npm install react-mixing
Quick started
git clone
cd react-mixing
cd examples
yarn i
yarn start
- open browser and visit localhost:3000
- Now you can go to our demo, and try its usage.
Documentation and Examples
More info about the project can be found here.
Examples and tutorials can be found here.
What does it look like?
import React from 'react'
import {synthed, useMixing} from 'react-mixing'
export function App () {
const from = React.useRef()
const [mix, set] = useMixing({from, high: .6, middle: .3, low: 0}, [])
return (
<input onChange={e => set({fader: e.value})}/>
<audio ref={from} src="..."/>
<synthed.Filter to={mix} />
const [toggle, set] = useState(1)
const handle = () => set(p => Number(!p))
render (
<Mixing immediate={toggle}>
{value =>
<a.button onClick={handle}>
import {synthed, useMixing} from 'react-mixing'
const [mix, set] = useMixing({high: .6, middle: .3, low: 0}, [])
render (
<synthed.Oscillator to={mix}>
<input onChange={e => set({fader: e.value})}/>
import {synthed, useMixings} from 'react-mixing'
const [mixs, set] = useMixings(2, i => ({high: i*.6, mid: i*.3, low: i}))
render ({ =>
<synthed.Oscillator from={mix}>
import s from 'react-mixing'
const [toggle, set] = useState(false)
render (
<button onClick={() => set(p => !p)}>
{toggle? 'Stop': 'Start'}
<s.Oscillator immediate>
<s.Filter row={0} mid={.5}/>
<s.Gain value={toggle} destination>
with React Spring
render (
{value =>
MixingContext && useMixingContext
function Element (props) {
const [{value}] = useMixingContext()
return (
render (
{[...Array(100).keys()].map(key =>
<Element key={key}/>
Mixing from Web Speech API
const Input = synthed.Speech`HELLO WORLD`
render (
<Input lang='ja'>
{({value}) =>
const Noise = synthed(props => ({process (inputs, outputs, parameters) {
const output = outputs[0];
for (let channel = 0; channel < output.length; ++channel) {
const outputChannel = output[channel];
for (let i = 0; i < outputChannel.length; ++i)
outputChannel[i] = 2 * (Math.random() - 0.5)
return true;
render (
<Noise destination/>