
3.0.1 • Public • Published

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Form validation and base form components for React+Baobab. Based on Baobab cursors.

Form validation is inspired by react-validation-mixin.


npm install baobab --save

npm install react-form-tools --save


There are some useful components which provide flexible interface for validation and clever input.


Form component provides tools for validation using validation schema (for example, yup, joi and etc.)

  // Schema from baobab-react-schemabranchmixin
  schema: {
    form: {
      field: '',

  // Validation schema from yup
  validationSchema: yup.object().shape({
    field: yup.string().required(),

  render: function () {
    return (
      <Form cursor={this.cursors.form} validationSchema={this.validationSchema}>
        <ValidationBox fieldPath='field'>
          <Input />

Form props

  • cursor cursor - cursor to form data
  • validationSchema object - validation schema which uses with strategy
  • strategy function - validation strategy instance
  • validateOnFly boolean [true] - validate form on every change into form components
  • formStateCursor cursor [null] - if formStateCursor is set to cursor, then this cursor will be used for storing dirtyStates and errors
  • onSubmit(data) function [optional] - callback of successful validation which will be called when user will submit form
  • onInvalidSubmit(errors) function [optional] - callback of unsuccessful validation which will be called when user will submit form
  • useHtmlForm boolean [true] - use html form instead of own emulation. Own emulation always used for nested form if both forms have useHtmlForm=true

Form API

Form API is available across refs. These methods are available in child context via form, which contains also cursor attribute to form data.

  • isValid([fieldPath])
  • isDirty([fieldPath])
  • getValidationErrors([fieldPath])
  • setDirtyState([fieldPath])
  • setPristineState([fieldPath])
  • submit()
  • validate(successCallback, invalidCallback)
  • isHtmlForm()
  • subscribe(handler)
  • unsubscribe(handler)


<Input cursor={'field')} />

Input props

  • cursor cursor - cursor to input. Cursor must be set if Input is used outside ValidationBox
  • fieldPath string - relative path to input cursor from form cursor.
  • nullable boolean [false] - if nullable is set to true, then empty value will be converted to null
  • sync boolean [false] - if sync is set to true, then synchronization will be applied on every change
  • syncOnlyOnBlur boolean [false] - if syncOnlyOnBlur is set to true, then synchronization will be applied only on blur
  • onChange(event, { value, previousValue }) function [optional] - callback which will be called on every change
  • onSync(value, previousValue) function [optional] - callback which will be called on every synchronization with cursor
  • onBlur(event) function [optional] - callback which will be called only on blur
  • toRepresentation function [identity] - function of transformation which is used for output
  • toInternal function [identity] - function of transformation which is used for inner storing

And other html input props also available such as autoFocus, readOnly and etc.


<ValidationBox fieldPath="">
    <AnyFormComponent />

Any component can be used inside ValidationBox. When you use Component inside ValidationBox, component will use cursor from fieldPath is cursor is not set. If component inside ValidationBox is dirty, ValidationBox will have a class '_dirty'

ValidationBox props

  • alwaysShowError boolean [false] - if alwaysShowError is set to true, error will be shown even if component is dirty
  • displayError boolean [true] - if displayError is set to true, error will be shown
  • className string
  • dirtyClassName string [_dirty]
  • errorClassName string [_error]
  • errorMessageClassName string [validationbox-error-message]


<ValidationError fieldPath="" />

If component inside ValidationBox is dirty, ValidationError will have a class from dirtyClassName prop

ValidationError Props

  • alwaysShow boolean [false] - is alwaysShow if set to true, error will be showed even if component is dirty
  • dirtyClassName string [_dirty]


<ValidationBox fieldPath="">
    <Radio value={1} />
    <Radio value={2} />
    <Radio value={3} />


<CheckBox value={1} cursor={this.cursors.field} />


Warning: cursor must be an array!

<ValidationBox fieldPath="">
    <MultipleCheckBox value={1} />
    <MultipleCheckBox value={2} />
    <MultipleCheckBox value={3} />



If form is invalid, button will have a class '_disabled'

Submit props

  • disableIfInvalid boolean [false] - if disableIfInvalid is set to true, button will be disabled
  • disabledClassName string [_disabled]

Own Form component

For creating own component you can use FormComponentMixin from this package. import { FormComponentMixin } from 'react-form-tools';

FormComponentMixin provides next useful methods:

  • inValidationBox() - returns true if component inside ValidationBox
  • getCursor() - returns current cursor of component
  • setValue(value, callback) - sets cursor value and calls callback after synchronization
  • isValid() - returns true if component has valid value
  • isDirty() - returns true if component is dirty
  • setDirtyState() - set dirty state for component
  • setPristineState() - set pristine state for component
  • processKeyPress(event) - process key press event and catch only Enter key pressing for form submission

Always use processKeyPress helper as onKeyPress attribute for own components if you wish to do form submission on enter (default html form component behaviour).

All Form Components API

All components have FormComponentMixin, and all methods from mixin are available across refs.


cd examples/form-example
npm i
npm run start

Example app starts on http://localhost:3000 by default


npm test



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  • ruscoder