
0.9.2 • Public • Published


React components for displaying and working with Here Map. It simplifies the use of the Here Map JavaScript API through incorporating them into React as components, which can be imported and easily rendered with easy configuration and modifications.


npm i --save @limistah/react-here-map

General Usage

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import HMap, { HMapPolyLine } from "@limistah/react-here-map";
const points = [
  { lat: 52.5309825, lng: 13.3845921 },
  { lat: 52.5311923, lng: 13.3853495 },
  { lat: 52.5313532, lng: 13.3861756 },
  { lat: 52.5315142, lng: 13.3872163 },
  { lat: 52.5316215, lng: 13.3885574 },
  { lat: 52.5320399, lng: 13.3925807 },
  { lat: 52.5321472, lng: 13.3935785 }
      height: "400px",
      width: "800px"
    <HMapPolyLine points={points} />


  1. HMap - Default export from this module, should be used as a parent for other components
  2. HMapPolyLine - Draws a polyline on the map
  3. HMapPolygon - Draws a polygon on the map
  4. HMapMarker - Puts a marker on the map
  5. HMapCircle - Draws a circle on the map
  6. HMapRectangle - Draws a rectangle on the map
  7. HMapGeoCode - Turns a physical address to a point on the map
  8. HMapRoute - Defines a route to locate two points
  9. HMapLayer - Adds additional informational layer on the map

Usage in details


Displays a Map for the types passed as props or default

Map types

  normal: ["map", "traffic", "panorama", "transit", "base", "xbase", "labels"],
  satellite: ["xbase", "base", "map", "traffic", "panorama", "labels"],
  terrain: ["xbase", "base", "map", "traffic", "panorama", "labels"],
  incidents: true

All direct children of HMap component receives:

  • map A reference to the map object used to create the visual map. Docs
  • platform A reference to H.service.platform Docs
  • ui A reference to the ui object that does inclusion of ui elements. Docs
  • __options A reference to the options merged with writable defaults used in bootsrapping the map and its items

In any case you wish to render a supported component of this library outside the context of the map, make sure to render in a place where the above props can be passed explicitly to avoid nasty, unfriendly errors.

In some cases as we will soon see, there is an option for passing a custom component with more enhancements (defined by the programmer), these props are received as first class directly from the containing parent and not from HMap, but still holds same object's reference


  • version PropTypes.string - One of the supported version. Defaults to 'v3/3.0'
  • appId PropTypes.string.isRequired - Application ID from account dashboard
  • appCode PropTypes.string.isRequired - Application Code from account dashboard
  • mapType PropTypes.string - One of the above types accessed as a dot prop. Default ''
  • interactive PropTypes.bool - Makes the map react to events. Needed for event handling
  • includeUI PropTypes.bool - Determines
  • mapEvents PropTypes.object - officially supported events
  • mapOptions PropTypes.object - officially supported options
    height: "400px",
    width: "800px"
  mapOptions={{ center: { lat: 52.5321472, lng: 13.3935785 } }}


Draws a polyline on the map


  • points: PropTypes.array.isRequired - Array of objects containing lat and lng
  • options: PropTypes.object - Officially supported options
  • setViewBounds: PropTypes.bool - Makes the line centered in the container. Default true


import HMap, { HMapPolyLine } from "@limistah/react-here-map";
const points = [
  { lat: 52.5309825, lng: 13.3845921 },
  { lat: 52.5311923, lng: 13.3853495 },
  { lat: 52.5313532, lng: 13.3861756 },
  { lat: 52.5315142, lng: 13.3872163 },
  { lat: 52.5316215, lng: 13.3885574 },
  { lat: 52.5320399, lng: 13.3925807 },
  { lat: 52.5321472, lng: 13.3935785 }
    height: "400px",
    width: "800px"
  mapOptions={{ center: { lat: 52.5321472, lng: 13.3935785 } }}
  <HMapPolyLine points={points} />


Draws a polygon on the map


  • points: PropTypes.array.isRequired - Array containing points or an array of lat,lng string separated by comma.
  • options: PropTypes.object - options for the polygon. Docs


import HMap, { HMapPolygon } from "@limistah/react-here-map";
const points = [52, 13, 100, 48, 2, 100, 48, 16, 100, 52, 13, 100];
// const points = ['52,13']
const polygonOptions = {
  style: {
    fillColor: "#FFFFCC",
    strokeColor: "#829",
    lineWidth: 8
    height: "400px",
    width: "800px"
  mapOptions={{ center: { lat: 52.5321472, lng: 13.3935785 } }}


