
1.14.0 • Public • Published


Elegant, powerful, full-CRUD API data fetching & control via React.js data hooks

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Makes data fetching and CRUD operations against any REST endpoint this easy - all for ~4.4KB gzipped.

import React from 'react'
import { createRestHook } from 'react-data-hooks'
// create a data hook... this would likely be done elsewhere and imported here
const useKittens = createRestHook('/api/kittens')
export default function MyApp() {
  let { data: kittens, isLoading, create } = useKittens()
  return (
        ? 'loading kittens...'
        : `we found ${kittens.length} kittens!` // will auto increase after successful button click/POST
      <!-- when clicked, will POST a kitten, then automatically add response to the internal kittens collection -->
      <button onClick={() => create({ name: 'Mittens', age: 1 })}>
        Create a Kitten

continue to other examples...


  • auto-loading
  • complete REST (GET/POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE) operations
  • collections, items in collections, or fixed endpoints
  • polling
  • transforming payloads (response, collection, and item level)
  • dynamic filtering results
  • queries (static via object, or dynamic via function)
  • collections self-maintain after POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE
  • event handling for errors, after responses, and on authentication failures
  • specify how to derive id from collection items (used to generate endpoints like /api/items/3)
  • persist non-sensitive results to prevent load time waits (while still updating after fetch)
  • data is shared across components without context or prop-drilling, thanks to use-store
  • GET requests shared using internal pooling to cut down on duplicate network requests




Name Type Default Description
axios axios instance axios You can pass in a custom axios instance to use (for advanced usage with injected headers, etc)
autoload boolean true data will fire initial GET by default unless set to false
fetchOptions object undefined Options to be passed into fetch requests if using internal native fetch (e.g. { fetchOptions: { headers: { Authorization: 'foo' } } })
filter function undefined filters data results into the "filtered" collection
getId function (item) => how to derive item ID from a collection item (used for endpoint generation for PUT/PATCH/DELETE
initialValue object or array [] or undefined initial value of "data" return, [] if collection, undefined if ID endpoint
interval number undefined refresh collection every 5000ms (5s)
isCollection boolean |false` set to false to allow direct REST against a specific endpoint
log boolean or function false if passed true, uses console.log for debug output, otherwise accepts any function
mergeOnCreate boolean true use response payload for newly created items
mergeOnUpdate boolean |true` use response payload for newly updated items
mock boolean true simulate, but do not fire POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE actions (for testing)
onAuthenticationError function undefined fired when calls return 401 or 403 (e.g. can redirect, etc)
onCreate function undefined fired when item is created successfully
onError function console.error fired on internal error, or response errors
onLoad function undefined fired when data is loaded successfully
onRemove function undefined fired when item is deleted successfully
onReplace function undefined fired when item is replaced successfully
onUpdate function undefined fired when item is updated successfully
persist boolean false will persist results to localStorage for fast delivery on page refresh
query object or function undefined can send fixed query params via object such as { isLive: true } or via a dynamically executed query function (executed at time of load/interval), such as () => ({ isLive: Math.random() > 0.5 })
transform function undefined use to reshape your API payload (e.g. (data) =>,2)

Example 2

(all options/returns exposed)

