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0.3.1 • Public • Published


react-drop-portal is a React component which render his children in a portal located under an HTML element. The goal of this component is to make easier the creation of tooltip, dropdown, autocomplete and other components which need to be placed near an HTML element and over all other elements.

It's possible to have animation on enter and before exit with an api similar to react-transition-group.


yarn add react-drop-portal
# or with npm 
npm install --save react-drop-portal


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import DropPortal from 'react-drop-portal';
class DropdownExample extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { opened: false };
    this.setButton = this.setButton.bind(this);
    this.toogleDropdown = this.toogleDropdown.bind(this);
  setButton(ref) {
    this.button = ref;
  toogleDropdown() {
    this.setState(state => ({
      opened: !state.opened,
  render() {
    const { opened } = this.state;
    const buttonLabel = opened ? 'Close' : 'Open';
    return (
        <button ref={this.setButton} onClick={this.toogleDropdown}>
        {opened && (
                <div>Choice 1</div>
                <div>Choice 2</div>
                <div>Choice 3</div>



target HTMLElement
Element which define portal position. For example, it can be an input for autocompletion or a button for a dropdown

position (optional) 'top' | 'bottom'
Default to 'bottom', define if portal element is above or below target

alignment (optional) 'left' | 'center' | 'right'
Default to 'center', define how created portal element is aligned with target element

offset (optional) { x: number, y: number }
Add an offset on x and y axis for portal position

className (optional) string
className to apply on container

classNames (optional) { enter?: string; enterActive?: string; exit?: string; exitActive?: string }
classNames which are applied during mount and unmount of the component

style (optional) CSSProperties
style to apply on container

styles (optional) { enter?: CSSProperties; enterActive?: CSSProperties; exit?: CSSProperties; exitActive?: CSSProperties }
styles which are applied during mount and unmount of the component

timeout (optional) number | { enter: number; exit: number }
default to 0, duration of enter and exit animations

onClickOutside (optional) function (): void
function called when user click outside portal or when portal become outside screen

children ReactNode | function ({ position: 'top' | 'bottom' }): ReactNode
Portal content. You can use a function if you need portal position relative to the target (can be usefull to render tooltip arrow in right orientation)

example :

<DropPortal target={}>
  {({ position }) => {
    return (
      <div className="tooltip">
        <div className={position === 'top' ? 'arrow_to-bottom' : 'arrow_to-top'} />
        <div className="tooltip-content">{content}</div>

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