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ReactDatatable is a component which provide ability to create multifunctional table using single component like jQuery Datatable. It's fully customizable and easy to integrate in any react component. Bootstrap compatible.


  • Lightweight
  • Fully customizable (JSX, templates, state, styles, callbacks)
  • Client-side & Server Side Pagination
  • Multi-sort
  • Filters
  • Minimal design
  • Fully controllable via optional props and callbacks


With npm installed, run

npm i react-datatable-ext


import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react';
import { render} from 'react-dom';
import ReactDatatable from 'react-datatable-ext';
class App extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.columns = [
                key: "name",
                text: "Name",
                className: "name",
                align: "left",
                sortable: true,
                key: "address",
                text: "Address",
                className: "address",
                align: "left",
                sortable: true
                key: "postcode",
                text: "Postcode",
                className: "postcode",
                sortable: true
                key: "rating",
                text: "Rating",
                className: "rating",
                align: "left",
                sortable: true
                key: "type_of_food",
                text: "Type of Food",
                className: "type_of_food",
                sortable: true,
                align: "left"
                key: "action",
                text: "Action",
                className: "action",
                width: 100,
                align: "left",
                sortable: false,
                cell: record => { 
                    return (
                                className="btn btn-primary btn-sm"
                                onClick={() => this.editRecord(record)}
                                style={{marginRight: '5px'}}>
                                <i className="fa fa-edit"></i>
                                className="btn btn-danger btn-sm" 
                                onClick={() => this.deleteRecord(record)}>
                                <i className="fa fa-trash"></i>
        this.config = {
            page_size: 10,
            length_menu: [ 10, 20, 50 ],
            button: {
                excel: true,
                print: true
        this.state = {
            records: [
                "id": "55f14312c7447c3da7051b26",
                "address": "228 City Road",
                "name": ".CN Chinese",
                "postcode": "3JH",
                "rating": 5,
                "type_of_food": "Chinese"
                "id": "55f14312c7447c3da7051b27",
                "address": "376 Rayleigh Road",
                "name": "@ Thai",
                "postcode": "5PT",
                "rating": 5.5,
                "type_of_food": "Thai"
                "id": "55f14312c7447c3da7051b28",
                "address": "30 Greyhound Road Hammersmith",
                "name": "@ Thai Restaurant",
                "postcode": "8NX",
                "rating": 4.5,
                "type_of_food": "Thai"
                "id": "55f14312c7447c3da7051b29",
                "address": "30 Greyhound Road Hammersmith",
                "name": "@ Thai Restaurant",
                "postcode": "8NX",
                "rating": 4.5,
                "type_of_food": "Thai"
    editRecord(record) {
        console.log("Edit Record", record);
    deleteRecord(record) {
        console.log("Delete Record", record);
    render() {
        return (
render(<App />, document.getElementById("app"));


import ReactDatatable from 'react-datatable-ext';
var ReactDatatable = require('react-datatable-ext')


Name Type Description
className String Datatable additional class, use to appy additional styling on table
columns Object[] This props will used to specify datatable column configuration
config Object[] This props will used to specify datatable configuration
dynamic boolean This props will used to specify the table data will be server side or static
id String Identifier of datatable
records Object[] This props will used to table records
total_record Number This props will used to specify the total records in case of table data is server side.
onChange Funtion(Object) This method will call on table actions(page change, sorting, filtering, page length change)
onRowClicked Funtion(Object) This method will call when user click on a row, return row object.


Name Type default Description
button Object[] { excel: false, print: false, csv: false } Use to enable/disable export buttons(Excel, CSV, Print). By default buttons are disabled.
filename String "table" Specify the export filename
length_menu Array[] [10, 25, 50, 75, 100] Specify the options in the page length select list.
page_size Number 10 Specify the page length (number of rows per page)
sort Object[] { column: "", order: "asc" } Initial sorting order to apply to the datatable
show_filter boolean true use to specify either show or hide filter option
show_first boolean true use to specify either show or hide pagination first button
show_info boolean true use to specify either show or hide pagination info
show_last boolean true use to specify either show or hide pagination last button
show_length_menu boolean true use to specify either show or hide page length menu
show_pagination boolean true use to specify either show or hide pagination


Name Type default Description
align String left Specify the content alignment
className String Table column additional class fo styling
key String Specify the key of record which value will display in table cell
sortable Boolean false Specify the column is sortable of not
text String Spcify the table column text
width Number Specify the column width
cell Function(record, index):string You can use any react component or JSX to display content in cells

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