import React from 'react'
import { createRestHook } from 'react-data-hooks'
// create a data hook
const useKittens = createRestHook('/api/kittens') // any options may be included here for convenience
export default function MyApp() {
  // instantiate data hook with options (all options may also be passed at time of creation [above])
  let {
    data = [],                      // data returned from API (defaults to empty array)
    filtered = [],                  // data, as filtered with filter function (options) responds to changes in filter or data
    hasLoaded,                      // flag for if the data has yet loaded via GET (default false)
    isLoading,                      // isLoading flag (true during pending requests)
    error,                          // API error (if any) - this is
    key,                            // random render-busting attr to explode into a component on data changes.  Looks like { key: 123556456421 }
    update,                         // PATCH fn(item, oldItem) - sends only changes via PATCH (if changed)
    replace,                        // PUT fn(item, oldItem) - sends full item via PUT (if changed)
    remove,                         // DELETE fn(item, oldItem) - deleted item
    create,                         // POST fn(item, oldItem) - creates item
    load,                           // refresh/load data via GET
    refresh                         // alias for load()
  } = useKittens({
    axios: myAxiosInstance,         // can pass in a custom axios instance to use (for advanced usage)
    autoload: true,                 // data will fire initial GET by default unless set to false,
    filter: item => item.age > 5,   // filters data results into the "filtered" collection,
    getId: item => item._id,        // tell the hook how to derive item ID from a collection item
    initialValue: []                // initial value of "data" return (defaults to [] if collection assumed)
    interval: 5000,                 // refresh collection every 5000ms (5s),
    isCollection: false             // set to false to allow direct REST against a specific endpoint
    log: true                       // enable console.log output
    mergeOnCreate: true             // use response payload for newly created items (default: true)
    mergeOnUpdate: true             // use response payload for newly updated items (default: true)
    onAuthenticationError: (err) => {},  // fired when calls return 401 or 403 (can redirect, etc)
    onCreate: (err) => {},          // fired when item is created successfully
    onError: (err) => {},           // fired on internal error, or response errors
    onLoad: (data) => {},           // fired when data is loaded successfully
    onRemove: (item) => {},         // fired when item is deleted successfully
    onReplace: (item) => {},        // fired when item is replaced successfully
    onUpdate: (item) => {},         // fired when item is updated successfully
    log: true                       // enable console.log output
    mock: true,                     // only simulate POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE actions (for testing)
    onError: console.warn           // do something custom with error events (e.g. toasts, logs, etc)
    persist: true,                  // will persist results to localStorage for fast delivery on page refresh
    query: { isCute: true },        // can send fixed query params via object or....
    query: () => ({ isCute: Math.random() > 0.1 }) // via function executed at time of [every] load
    transform: data =>
      data.kittens.slice(0,5),      // in case you need to reshape your API payload
  return (
      { => (
          <li key={kitten._id}>
            { } -
            <button onClick={() => remove(kitten)}>

Example 3

(chained hooks, e.g. collection and item details)

import React from 'react'
import { createRestHook } from 'react-data-hooks'
// create a data hook
const useKittens = createRestHook('/api/kittens') // any options may be included here for convenience
export default MyApp = () => {
  // quick tip: { persist: true } loads cached content at page load, then fires the GET and updates
  // as necessary to prevent stale data
  let { data: kittens } = useKittens({ persist: true })
  let [selectedKitten, setSelectedKitten] = useState()
  let { data: kittenDetails } = useKittens(selectedKitten)
  if (isLoading && !collections.length) {
    return <p>Loading...</p>
  return (
      { => (
        <button key={} onClick={() => setSelectedKitten(}>
      {JSON.stringify(kittenDetails, 2, null) // will reload whenever selectedKitten changes

Example 4

(generate and load hook dynamically from props)

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import { createRestHook } from 'react-data-hooks'
// create a curried function to dynamically return a data hook from a collection name
const useCollectionItems = (collectionName = '') => createRestHook(`/api/${collectionName}`)
export const ViewCollectionItem = ({ collectionName, itemId }) => {
  console.log('viewing collection item', itemId, 'in', collectionName)
  // { collectionName: 'kittens', itemId: 3 } will generate a dynamic hook
  // with endpoint '/api/kittens', and passing in the itemId, will load the hook as an item
  // with endpoint '/api/kittens/3'
  let { data: itemDetails } = useCollectionItems(collectionName)(itemId)
  return <div>{item ? JSON.stringify(itemDetails, null, 2) : null}</div>