Puts a marker on the map


  • coords: PropTypes.object.isRequired Object with lat and lng for the marker
  • icon: PropTypes.any.isRequired Icon for the marker
  • options PropTypes.object Officially documented Options
  • type: PropTypes.string One of undefined | DOM. Default undefined
  • setViewBounds: PropTypes.bool Centers the map with the marker. Default true


import HMap, { HMapMarker } from "@limistah/react-here-map";
const coords = [{ lat: 52.5309825, lng: 13.3845921 }];
const icon =
  '<svg width="24" height="24" ' +
  'xmlns="">' +
  '<rect stroke="white" fill="#1b468d" x="1" y="1" width="22" ' +
  'height="22" /><text x="12" y="18" font-size="12pt" ' +
  'font-family="Arial" font-weight="bold" text-anchor="middle" ' +
    height: "400px",
    width: "800px"
  mapOptions={{ center: { lat: 52.5321472, lng: 13.3935785 } }}
  <HMapMarker coords={coords} icon={icon} />


Puts a circle on the map


  • coords: PropTypes.object.isRequired - Object with lat and lng for the circle center point on the map
  • options: PropTypes.object - Options for the circle. Docs
  • radius: PropTypes.number - How large should one edge of the circle to the center point
  • setViewBounds: PropTypes.bool - Centers the map with the circle. Default true


import HMap, { HMapCircle } from "@limistah/react-here-map";
const coords = [{ lat: 52.5309825, lng: 13.3845921 }];
const circleOptions = {
  style: {
    strokeColor: "rgba(55, 85, 170, 0.6)", // Color of the perimeter
    lineWidth: 2,
    fillColor: "rgba(0, 128, 0, 0.7)" // Color of the circle
    height: "400px",
    width: "800px"
  mapOptions={{ center: { lat: 52.5321472, lng: 13.3935785 } }}
  <HMapCircle coords={cords} radius={10000} options={circleOptions} />


Puts a rectangle on the map


  • points: PropTypes.array.isRequired - Four element array of point defining the boundaries of the rectangle
  • options: PropTypes.object - Options for the rectangle. Docs
  • setViewBounds: PropTypes.bool - Centers the map with the circle. Default true


import HMap, { HMapRectangle } from "@limistah/react-here-map";
const points = [53.1, 13.1, 43.1, 40.1];
const rectangleOptions = {
  style: {
    fillColor: "#FFFFCC",
    strokeColor: "#E8FA75",
    lineWidth: 8
    height: "400px",
    width: "800px"
  mapOptions={{ center: { lat: 52.5321472, lng: 13.3935785 } }}
  <HMapRectangle points={points} options={rectangleOptions} />


This uses React Hooks. Ensure that your react installation supports Hooks API


  • geoCodeParams: PropTypes.object - Depends on the type being used. Default params to be used when reverse and landmark are falsy, reverse params to be used when reverse is set to true, landmark params to be used when landmark is set to true
  • children: PropTypes.element.isRequired - React Element that receives map, platform, lat, lng as props
  • reverse: PropTypes.bool - Should implement reverse geo coding
  • landmark: PropTypes.bool - Should implement landmark geo coding


Address to positions

Converts an address to a position on the map

import HMap, { HMapGeoCode, HMapMarker } from "@limistah/react-here-map";
const geoCodeParams = {
  searchText: "200 S Mathilda Ave, Sunnyvale, CA"
// Can render any map element, make sure to pass map and platform as props to the children to avoid unwarranted behavior
const GeoMarker = ({ map, platform, ui, lat, lng }) => (
    coords={{ lat, lng }}
// Child of HMapGeoCode receives same params as above.
    height: "400px",
    width: "800px"
  mapOptions={{ center: { lat: 52.5321472, lng: 13.3935785 } }}
  <HMapGeoCode geoCodeParams={geoCodeParams}>
    <GeoMarker />
Position to address(es)

Converts an position to address(es) on the map

import HMap from "@limistah/react-here-map";
// Create the parameters for the reverse geocoding request:
const reverseGeoCodingParameters = {
  prox: "52.5309,13.3847,150",
  mode: "retrieveAddresses",
  maxresults: 1
// Can render any map element, make sure to pass map and platform as props to the children to avoid unwarranted behavior
const ReverseGeoMarker = ({ map, platform, ui, lat, lng, location, key }) => {
    new H.ui.InfoBubble(
      { lat, lng },
      { content: location.Location.Address.Label }
  return null;
// Child of HMapGeoCode receives same params as above.
    height: "400px",
    width: "800px"
  mapOptions={{ center: { lat: 52.5321472, lng: 13.3935785 } }}
  <HMapGeoCode geoCodeParams={reverseGeoCodingParameters} reverse={true}>
    <ReverseGeoMarker />
Landmark Point

