payloads" I think that http requests is most commonly in any project, so I distinguish the http request status of "requests" and "payloads"

This mind, May I not using the common actions, will verify in future. I think that it's unnecessary actions for a well design project.

  • create actions
export const sampleActions = {
  clearTodoList: () => ({
    type: SampleActionType.TODO_LIST_CLEAR,
export const sampleRequests = {
  getTodoList: () => ({
    type: SampleRequestType.TODO_GET_LIST,
  addTodoListItem: (item) => ({
    type: SampleRequestType.TODO_ADD_ITEM,
    params: { item },
export const samplePayloads = {
  setTodoList: (data) => ({
    type: SamplePayloadType.TODO_LIST,
    payload: data,
  setTodoListItem: (data) => ({
    type: SamplePayloadType.TODO_LIST_ITEM,
    payload: data,
  setTodoError: (data) => ({
    type: SamplePayloadType.TODO_ERROR,
    error: data,
  setTodoLoaded: () => ({
    type: SamplePayloadType.TODO_LOADED,
  • configure mapper
export const sampleRequestMapper = {
  [SampleRequestType.TODO_GET_LIST]: {
    target: mockApi.getTodoList,
    payload: samplePayloads.setTodoList,
    failure: samplePayloads.setTodoError,
  [SampleRequestType.TODO_GET_LIST]: {
    target: mockApi.addItem,
    payload: samplePayloads.setTodoListItem,
    failure: samplePayloads.setTodoError,

The mapper can redirect your request action to target.

Attaction the target must be a Promise.

I consider supporting the "async function"

  • update reducer
import { createReducer } from 'react-reasm'
const initialState = {
  todo: {
    list: [],
const reducerMapper = (state, action) => ({
  [SampleActionType.TODO_LIST]: {
    todo: {
      list: initialState.todo.list,
  [SamplePayloadType.TODO_LIST]: {
    todo: {
      list: action.payload,
  [SamplePayloadType.TODO_LIST_ITEM]: {
    todo: {
      list: [
export const sampleReducer = createReducer({

This only transform the reducer structs from "switch" to "mapper".

I like "mapper" perfer "switch" becauce "mapper" only provide defined method to operation.

  • set selector
const sampleSelector = {
  todos: (state) => state.sample.todo,
export const selectSampleTodos = (selector) => ({
  selectors: [sampleSelector.todos],
  combiner: (state) => selector(state),

The default selector likes (state) => state.sample.todo. But I think it's not very well.

You can use the defalut selector for you like.

  • configure store
import { configureStore } from 'react-reasm';
export const store = configureStore({
  reducers: rootReducer,
  mappers: rootMapper,
  middlewares: [ tempMiddleware ],

In the end, you must configure store and set into Provider like redux.

  • connect component
import { Injector } from 'react-reasm';
const injectStateProps = {
  todoList: selectSampleTodos((state) => state.list)
const injectActions = {
  getTodoList: sampleRequest.getTodoList,
  addTodoItem: sampleRequest.addTodoListItem,
const TSample = (props) => {
  const { todoList, getTodoList, addTodoItem } = props
  return (
export const Sample = Injector({
  props: injectStateProps,
  actions: injectActions,

The Injector is combined the connect for react-redux.

If it not work, you can see the sample project todolist.

Request Status

Request status is a common props for a most of project. So I provide a method for manange request status

const initialState = {
  requests: {
    loading: {},
    error: {},
    success: {},
export const sampleReducer = createReducer({
  requestTypes: SampleRequestType, 
  payloadTypes: SamplePayloadType,

When you set requestTypes and payloadTypes in createReducer, You can select the request status by reducer.

import { combineRequests } from 'react-reasm';
const sampleSelector = {
  requests: (state) => state.sample.requests,
export const selectSampleRequests = (selector) => ({
  selectors: [sampleSelector.requests],
  combiner: (state) => selector(combineRequests(state, sampleRequests)),

It likes normal selector but the function combineRequests select request status for you like,

import { Injector } from 'react-reasm';
const injectStateProps = {
  status: selectSampleRequests((state) => state.getTodoList)
  success: selectSampleRequests((state) => state.addTodoItem.success)
const TSample = (props) => {
  const { status, success } = props
  return (

By the design, I think that the most complex module is selectors. I will solve this question in future.

Inject Components

You can append any components in the injected component. But I recommend to inject "modals" and "redirect" etc.

If you want inject modals, I recommend the other repo for inject modals react-debris

const TModal = (props) => {
  const onClose = () => {
  return (
    <div onClick={onClose}>
      Test Content
const Modal = Popup.enhancePopupComponent(TModal)
const injectComponents = {
  testModal: (inject) => { 
    const hooks = Popup.usePopupHooks()
    React.useEffect(() => inject(hooks), [])
    return <Modal hooks={hooks} />
const TSample = (props) => {
  const { testModal } = props
  const onClickHandle = () => {
  return (
export const Sample = Injector({
  ... ,
  components: injectComponents,

You can inject Redirect by react-router-dom also.


const injectComponents = {
  redirectToHome: (inject) => { 
    const [ redirect, setRedirect ] = React.useState(false)
    inject(() => setRedirect(true))
    return redirect && <Redirect to="/" />
const TSample = (props) => {
  const { redirectToHome } = props
  const onClickHandle = () => {
  return (
export const Sample = Injector({
  ... ,
  components: injectComponents,


These examples was built by create-react-app and you can run npm start in the example of todolist

Simple Road Map

  1. Clean up the code. (Because these code only usable now.)
  2. Complate typescript. (The reason is the same as the previous.)
  3. More rules. (I think that convention over configuration.) ...


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