Example 5

(redirect to login on 401)

import React from 'react'
import { createRestHook } from 'react-data-hooks'
// create a data hook that might see a 401/Unauthorized
const useKittens = createRestHook('/api/kittens', {
  onAuthenticationError: err => (window.location.href = '/login?returnTo=' + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)),
export default function MyApp() {
  let { data } = useKittens()
  // if loading /api/kittens would fire a 401, the app
  // redirects to /login with enough info to return once logged in
  return <div>{isLoading ? 'loading kittens...' : `we found ${data.length} kittens!`}</div>


  • v1.14.0 - feature: load() function returns promise to allow load-chaining.
  • v1.13.0 - feature: added clearStore(namespace?) global export and returned method from data hook (to clear own entries), as well as namespace option on data hook (for namespace-specific clearing). See tests for details.
  • v1.12.7 - fix: properly handles error response bodies (e.g. 409 + body). Thanks to @shelleysu84 for the deep dive and help isolating this edge case!
  • v1.12.5 - fix: transformItem should not apply to empty array response
  • v1.12.4 - fixes: CRUD functions properly pass item to .then() promise (e.g. update(item, oldItem).then(updated => console.log(updated)))
  • v1.12.2 - fixes: instability introduced with 1.11.0, { log: false }
  • v1.12.0 - adds ability to load item endpoints directly via load(id, [options])
  • v1.11.0 - updated internals to use a single setState function (to minimize renders), adds hasLoaded { boolean } to output, fix { log: false } bug
  • v1.10.0 - moved to "react-data-hooks", as it's a hook factory function, not a direct hook export
  • v1.9.0 - replaced internal use-store-hook with updated module location use-store to avoid deprecation notices
  • v1.8.0 - decreased module size to 4.3k gzipped
  • v1.7.3 - fix: re-embeds default Content-Type: application/json header
  • v1.7.1 - converted from babel to rollup + typescript to decrease module size
  • v1.7.0 - added fetchOptions option (allows for custom headers to be passed with hook requests)
  • v1.6.0 - removed deepmerge dependency (previously used for options merging)

Behavior & Export Tests (Most Recent)

 PASS  test/exports.spec.js
      ✓ import { createRestHook } from 'react-data-hooks' (2ms)
      ✓ import { clearStore } from 'react-data-hooks'
    createRestHook(endpoint, options) return interface
      ✓ returns data property (object) with default value =  (1ms)
      ✓ returns filtered property (object) with default value =  (1ms)
      ✓ returns key property (object)
      ✓ returns isLoading property (boolean)
      ✓ returns error property (undefined) with default value = undefined
      ✓ returns load property (function)
      ✓ returns refresh property (function)
      ✓ returns create property (function)
      ✓ returns remove property (function)
      ✓ returns replace property (function)  (1ms)
      ✓ returns update property (function)

 PASS  test/behavior.spec.js
    const useKittens = createRestHook('/api/kittens')

    function MyReactComponent() {
      const { data: kittens, isLoading } = useKittens() //  get the basic collection
      const { data: mittens } = useKittens('mittens') //  this would load a single item from '/api/kittens/mittens'
      const { data: manualKittens, load } = useKittens({ autoload: false }) //  this would wait to load until load() has been fired elsewhere

      return (
        ? <p>Still loading data...</p>
        : <div>{ JSON.stringify(kittens, null, 2)}</div>

