
0.1.2 • Public • Published

React form builder

react-form-data-structure was created to manage complex data structures. A single configuration is used to describe both the data structure and the form. The configuration is designed have a minimal feel/code footprint, with the ability to tune or change almost anything. The idea is to be able to create an manage an infinitly scaling form/data structure that is only limited by browser resources.


yarn add react-form-data-structure

Basic use case

import { Form } from 'react-form-data-structure';
import 'react-form-data-structure/react-form.css';  // to load the css

render( <Form  label="I am a form!" 
    type: 'hash', 
    display: [ 
      {type: 'text', label: 'Email Address', name: "email", required: true}, 
      {type: 'password', label: "password", name: "password", required: true} ] }}/>, 
      document.getElementById( 'app' ) 


Objects are typically displayed in containers; Containers represent data structures. Example: if you want the form to manage a list ( Array Object ) the first container would be a type: list, and the display contents would then represent list elements.


  • path Path(s) are a list that represent where in the object structure this thing exists.
  • dataPath An Array Object path that refers to an object that exists in Form
  • displayPath An Array Object path that refers to an object that exists in Form this.state.display
  • scalar primitive data value

Form Options

  • Arguments
option description
data data structure to be displayed
display form/data structure configuration
showSubmit default: true, show or hide the submit button
showReset default: true, show or hide the reset button
submitText default "Submit", submit button text
resetText default "Rest", submit button reset
formError default: false, State for the form ( error: true|false )
name default "form", used for internal key geneation ( recommended this be set to something unique )
label default "", header text of the form
errorText default "Some fields are not filled out properly"

Getting Data out

Form provides a collection of callback handlers that return a semi deep copy of the the internal data.

  • Event Handlers
name When its called Arguments
onChange when a field changes (data,dataPath,displayPath)
onSubmit when the submit button is pressed (data,display)
onReset when the reset button is pressed ()
preSubmit when onSubmit would be called this function is called, if it returns onSubmit will be called (data,display)
  • ** Getting the default state

The Form object allows for generation of the default state based on the following:

const state=Form.buildStateFromProps(props);

Given: props state will contain and state.display

  • Css Options

Form uses the following CSS Classes, and each class can be passed in as an argument.

option default value
classNameFormContainer rf-form-container
classNameFormHeader rf-form-header
classNameHeaderLine ""
classNameSubmitRow rf-form-submit-row
classNameFormDiv ""
classNameButton rfFormSubmit
classNameFormError rf-form-error

Default Plugins

Each plugin has its on css, and each css class can be passed in as an argument.

Plugin Type
text input
quill Ebmbeded html editor, ( wrapper for quill )
datepicker Date Time picker
color Color picker
text-autocomplete input, with autocomplete
password password
textarea textarea
select select
multiselect select multiple
radio radio
checkbox checkbox
add subform add
hash container for hashes
list container for lists
watch chooses a configuration based on an item being watched

Input Examples

input text box ( text plugin )

  • Example

This example shows how to manage a scalar value with a text input.

<Form display={
    type: 'text', 
    input: "", 
    required: true, 
    label: "input test", 
  • Options
option description
input default value
required true|false determines if this field is required
validate function(currentValue), must return true if the value is valid false if it is not
disabled true|false determines if the field is disabled
  • CSS Options
option default value
classNameInputText rfFormDefaultsInputText
classNameInputTextCheckFailed rfFormDefaultsInputTextfailed
classNameInputLabel rfFormLabel
classNameInputContainer rf-form-input-container
classNameInputTextDefault rfFormDefaultsInputText

Html Editor ( quill plugin )

  • Example

This plugin is really a wrapper for: .This example shows how to manage editable html input.

