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1.2.2 • Public • Published


React native bottom sheet picker is a picker component that uses the bottom sheet to show the list item instead of using the dropdown. This picker allows the user to play the audio of the placeholder and list items of the picker.


iOS & Android


npm install react-native-bottom-sheet-picker

Installing dependencies

npm install @gorhom/bottom-sheet@^4 react-native-gesture-handler react-native-reanimated react-native-vector-icons react-native-sound react-native-text-highlighter


import {BottomSheetPicker} from 'react-native-bottom-sheet-picker';

// ...
const [playingUuid, setPlayingUuid] = React.useState(null);
let selectedLocation = null;
const locations = [
  {label: 'Siem Reap', value: 1, audio: 'audio1.mp3'},
  {label: 'Phnom Penh', value: 2, audio: 'audio2.mp3'},
  {label: 'Battambang', value: 3, audio: 'audio3.mp3'}

  title="Your location"
  placeholder="Select your location"
  bottomSheetTitle="Select you location"
  onSelectItem={(item) => selectedLocation = item}
  onBottomSheetShow={() => {}}
  onDismiss={() => {}}
  updatePlayingUuid={(uuid) => setPlayingUuid(uuid)}

Extra step

Add GestureHandlerRootView and BottomSheetModalProvider on the App.js

import {BottomSheetPicker} from 'react-native-bottom-sheet-picker';
import {GestureHandlerRootView} from 'react-native-gesture-handler';

<GestureHandlerRootView style={{flex: 1}}>



Prop Default Type Description
title '' string Title on top of the picker box
placeholder '' string Placeholder inside the picker box
bottomSheetTitle '' string Title on the bottom sheet
required false boolean If true, show the * sign on the title
requiredColor '#d50000' string The color of the * sign
primaryColor 'black' string Color for the pressable component
secondaryColor '#b5b5b5' string Color of the audio button while the audio is playing
items [] Array Array of item for selections.(Ex: [{label: 'example', value: 1}])
selectedItem null The selected value
snapPoints ['60%'] Array The height of the bottom sheet
pickerContentHeight 425 number The height of the content inside the bottom sheet
pickerUuid '' string The uuid of the picker (for play audio purpose)
placeholderAudio null audio The audio of the placeholder (support .mp3). If null, it will not show play audio botton on the picker box
playingUuid '' string The uuid of the playing auido component (to prevent playing audio overlap each other)
hideListItemAudio false boolean Hide or show the play audio button on the list item
showCheckIcon false boolean Hide or show the check icon on the selected item
checkIconSize 24 number Size of the check icon
isOutlined false boolean If set to true, the picker will render in outlined style
pickerFontSize 16 number Font size of the label inside the picker box
indicatorLabel '' string The label on the right side of the picker box
disabled false boolean The status to disable the picker
disabledColor '#cdccc' string The color of the picker when disabled
titleFontFamily '' string The font family of the title in the bottom sheet
itemFontFamily '' string The font family of the item in the bottom sheet
selectedFieldName null string The custom field name used to get the selected value of the item (default field name is value)
showRadioStyle false boolean If true, show the radio button style (circle & round icon) on the right side of each list
showLeftCheckIcon false boolean If true with showRadioStyle and showCheckIcon are false, show the radio button style (circle & check icon) on the left side of each list
leftCheckIconColor '#ffffff' string The color of the check icon on the left side of the list item
showSubtitle false boolean If true show the subtitle in the list item (make sure you have subtitle atribute in the items)
isSearchable false boolean If true show a search box above the list item
searchPlaceholder '' string The placeholder of the search text input
searchIconColor '' string Color of the search icon in the search input box
clearSearchIconColor '' string Color of the clear text icon in the search box

Custom styles

Prop Default Type Description
titleStyle {...} style Style of the picker title
containerStyle {...} style Style of the picker wrapper
pickerStyle {...} style Style of the picker box container
pickerBoxStyle {...} style Style of the picker box
placeholderStyle {...} style Style of the placeholder label in the picker box
bottomSheetTitleStyle {...} style Style of the bottom sheet title
listItemStyle {...} style Style of the list item on bottom sheet
itemTextStyle {...} style Style of the label of the list item on bottom sheet
outlinedTitleContainerStyle {...} style Style of the outlined label container
indicatorLabelStyle {...} style Style of the label on the right side of the picker box
requiredTitleStyle {...} style Style of the required sign "*" on the title
subtitleStyle {...} style Style of the subtitle in the list item
searchInputStyle {...} style Style of the search text input (if isSearchable is setted to true)
searchInputContainerStyle {...} style Style of the container of the search text input

Custom components

Prop Default Type Description
customPicker {...} comp Custom component of the picker box
customBottomSheetTitle {...} comp Custom component of the bottom sheet title
customIcon {...} comp Custom component of the icon on the picker box
customListItem {...} comp Custom component of the list item on the bottom sheet
customPickerContent {...} comp Custom content inside the bottom sheet (whole content)


Prop Default Type Description
onSelectItem {...} event On selecting an item
onBottomSheetShow {...} event On the bottom sheet show
onDismiss {...} event On the bottom sheet close
updatePlayingUuid {...} event Mark the component uuid as playingUuid when playing the audio


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.

Made with create-react-native-library


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  • kimsanlim