
1.0.37 • Public • Published

Warning !

I am currently facing issues with this lib on Expo. To everyone who tries this library, do not hesitate to open an issue if you face it too, just to see if I'm the only one who has this problem ! I'm working on it ! Thank you !


DesignSprint is a little component library I made while I was learning React Native.

This library has not been tested on IOS ! I cannot guarantee the result on IOS for the time being !

This react native library offers some components to make mobile coding faster with prebuilt and fully-personnalizable widgets. I'll give you some screenshots to see what are the default components of this lib, but remember that you can always (on every component of this lib) add your own style to customize 'em ! This lib has been coded with only the standard react-native components, no external library has been used !

Here is a list of the widgets:

  • Avatar (utilisateur) : alt text
  • Clickable (bouton) : alt text
  • colors (a full package of colors),
  • DropDown (a button which displays a list on click) : alt text
  • LoginForm (login form) : alt  text
  • Input (a text input) : alt text
  • Layout (an default app layout),
  • Spacer (a horizontal or vertical spacer),
  • Title (a very big text) : alt text

Since v1.0.6, this lib adds little functions to make programming easier :

  • log (e: any) which equals to console.log(e: any) : makes it faster to type,
  • toast (e: string) which equals to a short centered Android toast : it has not been tested on IOS !
  • capitalize (e: string) which returns a string capitalized like in this example : capitalize('hello world') ==> 'Hello world'
  • ftoi (e: number) which returns the entire part of a float : ftoi(4.55) ==> 4


To install DesignSprint, just type in your project folder : For npm :

npm i react-native-design-sprint

For yarn :

yarn add react-native-design-sprint

And then, import the components you want to use in your project, as you could have done for react native components :

import { Component1, Component2 } from 'react-native-design-sprint';

You're done !

How to use

This lib's components are used the same way than react-native's ones :

import { Avatar, Title } from 'react-native-design-sprint';

const App = () => {
  return (
    <Title> My title </Title>
    <Avatar text='My avatar' />

export default App;

Next, you'll see a list of every component's options, to understand how they work, and how you can customize them.

Components' options


Option Mandatory? Type Description Example Default
imageUrl no string loads an image into the Avatar <Avatar imageUrl="" /> 'none'
text no string displays the first letter into the Avatar <Avatar text="Evan" /> 'user'
connected no string changes the color <Avatar connected="connected" /> 'none'
size no number Size of the Avatar (in px) <Avatar size={140} /> 100
style no StyleProp <ViewStyle> style applied to main layout <Avatar style={{ borderRadius: 15 }} /> { }
backgroundColor no string background color <Avatar backgroundColor={} /> 'none'


Option Mandatory? Type Description Example Default
primary no boolean loads a primary prebuilt style (with primaryColor) <Clickable primary /> false
secondary no boolean same as primary <Clickable secondary /> false
disabled no boolean disables the button <Clickable disabled /> false
primaryColor if primary or secondary string set a colorbase for prebuilt style <Clickable primaryColor='#000' colors.red700
onPress no (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void onPress function <Clickable onPress={() => function()} /> console.log('You clicked here !')
textStyle no StyleProp <TextStyle> applies a style for the button's text <Clickable textStyle={{ color: '#fff' }} /> { }
style no StyleProp <ViewStyle> applies a style for the button same as textStyle { }
text no string button text <Clickable text='Click here !' /> 'Click here'
shadow no string displays a cheated bordered shadow <Clickable shadow='left-top' /> 'none'
shadowColor no string shadow's color <Clickable shadowColor='#000' /> colors.grey60
imageUrl no string url of an image <Clickable imageUrl='' /> ''
imageHeight if imageUrl number image height <Clickable imageHeight={40} /> 40
imageWidth if imageUrl number image width same as imageHeight 40
imageStyle if imageUrl StyleProp <ImageStyle> image style <Clickable imageStyle={{ borderRadius: 15 }} /> { }
children no any any component you want to render <Clickable> <Text>Button</Text> </Clickable> { }
transparentBackground no boolean removes backgroundColor <Clickable transparentBackground /> false

If you want to render icons in front of text, you should use the children prop !


Its a file where many colors are defined. It is used this way : colors.COLORNAME. For example : colors.red900. Refer to src/colors.tsx to see the list !


Option Mandatory? Type Description Example Default
style no StyleProp <ViewStyle> your own style { backgroundColor: '#fff' } { }
size no number size when opened (0 if fullscreen) 500 400
initialSize no number size when closed 10 20
jumpToMax no boolean goes to max/min size on scroll true true
topBarDisabled no boolean if true, sliding top bar will be disabled true false
children no React.ReactChild or React.ReactChild[] components rendered in the panel <SlidingPanel> <Text>Hello</Text> </SlidingPanel> <></>
isOpened no boolean tells if panel is opened at render true true
animationType no 'timing' or 'spring' or 'none' (string) animation type on scroll 'spring' 'timing'
animationDuration no number if animationType == 'timing', sets animation duration 500 500
disabledRadiusOnFull no boolean if size == 0, when opened, disable borderRadius true true

SlidingPanel has no function like or _panelRef.close() at the moement. But it is under developpement !