import 'react-quill/dist/quill.snow.css';
<Form display={
    type: 'quill', 
    input: "", 
    required: true, 
    label: "input test", 
  • Options
option description
input default value
required true|false determines if this field is required
validate function(currentValue), must return true if the value is valid false if it is not
disabled true|false determines if the field is disabled
toolbarOptions default: [ [{'background': []}, 'bold', { font: []}, {color: []}, 'code', 'italic', 'link', 'strike', 'underline'], ['blockquote', { 'header': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, false] }, { 'indent': '-1' }, { 'indent': '+1' }, { 'list': 'ordered' }, { 'list': 'bullet' }, { 'align': [] }, { 'direction': 'rtl' }, 'code-block'], ['formula', 'image', 'video'] ]
  • CSS Options
option default value
classNameInputText rfFormDefaultsInputText
classNameInputTextCheckFailed rfFormDefaultsInputTextfailed
classNameInputLabel rfFormLabel
classNameInputContainer rf-form-input-container
classNameInputTextDefault rfFormDefaultsInputText

Date Picker ( datepicker plugin )

  • Example

This plugin is wrapper for: This example shows how to manage a scalar value with a text input.

import 'flatpickr/dist/themes/material_blue.css';
<Form display={
    type: 'datepicker', 
    input: "", 
    required: true, 
    label: "input test", 
    options: { enableTime: true, enableSeconds: true, dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:S" }
  • Options
option description
input default value
required true|false determines if this field is required
validate function(currentValue), must return true if the value is valid false if it is not
disabled true|false determines if the field is disabled
options default: { enableTime: true, enableSeconds: true, dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s" } see:
  • CSS Options
option default value
classNameInputText rfFormDefaultsInputText
classNameInputTextCheckFailed rfFormDefaultsInputTextfailed
classNameInputLabel rfFormLabel
classNameInputContainer rf-form-input-container
classNameInputTextDefault rfFormDefaultsInputText

input text box ( text-autocomplete plugin )

  • Example

This example shows how to manage a scalar value with a text input.

<Form display={
    type: 'text-autocomplete ', 
    input: "", 
    required: true, 
    label: "input test", 
  • Options
option description
input default value
required true|false determines if this field is required
validate function(currentValue), must return true if the value is valid false if it is not
disabled true|false determines if the field is disabled
data Array, each value represents an auto complete option
  • CSS Options
option default value
classNameInputText rfFormDefaultsInputText
classNameInputTextCheckFailed rfFormDefaultsInputTextfailed
classNameInputLabel rfFormLabel
classNameInputContainer rf-form-input-container
classNameInputTextDefault rfFormDefaultsInputText
classNameInputAutoComplete "rf-auto-complete"

Password ( password plugin )

  • Example

This example shows how to manage a scalar value with a text input.

<Form display={
    type: 'password', 
    input: "", 
    required: true, 
    label: "password test", 
  • Options
option description
input default value
required true|false determines if this field is required
validate function(currentValue), must return true if the value is valid false if it is not
disabled true|false determines if the field is disabled
  • CSS Options
option default value
classNameInputText rfFormDefaultsInputText
classNameInputTextCheckFailed rfFormDefaultsInputTextfailed
classNameInputLabel rfFormLabel
classNameInputContainer rf-form-input-container
classNameInputTextDefault rfFormDefaultsInputText

Textarea ( textarea plugin )

  • Example

This example shows how to manage a scalar value with a textarea.

<Form display={
    type: 'textarea', 
    input: "", 
    required: true, 
    label: "password test", 
  • Options
option description
input default value
required true|false determines if this field is required
validate function(currentValue), must return true if the value is valid false if it is not
disabled true|false determines if the field is disabled
  • CSS Options
option default value
classNameInputText rf-form-textarea
classNameInputTextCheckFailed rf-form-textarea-error
classNameInputLabel rf-form-label
classNameInputContainer rf-form-textarea-container
classNameInputTextDefault rf-form-textarea-container

Color picker ( color plugin )

  • Example

This example shows how to manage a scalar value with a color picker.