Locate landmark positions on the map

import HMap from "@limistah/react-here-map";
const LandmarkGeoMarker = ({
}) => {
  ui.addBubble(new H.ui.InfoBubble({ lat, lng }, { content: _location.Name }));
  return null;
// Create the parameters for the landmark search request:
const landmarkSearchParameters = {
  searchText: "TXL"
// Child of HMapGeoCode receives same params as above.
    height: "400px",
    width: "800px"
  mapOptions={{ center: { lat: 52.5321472, lng: 13.3935785 } }}
  <HMapGeoCode geoCodeParams={landmarkSearchParameters} landmark={true}>
    <ReverseGeoMarker />


This uses React Hooks. Ensure that your react installation supports Hooks API

Displaying route on the Map Using normal line

Shows path to between two points based on params


  • routeParams: PropTypes.object - Officially documented route params
  • lineOptions: PropTypes.object - Officially supported poly line options
  • icon: PropTypes.any - Icon to be used for the marker
  • markerOptions: PropTypes.object - Officially supported marker Options
  • children: PropTypes.element - React element that receives map, platform, ui, route, key, routeShape as props
  • renderDefaultLine: PropTypes.bool - Should use default renderer instead of a custom renderer as children
  • isoLine: PropTypes.bool - Use IsoLine instead of a Polyline


import HMap, {
} from "@limistah/react-here-map";
// Create the parameters for the routing request:
var routeParams = {
  // The routing mode:
  mode: "fastest;car",
  // The start point of the route:
  waypoint0: "geo!50.1120423728813,8.68340740740811",
  // The end point of the route:
  waypoint1: "geo!52.5309916298853,13.3846220493377",
  // To retrieve the shape of the route we choose the route
  // representation mode 'display'
  representation: "display"
const routeLineOptions = {
  style: { strokeColor: "blue", lineWidth: 10 },
  arrows: { fillColor: "white", frequency: 2, width: 0.8, length: 0.7 }
// Handles manipulation of the path between the two points
const RouteMarker = ({ map, platform, ui, route, key, routeShape }) => {
  // Retrieve the mapped positions of the requested waypoints:
  const startPoint = route.waypoint[0].mappedPosition;
  const endPoint = route.waypoint[1].mappedPosition;
  // Create a marker for the start point:
  const startMarker = { lat: startPoint.latitude, lng: startPoint.longitude };
  // Create a marker for the end point:
  const endMarker = { lat: endPoint.latitude, lng: endPoint.longitude };
  return (
      <HMapPolyLine points={routeShape} map={map} setViewBounds={true} />
// 1. Using a custom renderer
  <RouteMarker />
// Using default renderer, no children/child is required

Displaying route on the Map Using iso line

import HMap, { HMapPolygon, HMapRoute } from "@limistah/react-here-map";
// Create the parameters for the reverse geocoding request:
const isoRoutingParams = {
  mode: "fastest;car;",
  start: "geo!52.5,13.4",
  range: "900",
  rangetype: "time"
const RouteMarkerIso = ({
}) => {
  return (
// Using default display
    height: "400px",
    width: "800px"
  mapOptions={{ center: { lat: 52.5321472, lng: 13.3935785 } }}
// Using a custom display
    height: "400px",
    width: "800px"
  mapOptions={{ center: { lat: 52.5321472, lng: 13.3935785 } }}
    <RouteMarkerIso />


Adds a layer to the map.

Individual layer holds different information


mapLayerType: PropTypes.string.isRequired In a dot prop form e.g mapLayerType="incidents", mapLayerType="normal.traffic"

  normal: [
  satellite: ["xbase", "base", "map", "traffic", "panorama", "labels"],
  terrain: ["xbase", "base", "map", "traffic", "panorama", "labels"],
  incidents: true


import HMap, { HMapLayer } from "@limistah/react-here-map";
    height: "400px",
    width: "800px"
  mapOptions={{ center: { lat: 52.5321472, lng: 13.3935785 } }}
  <HMapLayer mapLayerType="normal.trafficnight" />

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