Option Mandatory? Type Description Example Default
list yes any list to be displayed when button clicked <DropDown list={myList} /> { }
title no string text on the clickable <DropDown title='Click here' /> 'Dropdown'
renderItem yes (item: any) => void same as FlatList's renderItem <DropDown renderItem={(item) => function(item)} /> console.log('Lol you forgot the renderItem function')
onOpen no ( ) => void function called when dropdown is opened <DropDown onOpen={() => console.log('dropdown is open !')} /> undefined
onClose no ( ) => void function called when dropdown is closed same as onOpen undefined
style no StyleProp <ViewStyle> general style <DropDown style={{ backgroundColor: '#212121' }} /> { }
listStyle no same as style style to be applied generally on the list (not on each item !) same as style { }
buttonStyle no same as style style applied on the clickable same as style { }
titleStyle no same as style style applied on the title (clickable's text) same as style { }
buttonType no string primary/secondary/disabled ... see Clickable options <DropDown buttonType='primary' /> 'none'

If you want to pass style for each item of the list, do it through your renderItem function !


Option Mandatory? Type Description Default Example
title no string title text '' <LoginForm title='Login' />
titleStyle no StyleProp <TextStyle> style on title { } <LoginForm titleStyle={{ color: '#000' }} />
buttonColor no string color of the button <LoginForm buttonColor={colors.red400} />
buttonType no string primary/secondary/disabled (linked to clickable) 'primary' <LoginForm buttonType='secondary' />
buttonStyle no StyleProp <ViewStyle> style on button { } <LoginForm buttonStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#fff8' }} />
buttonSticky no string left/center.. make the button float to a side 'none' <LoginForm buttonSticky='right' />
buttonShadow no string none/right-top... displays a cheated shadow using borders 'none' <LoginForm buttonShadow='bottom-right-top' />
buttonShadowColor no string color of the shadow colors.grey60 <LoginForm buttonShadowColor={colors.dark} />
style no StyleProp <ViewStyle> main style { } <LoginForm style={{ backgroundColor: '#fff8' }} />
onSubmit no (object: any) => void function called on submit console.log('Form callback missing. Please add one.') <LoginForm onSubmit={() => console.log('You\'re logged in !')}/>
shadow no string left-bottom.. say where the shadow is 'none' <LoginForm shadow='left-bottom' />
shadowColor no string color of the shadow colors.grey60 <LoginForm shadowColor={colors.dark}/>
borderRadius no number border radius for the layout 15 <LoginForm borderRadius={20} />
placeholderTop no string text displayed in top placeholder 'Email' <LoginForm placeholderTop='type your email here' />
placeholderTopStyle no StyleProp <TextStyle> top placeholder style { } <LoginForm placeholderTopStyle={{ color: colors.white }} />
placeholderBottom no string bottom placeholder style 'Password' same as placeholderTop
placeholderBottomStyle no same as placeholderTopStyle { } same as placeholderTopStyle
children no any any component to be rendered inside (<> </>) <LoginForm> <Text> Hello World ! </Text> </LoginForm>


Option Mandatory? Type Description Default Example
type no string email ? Password ? 'text' <Input type='text' />
placeholder no string placeholder 'Input text right here ' `<Input
placeholderColor no string placeholder color colors.grey200 <Input placeholderColor={colors.transp400}/>
style no StyleProp <ViewStyle> style applied on main layout { } <Input style={{ backgroundcolor: colors.red500 }} />
textStyle no StyleProp <TextStyle> style applied to the text { } same as style
onFinished no (e: string) => void function called when submitted console.log('You typed something !') <Input onFinished={(e) => console.log(e)} />
onCharTyped no (e: string) => void function called when a text is changed { } <Input onCharTyped={(e) => console.log(e)} />
required no boolean tells wether this field is required or not false <Input required />
value no string text that is typed in the entry by default '' <Input value='Hi !'/>
placeholderColor no string placeholder's color colors.grey200 <Input placeholderColor={colors.wtransp500} />
noRegex no boolean for email only: disables regex false <Input noRegex />
disabled no boolean disables the entry false <Input disabled />
onFocus no ( ) => void function when focus gained ( ) => { } <Input onFocus={() => log('I\'m focused !')}


Option Mandatory? Type Description Default Example
dark no boolean enables dark background false <Layout dark />
title no string displays a title '' <Layout title='Welcome !' />
titleStyle no StyleProp <TextStyle> style applied on title { } <Layout titleStyle={{ color: colors.grey700 }} />
titleColor no string title color <Layout titleColor={colors.grey700} />
titleSize no number size (px) for font title 50 <Layout titleSize={42}/>
style no StyleProp <ViewStyle> style applied on main layout { } <Layout style={{ backgroundColor: '#0008' }} />
scrollable no boolean makes the layout scrollable false <Layout scrollable />
backgroundColor no string set a custom background color depending on dark option <Layout backgroundColor={colors.fadeRedDark} />


Option Mandatory? Type Description Default Example
vertical if not horizontal boolean makes spacer vertical false <Sapcer vertical />
horizontal if not vertical boolean makes spacer horizontal false <Spacer horizontal />
size yes number size of the spacer (px) 20 <Sapcer size={15} />


Option Mandatory? Type Description Default Example
style no StyleProp <TextStyle> style applied on the text { } <Title style={{ color: colors.white }} />
oofsize no boolean biggest size false <Title oofsize />
big no boolean big size false <Title big />
medium no boolean medium size false <Title medium />
small no boolean small size false <Title small />
extraSmall no boolean extra small size false <Title extraSmall />
bold no boolean bold text false <Title bold />
font no string adds custom font undefined <Title font='Comic Sans' />
size no number set the text size (px) 20 <Title size={24} />
color no string set the text color <Title color={colors.grey200} />
right no boolean makes the title float right false <Title right />
center no boolean centers the title false <Title center />


Feel free to contribute if you know how to make this lib better !


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  • evankoe