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💉 A "injectable" react-native component that allows an external component to be injected during run-time while fallbacking to a default component


The core of react-native-injectable-component is rather small and simple. It's sole purpose is to simplify the need of passing along an external component to override the default internal component.


This rised mainly from the issue of developing open-source components, where vast users have different preferred components. The result is the typical "duck" problem -- numerous types and variations available, but they are simply ducks 🦆🦆🦆.

Thus, this component is essentially a high-order component with a strategy pattern in mind. Therefore, as long as the injected component (injectant) implements the same core interface, things will render visually identical. On top of that, we can pass along particular props for added flexibility.


Use react-native-injectable-component for building components where there is a strong indication where you suspect the component may be replaced in the future. In addition, where you want to give users greater flexibility without having to touch the core code of your components.


$ npm install react-native-injectable-component --save


  1. Add an import to the top of your file
    import Injector from 'react-native-injectable-component';
  2. Declare a defaultComponent for the Injector, and include a way to dynamic pass along an optional Injectant component and properties. This will allow a component to overload default implementation, and add extra props if needed.
    const myComponent = (props) => {
        const imageProps = {
            source: {
                uri: ""
            resizeMode: "contain"
        render() {
            return (
  3. Now myComponent will render Image by default, but users can now have the ability to use their own third-party Image component if needed.

Component Props

Property Type Description
defaultComponent func - react component A default component to be used unless a injectant is specified
defaultProps object Default properties that are applied in both components
injectant func - react component A component that will override the defaultComponent for rendering. Note: this component should abide by a same core interface.
injectantProps object Props that will assign over defaultProps and be applied to the injectant rendering.


These are example repositories / components that are currently using react-native-injectable-component.


While the core of this module is small, feel free to submit issues or provide suggestions on improving usability.


MIT © Brandon Him

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