<Form display={
    type: 'color', 
    input: "", 
    required: true, 
    label: "password test", 
  • Options
option description
input default value
required true|false determines if this field is required
validate function(currentValue), must return true if the value is valid false if it is not
disabled true|false determines if the field is disabled
  • CSS Options
option default value
classNameInputText rf-form-textarea
classNameInputTextCheckFailed rf-form-textarea-error
classNameInputLabel rf-form-label
classNameInputContainer rf-form-textarea-container
classNameInputTextDefault rf-form-textarea-container

Select box ( select plugin )

  • Example

This example shows how to manage a scalar value with a select box.

<Form display={
    type: 'select', 
    input: "", 
    required: true, 
    label: "Select Test", 
    data: [
      { value: "one", label: "Option one" }, 
      { value: 'two', label: "Option two" }
  • Options
option description
data Array of Objects: { value: "value", label: "display text }
input The default selected value "" if you don't want anything selected
required true|false, denotes if the field is required for the onSubmit action to be called
label display text
disabled true|false, denotes if this field is disabled
  • CSS Options

The select plugin has the following css options

option default value
classNameSelectRow rfFormSelectRow
classNameSelectHeader rfFormSelectHeader
classNameSelectCell rf-form-select-cell
classNameSelectCellDefault rf-form-select-cell
classNameSelectCellError rf-form-select-cell-error
classNameSelect rfFormSelect
classNameSelectDefault rfFormSelect
classNameSelectError rfFormSelectError
classNameSelectOption rf-form-select-option
classNameSelectOptionDefault rf-form-select-option
classNameSelectOptionError rf-form-select-option-error

Radio Set ( radio plugin )

  • Example

This example shows how to manage a scalar value with a radio set.

<Form display={
    type: 'radio', 
    input: "", 
    required: true, 
    label: "Raidio Test", 
    data: [
      { value: "one", label: "Option one" }, 
      { value: 'two', label: "Option two" }
  • Options
option description
data Array of Objects: { value: "value", label: "display text }
input The default selected value "" if you don't want anything selected
required true|false, denotes if the field is required for the onSubmit action to be called
label display text
disabled true|false, denotes if this field is disabled
  • CSS Options
option default value
classNameInputRaidio rfFormDefaultsInputRaidio
classNameRadioCellIndent rf-form-radio-indent
classNameRadioHeader rfFormRadioHeader
classNameRaidoRow rf-form-raidio-row
classNameRaidioRowContainer rf-form-raidio-row-container
classNameRadioButtonCell rf-form-radio-button-cell
classNameRadioButtonCellDefault rf-form-radio-button-cell
classNameRadioButtonCellFailed rf-form-radio-button-cell-failed

Multiple Select ( multiselect plugin )

  • Example

This example shows how to manage a scalar value with a multiple select.

<Form display={
    type: 'multiselect', 
    input: [], 
    required: true, 
    label: "Milti Select Test", 
    data: [
      { value: "one", label: "Option one" }, 
      { value: 'two', label: "Option two" }
  • Options
option description
data Array of Objects: { value: "value", label: "display text }
input Array of selected values, [] if you don't want anything selected
required true|false, denotes if the field is required for the onSubmit action to be called
label display text
disabled true|false, denotes if this field is disabled
size default: 5, sets how many records will be shown
  • CSS Options
option default value
classNameSelectRow rfFormSelectRow
classNameSelectHeader rfFormSelectHeader
classNameSelectCell rf-form-select-cell
classNameSelectCellDefault rf-form-select-cell
classNameSelectCellError rf-form-select-cell-error
classNameSelect rf-form-select-multi
classNameSelectOption rf-form-select-option
classNameSelectOptionDefault rf-form-select-option
classNameSelectOptionError rf-form-select-option-error

CheckBox ( checbox plugin )

  • Example

This example shows how to manage a scalar value with a multiple select.