    global export { clearStore } function
      clearStore(namespace?) function
        ✓ will clear all data hook entries if called with no namespace (e.g. clearStore()) (28ms)
        ✓ can clear specific namespace entries (17ms)
        ✓ will ONLY clear data hook entries from localStorage (9ms)
    RETURN from instantiated hook...
      clearStore() function
        ✓ will throw if "namespace" option not set when called (14ms)
        ✓ will only clear own namespace [and only own namespace] (10ms)
      create(item) function
        ✓ sends POST, updates internal collection, and fires onCreate(item) when used with collection hook (10ms)
      data empty array (if collection) or undefined (if item)
        ✓ default of { autoload: true } loads data from endpoint immediately
        ✓ does not autoload if { autoload: false } (1ms)
        ✓ data defaults to [] if no ID passed and { isCollection: false } not set (2ms)
        ✓ data defaults to undefined if item hook { isCollection: false } (3ms)
        ✓ data defaults to undefined if string identifier passed to collection hook (e.g. useHook('foo')) (2ms)
        ✓ data defaults to undefined if numeric identifier passed to collection hook (e.g. useHook(123)) (3ms)
        ✓ data defaults to initialValue if set (e.g. { initialValue: 'foo' }) (2ms)
      error undefined or error object { message, status?, ...other } (default = undefined)
        ✓ is undefined by default (3ms)
        ✓ contains a message (e.g. { message: 'Foo' }) when thrown via try/catch (7ms)
        ✓ contains a message and status (e.g. { message: 'Not Found', status: 400 }) when thrown via response error (10ms)
        ✓ is caught by transform() errors (9ms)
        ✓ is caught by transformCollection() errors (8ms)
        ✓ is caught by transformItem() errors (13ms)
      hasLoaded boolean (default = false)
        ✓ defaults to false (3ms)
        ✓ is true after first GET request success (9ms)
      isLoading boolean (default = false until loading)
        ✓ is false before loading data (3ms)
      key object (default = { key: 20245568110 })
        ✓ returns hash object in the following format... { key: 134123041 } for render-busting (e.g. <Component {...key} />) (4ms)
        ✓ returns new key after basic GET (11ms)
        ✓ returns new key after operations (e.g. PATCH) (14ms)
      load(options = {}) function
        ✓ allows manual loading via the load() function (12ms)
        ✓ allows item endpoint loading on a collection hook (with id = undefined) via load(id) (13ms)
        ✓ allows new item endpoint loading on a collection hook (with id = some id) via load(id) (24ms)
        ✓ accepts options as first argument (non item endpoints) (19ms)
        options enabled on load() as overrides of upstream options
          ✓ fetchOptions: Object (12ms)
          ✓ query: Object | Function:Object (13ms)
      refresh(options = {}) function
        ✓ is an alias of load() function (2ms)
      remove(item) function
        ✓ sends DELETE, updates internal collection, and fires onRemove(item) when used with collection hook (21ms)
        ✓ sends DELETE, clears self, and fires onRemove(item) when used with item hook (22ms)
        ✓ sends DELETE, clears self, and calls onRemove(item) from item hook { isCollection: false } (23ms)
      replace(item, oldItem) function
        ✓ sends PUT, updates internal collection, and fires onReplace(item) when used with collection hook (21ms)
        ✓ sends PUT, updates internal collection, and fires onReplace(item) when used with item hook (22ms)
        ✓ sends PUT, replaces self, and calls onReplace(item) from item hook { isCollection: false } (23ms)
      update(item|changes, oldItem) function
        ✓ sends PATCH, updates internal collection, and fires onUpdate(item) when used with collection hook (21ms)
        ✓ sends PATCH and updates self when used with item hook (29ms)
        ✓ sends PATCH, updates self, fires chained promises, and calls onUpdate(item) from item hook { isCollection: false } (24ms)
        ✓ collection hook does not update self, or fire onUpdate with response error (20ms)
        ✓ item hook does not update self, or fire onUpdate with response error (25ms)
      autoload boolean (default = true)
        ✓ loads data from endpoint immediately with default of { autoload: true } (13ms)
        ✓ does not autoload if { autoload: false } (3ms)
      fetchOptions object (default = undefined)
