
0.2.1 • Public • Published

React Orderable

DEPRECATED - Recommend instead!

Checklist before 0.2.0 release

  • Improve demo page (add examples of different kinds of uses)
  • Make demo page responsive
  • The example code should be directly usable. There are pieces missing right now.


Try it


  • Horizontal or vertical layout
  • Drag handle
  • Animation
  • Ghost item
  • Item movement is constrained to a single axis (x or y)
  • Touch support


import 'babel-polyfill'; // Orderable requires an ES6 polyfill
import 'react-orderable/react-orderable.css';
import Orderable from 'react-orderable';
import React from 'react';
// ...
  { => {
    return (

Full example

Orderable interface

Property Required Default Description
animated N false Whether to animate item position during a drag
children N The items to order
className N Class name for the Orderable component's div
ghost N false Whether to show a ghost item when an item is being dragged
horizontal N false Whether this is a horizontal or vertical list
itemSize Y Item height for vertical lists, item width for horizontal lists
onChange Y Callback that receives an ordered array of item ids when a drag completes

Items inside an Orderable must have an id property (similar to key) which is used to keep track of item order.

Item interface

These are the props the item component must support.

Property Required Description
className Y Class name for the item's div
dragging N Whether this item is being dragged
ghost N Whether this is a ghost item
onDragStart Y Mouse down or touch start handler for the item's handle (this can be the item itself)
style Y Style for the item's div

Candidates for improvements

  • Variable item size
  • Item size from element bounds
  • If I have variable item size, do I support changing item size during a drag?
  • Margin between items
  • Dragging items between groups
  • Touch cancel


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  • mking-clari