<Form display={
    type: 'checkbox', 
    label: "Label Example", 
  • Options
option description
input true|false, if not set defaults to false
required true|false, denotes if the field is required for the onSubmit action to be called
label display text
disabled true|false, denotes if this field is disabled
  • CSS Options
option default value
classNameFormCheckboxLeft rf-form-label-right
classNameFormCheckboxRight rf-form-element-left
classNameFormCheckboxContainer rf-form-input-container
classNameFormCheckBox rf-form-input-checkbox
classNameFormCheckBoxDefault rf-form-input-checkbox
classNameFormCheckBoxError rf-form-input-checkbox-error
classNameFormCheckboxRightError rf-form-label-right-error
classNameFormCheckBoxRightDefault rf-form-label-right

Container Examples

Containers represent Data structures of type Array or Object. Containers make it possible to move beyond a scalar value.

list ( list plugin )

  • Example

This example shows how to manage a list of text inputs.

<Form display={{
  "type": "list",
  "label": "Test Set 1",
  "canMove": true,
  "canDelete": true,
  "display": [
      "type": "text",
      "label": "test One",
      "required": true
      "type": "text",
      "label": "Test Two",
      "required": true
  • Options
option description
deleteText default "Delete", text of the delete button
moveUpText default value "^", text of the move up button
moveDownText default value "v", text of the move down button
canMove false, enables or disables the move option
canDelete false, enables or disables the delete option
headerText default "I am a list", sets the header text for the list block
display Array that contains the plugins options to display
  • CSS Options
option default value
classNameListContainer rf-form-container
classNameListRow rf-form-container-list-row
classNameListButton rfFormSubmit
classNameListCell rf-form-container-list-cell
classNameListButtonContainer rf-form-container-list-cell-buttons
classNameHidden rfFormHidden
classNameSmallerWidth rf-form-container-smaller-row
classNameListHeader rf-form-container-list-header


  • Example

This example shows how to manage a hash of text and password inputs.

Note Note Note All objects in a hash container require an additional argument name, the name represents the key in the data structure.

<Form display={{
        label: "Simple Hash example",
        display: {
            type: 'hash',
            display: [
                { type: 'text', label: 'Email Address', name: "email", required: true },
                { type: 'password', label: "password", name: "password", required: true }
  • Options
option description
display Array that contains the plugins options to display
  • CSS Options
option default value
classNameListContainer rf-form-container
classNameHashRow rf-form-container-hash-row
classNameHashCell rf-form-container-hash-cell
classNameListHeader rf-form-container-list-header

Add Elements ( add plugin )

  • Basic Example
<Form display={{
        label: "Add to list",
        display: {
            type: 'add',
            add: {
            type: 'hash',
            display: [
              { name: 'label', type: 'text', label: "label", required: true },
              { name: 'value', type: 'text', label: "value", required: true }
          form: {
                display: {
                    type: 'hash', display: [
                      { name: 'label', type: 'text', label: "label", required: true },
                      { name: 'value', type: 'text', label: "value", required: true }
        list: {
            canMove: true,
            canDelete: true,
            label: 'sets added', 
            display: [],
  • Comlpex Example

The following is an example of how to use the add plugin.

<Form display={{
        label: "Add to list",
        display: {
            type: 'add',
            add: ['forms'],
            form: {
                display: {
                    type: 'hash', display: [
                        { name: 'label', type: 'text', label: "label", required: true },
                        { name: 'value', type: 'text', label: "value", required: true }
                            name: 'forms', 
                            type: 'select', 
                            label: "Choose the subform", 
                            data: [
                              { value: 'Informal', label: 'informal' }, 
                              { value: 'Formal', label: 'formal' }
        list: {
            canMove: true,
            canDelete: true,
            label: 'sets added', 
            display: [],
        chooser: {
            Informal: {
                label: 'Form One',
                type: 'hash',
                display: [
                    { name: 'label', type: 'text', label: "label", required: true },
                    { name: 'value', type: 'text', label: "value", required: true }
            Formal: {
              label: 'Form Two',
              type: 'hash',
              display: [
                  { name: 'label', type: 'text', label: "Nomenclature", required: true },
                  { name: 'value', type: 'text', label: "Assignment", required: true },
                  { name: 'select', type: 'select', label: 'Choose One', required: true, 
                    data: [{ label: 'one', value: 'one' }, { label: 'two', value: 'two' }] }