        ✓ will embed options into GET fetch requests (e.g. { fetchOptions: { headers: { Authorization: 'foo' } } }) (15ms)
        ✓ will embed options into PATCH/etc fetch requests (e.g. { fetchOptions: { headers: { Authorization: 'foo' } } }) (20ms)
      filter function or object (default = undefined)
        ✓ filtered returns the original data array if no filter set (16ms)
        ✓ filtered can use a filter function (e.g. { filter: item => !item.flag }) (15ms)
        ✓ filtered can use a filter object (e.g. { filter: { flag: false } }) (15ms)
      initialValue anything (default = [] if collection, undefined if not)
        ✓ data defaults to initialValue if set (e.g. { initialValue: 'foo' })
      interval number (ms) (default = undefined)
        ✓ allows polling of data via GET/load() at time = {interval} (25ms)
      log boolean or function (default = empty function)
        ✓ logging is turned off by default (4ms)
        ✓ uses console.log if { log: true } (4ms)
        ✓ { log: false } is allowed (17ms)
        ✓ can accept any function to handle log (e.g. { log: }) (2ms)
      namespace string, number, or function that returns a string or number (default = undefined)
        ✓ must either be string, number, or function that returns a string or number (TODO) (2ms)
      onAuthenticationError({ message, status? }) function (default = undefined)
        ✓ fires when receiving a 401 from GET or load() (17ms)
        ✓ fires when receiving a 403 from GET or load() (19ms)
        ✓ does not fire onError() on 401/403 if onAuthenticationError() defined (16ms)
      onCreate(item) function (default = undefined)
        ✓ fired when items created via POST
      onError({ message, status? }) function (default = console.log)
        ✓ throws error if passed an ID when option { isCollection: false } (2ms)
        ✓ returned error obj toString() === err.message (17ms)
        ✓ containst status code for response errors (19ms)
        ✓ containst no status code for try/catch errors (18ms)
        ✓ sets error prop and calls onError() with transform error (17ms)
        ✓ sets error prop and calls onError() with response status error (18ms)
        ✓ onError gets full response body on error code response (e.g. POST 409) (25ms)
        ✓ sets calls onError() with 401/403 errors if onAuthenticationError() not defined (17ms)
        ✓ intercepts and prevents other success events (e.g. onUpdate, onCreate, onReplace, etc) (28ms)
        ✓ returned payload from errored response is delivered to onError (20ms)
        ✓ honors error.message default (17ms)
      onLoad(item) function (default = undefined)
        ✓ fired when data fetched via GET (1ms)
      onRemove(item) function (default = undefined)
        ✓ fired when items removed via DELETE
      onReplace(item) function (default = undefined)
        ✓ fired when items replaced via PUT (1ms)
      onUpdate(item) function (default = undefined)
        ✓ fired when items updated via PATCH
      persist boolean (default = false)
        ✓ will save response data to localStorage (17ms)
      query function or object (default = undefined)
        ✓ appends dynamic query to GET endpoint if function (e.g. { query: () => ({ limit: 1 }) }) (24ms)
        ✓ appends static query to GET endpoint if object (e.g. { query: { limit: 1 } }) (23ms)
      transform function (default = undefined)
        ✓ transform reshapes payload (e.g. { transform: r => }) (19ms)
        ✓ transform reshapes PATCH payload (29ms)
      transformCollection function (default = undefined)
        ✓ transformCollection reshapes collection on GET (e.g. { transformCollection: c => c.slice(0,1) }) (20ms)
        ✓ fires after transform() if defined (18ms)
        ✓ does not fire on { collection: false } endpoints (27ms)
        ✓ does not fire on collection item endpoints (e.g. useHook(id)) (26ms)
      transformItem function (default = undefined)
        ✓ transformItem reshapes each item within collection on GET (e.g. { transformItem: item => ({ ...item, isCool: true }) }) (20ms)
        ✓ transformItem reshapes data on GET with item endpoint (27ms)
        ✓ fires after transform() and transformCollection() if defined (on collection endpoints) (21ms)
        ✓ transforms data on operations (e.g. PATCH) (31ms)
        ✓ will not fire on empty array result (20ms)

Test Suites: 2 passed, 2 total
Tests:       103 passed, 103 total

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  • krwhitley