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2.2.5 • Public • Published


Draw svg paths with shadows

android: api 21+
ios : 10.0+
web: svg

Getting started

$ npm install react-native-drawableview --save
$ react-native link react-native-drawableview


$ yarn add react-native-drawableview


cd ios

pod install

Add Swift


add a .swift file


import {DrawableView ,DrawableViewS,DrawableViewB, Color} from 'react-native-drawableview';

// (Android) DrawableViewS  -> support shadow (  Layer type Software < api 28 )
// (Android) DrawableViewB  ->Layer type None , support shadow ( Bitmap < api 28 ) 
// (Android) DrawableView  -> Layer type None 

// TODO: What to do with the module?

   var colorRed = Color('red') //Color('rgba(255,0,0,1)'), #FF0000 .....

   <DrawableViewS {...props} shadow={colorRed} />


Name description type default
svgKey (web) required to shadow , stroke start-end. String ""
d The shape, defined by a series of commands String ""
viewBox defines the position and dimension, in user space Array[Number] (4) undefined
align the aligment String xMidYMid
aspect aspect ratio String meet
opacity The opacity attribute specifies the transparency Number 1
fill The fill prop refers to the color inside the shape. Color black
fillRule determines what side of a path is inside a shape String nonzero
fillOpacity the opacity of the color [0 - 1] Number 1
stroke defines the color of a line Color transparent
strokeOpacity the opacity of the line color [0 - 1] Number 1
strokeWidth defines the thickness of a line Number 1
strokeCap line cap string 'butt'
strokeJoin line join string 'miter'
strokeMiter control the behavior of miter Number 4
strokeStart the start Number 0
strokeEnd the end Number 1
dashArray required for stroke (web) Number 0
dashClipValue (web) required for stroke start-end != 0-1. [0 to 1] (rec:0.05) Number 0
shadow set the sahdow color Color 'black'
shadowOpacity set the shadow opacity [0 - 1] Number 0
shadowRadius the radius Number 2
shadowOffset set the offset Number 2
shadowOffsetX set the offset x Number 2
shadowOffsetY set the offset y Number 2
shadowPercentageValue offset * size (mobile) Bool false
shadowRect clip Region (web) Object size * 3


The percentageValue property (mobile) : refers to the fact that the Origin will be multiplied by the size of the view.

Name type default
translateZ Number (zIndex) 0
transX Number 0
transY Number 0
transPercentageValue Bool false
rot Number 0
rotOx Number 0
rotOy Number 0
rotPercentageValue Bool false
sc Number 1
scX Number 1
scY Number 1
scO Number 0
scOx Number 0
scOy Number 0
scPercentageValue Bool false

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npm i react-native-drawableview

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  • icesoul