  • Options
option description
display Array that contains the plugins options to display
add Array, path representing the current most display container element to watch
add Object, display object to add
list ignored if add.constructor==Object, all objects added exist in a "list" plugin object, this is where those options are set
chooser Object, of display Objects, when a user clicks the add button, the option matching the chooser will be used
submitText default "Add", the submit button text
errorText default "Some fields are not filled out properly", error show when validation fails
  • CSS Options
option default value
classNameFormContainer rf-form-container
classNameListContainer rf-form-container

Watch example(s)

  • Example

THe following example shows how to use watch in a hash container.

Note Note Note! Unlike other plugins, watch does not contain what it is watching.

<Form display={{
  "type": "hash",
  "display": [
      "type": "select",
      "label": "choose a subform",
      "input": "one",
      "name": "choose",
      "data": [
          "value": "one",
          "label": "Form One"
          "value": "two",
          "label": "Form Two"
      "type": "watch",
      "name": "subform",
      "watch": [
      "setDisplay": "one",
      "displays": {
        "one": {
          "type": "text",
          "label": "test"
        "two": {
          "type": "checkbox",
          "label": "subform checkbox"
  • Options
option description
watch path to the parent container value to watch
setDisplay which display to use from "displays"
displays Object of Objects, each key should map to the watch path value.

Creating plugins

The plugin API is very flexible and powerful, it was designed to allow the encapsulation of any plugin within any plugin. This means a list can contain a list, hash, add and and any other assortment of plugins. Any plugin created must follow this mind set.

When creating a plugin the static buildData(props) method must be implemented. The buildData(props) provides the default data structure for a given dataPath.

  • Example from the text plugin
    static buildData( props ) {

        const input = props.hasOwnProperty( 'input' ) ? 
        return input == null ? "" : input;
  • Plugin intantiation arguments

Plugins are rendered with the following arguments

    key={key} {...displayArguments}
    {...root.defaultHandlers() }
    input={root.getPathValue( this.state, dataPath )}
  • Plugin Options
option description
key required by the react api
root the top level Form object instance
displayArguments a copy of the prop arguments for this plugin
displayPath a path array representing the display configuration in the root.state data structure
dataPath a path array representing the stored in root.state
root.defaultHandlers() object event handlers
input the default data structure for this object

** root.defaultHandelers()

name description arguments
onChange the function used to push state into the root (dataPath,displayPath,newProps)
onSubmit allows the plugin to call the submit method of root ()
onMove called by a plugin to move itself within a list plugin ( dataPath, displayPath, +1|-1 )
onDelete called by a plugin to delete a plugin from a list plugin ( list_id, dataPath, displayPath )
onValidate used to call validation for a given plugin ( dataPath, displayPath, props, state )

** Registering a plugin for events

The root object offers the following event handler registration methods, and clean up methods.

name description where to initialize arguments
registerSubmitCheck registers a pre-submit check componentDidMount,componentWillReceiveProps (dataPath,function)
registerWatch registers the monitoring of a value componentDidMount,componentWillReceiveProps (dataPath,function)
deleteWatch deletes a callback for dataPath componentWillReceiveProps,componentWillUnmount (dataPath)
deleteSubmitCheck deletes a submit check componentWillUnmount,componentWillReceiveProps (dataPath)
  • Registering your plugin

Import the module registry.

import { FormElements } from 'react-form-data-structure/build/form-elements.jsx';

Register your module


Built in demo

The project contains a very basic demo which can be accessed by by issuing the following command, in the project folder.

npm run demo

From there the demo/index.html can be viewed locally.


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