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1.1.0 • Public • Published


A React Native SDK for ConvertedIn, providing easy integration of ConvertedIn's tracking and analytics features into your React Native application.

License: MIT npm version Downloads

📹 Demo

iOS Android
iOS Demo Android Demo

🛠️ Requirements

  • iOS 13.0 or higher
  • Android 5.0 (API level 21) or higher

📦 Installation

Install the package using npm:

npm install react-native-converted-in-sdk

Or with yarn:

yarn add react-native-converted-in-sdk

Follow these steps to complete the installation:


  • Add ConvertedinMobileSDK to your Podfile:

    pod 'react-native-converted-in-sdk', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-converted-in-sdk'
  • Run pod install inside the ios directory.


  • Add the following line to the android/settings.gradle file:

    include ':react-native-converted-in-sdk'
    project(':react-native-converted-in-sdk').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-converted-in-sdk/android')
  • Add the following line to the android/app/build.gradle file:

    implementation project(':react-native-converted-in-sdk')
  • Sync your project with Gradle files by running:

    ./gradlew sync

🚀 Usage

Manual Module Usage

  1. Import the module and initialize it in the root of your app:

    import { initializeSDK } from 'react-native-converted-in-sdk';
      pixelId: 'your_pixel_id',
      storeUrl: 'your_store_url',
  2. Use the SDK methods in your components:

    import { identifyUser } from 'react-native-converted-in-sdk';
    const Component = () => {
      React.useEffect(() => {
        // Example usage of SDK functions
        identifyUser("", "+91", "9876543210");
      }, []);
      // Your component logic here

Usage with Hook

  1. Wrap your app with RNConvertInSDKProvider:

    export default function App() {
      return (
          <AppContent />
  2. Use the useConvertedInSdk hook in your components:

    import { useConvertedInSdk } from 'react-native-converted-in-sdk';
    const Component = () => {
      const { identifyUser } = useConvertedInSdk();
      React.useEffect(() => {
        // Example usage of SDK functions
        identifyUser("", "+91", "9876543210");
      }, []);
      // Your component logic here

📚 API Reference


Prop Type Required Description
pixelId string Yes Your ConvertedIn pixel ID
storeUrl string Yes Your store URL


Returns an object with the following methods:

Method Parameters Return Type Description
isInitialized None boolean Returns whether the SDK has been initialized.
initializeSDK config: { pixelId: string, storeUrl: string } Promise<void> Initializes the SDK with the provided configuration. Call this as early as possible in your app's lifecycle.
identifyUser email: string, countryCode: string, phoneNumber: string void Identifies a user with their email, country code, and phone number. This helps in tracking user-specific events and improving personalization.
addEvent eventName: string, currency: string, total: number, products: Product[] void Adds a custom event with the specified name, currency, total, and products. This allows tracking specific actions or milestones in your app.
viewContentEvent currency: string, total: number, products: Product[] void Tracks a view content event when a user views a product or content page. Includes details like currency, total value, and viewed products.
addToCartEvent currency: string, total: number, products: Product[] void Tracks an add-to-cart event when a user adds items to their shopping cart. Includes details about the added products, total value, and currency.
initiateCheckoutEvent currency: string, total: number, products: Product[] void Tracks the initiation of the checkout process. This event should be called when a user starts the purchasing process.
purchaseEvent currency: string, total: number, products: Product[] void Tracks a completed purchase event. This should be called when a user successfully completes a transaction, including details of purchased products.
registerEvent None void Tracks a user registration event. This should be called when a new user creates an account in your app.

Product Interface

Property Type Description
id number The unique identifier of the product.
quantity number The quantity of the product.
name string The name of the product.

🧪 Sample App

Check the example folder for a complete implementation example.

[!NOTE] If you encounter an error while installing pods in example/ios, please refer to this solution:

🛠️ Development

To develop the SDK locally:

  1. Clone the repository.

  2. Ensure you have the following environment set up:

    • Node.js version 18 or higher.
    • Yarn version 3 or higher (project version: 3.6.1).
    • Java 17 or higher.
    • For iOS development: Xcode 12.0 or higher. iOS deployment target 13.0 or higher.
    • For Android development: Android Studio 4.0 or higher.
  3. Install dependencies:

    yarn install
  4. Run the example app:

    • iOS:

      cd example/ios && pod install && cd ../..
      yarn example ios
    • Android:

      yarn example android

🧪 Testing

Run tests with:

yarn test

🚨 Error Handling

If any SDK method is called before initialization, an error will be thrown with the message:

SDK must be initialized before calling this method.

Make sure to initialize the SDK using the initializeSDK method before invoking any other SDK methods.

🤝 Contributing

See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.

📚 Official Documentation

For detailed information and advanced usage, refer to the official ConvertedIn SDK documentation:

📜 License


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npm i react-native-converted-in-sdk

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  • minhomega