
1.0.4 • Public • Published
  1. Installation

  2. IOS setup

  3. Android Setup

  4. How to use this package, what you can pass in each function

1. Installation

Assuming npm and node are both installed (If not please follow the instructions at )

Run: npm install react-native-health-layer --save Run: react-native link react-native-health-layer

2. IOS Setup

Assuming a continuation from the installation step

Run: cd ./ios && pod install

Update ./ios//info.plist in your React Native project with these lines NSHealthShareUsageDescription Read and understand health data. NSHealthUpdateUsageDescription Share workout data with other apps.

Open up the project’s workspace file in xcode and go to the Capabilities section and enable “HealthKit”

IOS stores all the data locally on the device so opening up the permissions will allow for the software to retrieve it.

3. Android Setup

Need the following SDKs to be installed: Android Support Repository Android Support Library Google Play services Google Repository Google Play APK Expansion Library Android Studio Due to Google storing the fitness data online and attached to a user rather than device, OAuth tokens need to be set up.

Full instructions here:

If Mac/Linux run: keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
If windows run: keytool -list -v -keystore "\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

You should see something like this: Alias name: <alias_name> Creation date: Feb 02, 2013 Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry Certificate chain length: 1 Certificate[1]: Owner: CN=Android Debug, O=Android, C=US Issuer: CN=Android Debug, O=Android, C=US Serial number: 4cc9b300 Valid from: Mon Feb 02 08:01:04 UTC 2013 until: Mon Feb 02 18:05:04 PST 2033 Certificate fingerprints: MD5: AE:9F:95:D0:A6:86:89:BC:A8:70:BA:34:FF:6B:AC:F9 SHA1: BB:0D:AC:74:D3:21:E1:43:67:71:9B:62:90:AF:A1:66:6E:44:5D:75 Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA Version: 3

  • Head to Google API console (
  • Select or create a new project
  • Enable Fitness API
  • Click “Go to Credentials”
  • Click “New Credentials” and select “OAuth Client ID” Under “Application Type” select “Android” In the open dialog enter your SHA-1 and package name. Will look like BB:0D:AC:74:D3:21:E1:43:67:71:9B:62:91:AF:A1:66:6E:44:5D:75
  • Click “Create”

Back in the codebase, open up in /android/app/src/main/java/com// and append import com.reactnative.googlefit.GoogleFitPackage; to the top of the file

Add in android/settings.gradle: include ':react-native-google-fit' project(':react-native-google-fit').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-google-fit/android') Add in android/app/build.gradle: compile project(':react-native-google-fit')

Add in android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml:

4. How to use this package

This package contains 7 functions

Isostring looks like: 2011-10-05T14:48:00.000Z

Connect() which takes in no input parameters and will authorize & ask for permissions

getHeartRate() will return a promise which will either contain an error or a json in the format of {“source”: [{ date: 2020-08-10, value: 84} ]} It takes in a Json input of {startDate: isoString, endDate: isoString} to filter the dates

getBloodPressure() will return a promise which will either contain an error or a json in the format of {“source”: [{ bloodPRessureSystolicValue:100, bloodPressureDiastolicValue: 70, startDate: isoString, endDate:isoString} ]} Units returned will be in “mmhg” It takes in a Json input of {startDate: isoString, endDate: isoString} to filter the dates

getStepCount() will return a promise which will either contain an error or a json in the format of {“source”: [{ date:isoString, value:85} ]} It takes in a Json input of {startDate: isoString, endDate: isoString} to filter the dates

getHeight() will return a promise which will either contain an error or a json in the format of {“source”: [{ value: 174 }]} It takes in a Json input of {startDate: isoString, endDate: isoString, unit: (cm or inch)} to filter the dates Default is in “cm”

getWeight() will return a promise which will either contain an error or a json in the format of {“source”: [{ value: 80}] } It takes in a Json input of {startDate: isoString, endDate: isoString, unit: (kg or pound)} to filter the dates Default is in “kg”

getSleepData() will return a promise which will either contain an error or a json in the format of {“source”: [{ value: INBED, startDate: isoString, endDate: isoString}, {value: ASLEEP, startDate: isoString, endDate: isoString}] } It takes in a Json input of {startDate: isoString, endDate: isoString, } to filter the dates

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