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3.0.0 • Public • Published

React Framage

React Framage Logo

Display portions of an image, flipbook animate between them and apply nineslice scaling!



  • Responsive
  • 9-slice scaling
  • Custom frame orders for animations
  • Looping animations
  • Removal of Framage when its animation ends
  • Animation event handlers (onStart, onEnd, onChange)
  • No dependencies


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This library functions on all major browsers such as Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Opera.



import Framage from "react-framage";

export function Demo({ src }) {
  return (
      alt="Demo Image"
      view={{ width: 15, height: 15 }}
        frames: [0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1], // Create an alternate/wave pattern
        fps: 24,
        step: 15,
        orientation: "horizontal", // Step horizontally across source image
        loop: true,
        onChange: (frame) => console.log(`Frame ${frame} has arrived!`),

Nineslice Scaling


import Framage from "react-framage";

export function Demo({ src }) {
  return (
      alt="Demo Image"
      view={{ width: 15, height: 15 }}
        top: 8,
        right: 16,
        bottom: 8,
        left: 8,

The displayed width of the outer slices can be controlled through the --nineslice and --nineslice-* CSS properties.


react-framage {
  --nineslice: 30px;
  --nineslice-right: 60px;


The <Framage> component supports all <img> props (e.g. src, alt, srcset) as well as:

  • view: FramageView

    Visible portion of source image.

  • animation?: FramageAnimation

    Framage animation configuration - if undefined, no animation is applied.

  • nineslice?: FramageNineslice

    Enable 9-slice scaling for this Framage. Configures the width of the outer area with limited scaling.


An object defining the visible portion of the source image.

  • height: number

    Height of portion in pixels, relative to source.

  • width: number

    Width of portion in pixels, relative to source.

  • top?: number

    Offset of portion from the top in pixels, relative to source.

  • left?: number

    Offset of portion from the left in pixels, relative to source.


An object containing animation settings.

  • frames: number | number[]

    Animation's frame configuration.

    • Set to an array of numbers to configure timeline of steps. Each item represents the amount of steps taken across the source image.
    • Set to a number to move one step at a time for the specified amount of frames.
  • initial?: number

    Frame index to start animation at.

  • step: number

    Number of pixels until next frame, relative to source image (usually same as view width/height).

  • orientation: "horizontal" | "vertical"

    Direction the view portion moves in for each step.

  • fps: number

    Amount of frames to cycle through per second (frames per second).

  • loop?: boolean

    Whether animation should repeat.

  • destroy?: boolean

    Whether component should remove itself when animation ends.

  • key?: any

    Restarts animation when value is updated.

  • onStart?: () => void

    Function to run on the first frame.

  • onEnd?: () => void

    Function to run at the end of the last frame.

  • onChange?: (frame: number) => void

    Function to run every frame change.


A number or object containing settings for 9-slice scaling. These values define how wide the outer slices are. A single number value will apply the same width to all sides.

  • top?: number

    Height of the top row in pixels, relative to the source image.

  • right?: number

    Width of the right column in pixels, relative to the source image.

  • bottom?: number

    Height of the bottom row in pixels, relative to the source image.

  • left?: number

    Width of the left row in pixels, relative to the source image.


react-framage {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  image-rendering: pixelated;
react-framage img {
  /* Avoid applying styles to the <img> child element as conflicts may emerge. */

Default Styling

To appear properly, this library adds some default styling to the custom <react-framage> and <react-framage-slice> elements. This is applied automatically and shouldn't be included within your own stylesheets.

Below is the default styling prepended to the <head> tag by Framage:

react-framage-slice {
  position: relative;
  overflow: hidden;

react-framage {
  display: inline-block;
  width: var(--fallback-width);
  height: var(--fallback-height);

react-framage[ninesliced] {
  display: inline-grid;
  grid-template-rows: var(--nineslice-top, var(--nineslice, var(--fallback-nineslice-top))) 1fr var(--nineslice-bottom, var(--nineslice, var(--fallback-nineslice-bottom)));
  grid-template-columns: var(--nineslice-left, var(--nineslice, var(--fallback-nineslice-left))) 1fr var(--nineslice-right, var(--nineslice, var(--fallback-nineslice-right)));

react-framage-slice {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

react-framage img {
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;

Custom --fallback-* properties are applied to the image wrapper element (<react-framage> or <react-framage-slice>) to ensure that the default styling appears correctly.



A custom hook used by <Framage>.

Returns an array containing the current frame index, steps taken and a boolean representing whether the Framage is destroyed.

import { useFramageAnimation } from "react-framage";

function Demo({ animation }) {
  const [frame, steps, isDestroyed] = useFramageAnimation(animation);

  return <p>{!isDestroyed ? `Current frame index: ${frame}. ${steps} steps have been taken.` : "Animation go bye bye 😢"}</p>;


A custom hook used by <Framage>.

Controls the scaling and positioning on the <img> element.

  • wrapper: RefObject<HTMLElement>
  • image: RefObject<HTMLImageElement>
  • data: object

import { useFramageAnimation, useFramageImage } from "react-framage";

function Demo({ src, animation, view }) {
  const wrapper = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
  const image = useRef<HTMLImageElement>(null);

  const [frame, steps] = useFramageAnimation(animation);

  useFramageImage(wrapper, image, {

  return (
    <div ref={wrapper}>
      <img ref={image} src={src} alt="Demo Image" />


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