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Helpful utility functions that you usually need in any react project.


Creates string with unique css class names. Accepts non fixed amount of arguments. Possible values are: strings, arrays, objects, null and undefined. Function understands space separated classes in strings, inside arrays and in property names of objects.

import { ReactElement } from 'react';
import { classNames } from 'react-cool-utils';

function Example(): ReactElement {
  return (
    <div className={classNames(
      'static-class another-class',
        ['conditional-class']: condition()


Creates an object with data attributes. Convert property names to lowercase kebab-case strings with data- prefix. All values will be converted to strings.

import { ReactElement, useMemo } from 'react';
import { dataAttrs } from 'react-cool-utils';

type ExampleProps = {
  id: number;
  kind: string;

function Example({ id, kind }: ExampleProps): ReactElement {
  const dataset = useMemo(() => dataAttrs({
    elementId: id,
    exampleKind: kind,
    'wrong-style_property': false,
  }), [id, kind]);
  dataset object will be:
    'data-element-id': '123',
    'data-example-kind': 'test',
    'data-wrong-style-property': 'false',

  return (
    <div {...dataset}/>


Just type safe function for creating CSSProperties object with custom css properties inside. So it's not needed anymore to use as type casting.

import { ReactElement, useMemo } from 'react';
import { customStyle } from 'react-cool-utils';

type ExampleProps = {
  columns: number;

function Example({ columns }: ExampleProps): ReactElement {
  const style = useMemo(() => customStyle({
    backgroundColor: 'red',
    '--example-columnsAmount': columns,
  }), [columns]);

  return (
    <div style={style}/>


Receives as object and returns uuid string for it. Returns same value for same object on each call.

import { generateKey } from 'react-cool-utils';

const data = { someProperty: 'someValue' };
const uuid1 = generateKey(data);
const uuid2 = generateKey(data);

console.log(uuid1 === uuid2); // true


This function adds a special property with a unique string to the passed object. If the passed object already contains this property, its value will be kept unchanged. For the case when a new object will be passed, but with a property and value generated earlier for another object, the function can work in two modes: new and keep.

  • keep (default): the property will be kept unchanged;
  • new: a new value will be generated for the property.

The property name is a private symbol, so this property will not be included in JSON when sending data over the network.


Returns previously generated unique string from special property (created by withReactKey() function) or generates new key for passed object.

import { getReactKey, withReactKey } from 'react-cool-utils';

const dataWithKey = withReactKey({
  some: 'property',
const key = getReactKey(dataWithKey); // retunrns unique string


Function allows to render arrays and any other iterables as single React.Fragment. Additionally, instead of iterable object, may accept positive integer. It allows to render something specified amount of times.

  • may render custom fallback in case of empty iterable or 0 times;
  • for iterable of objects automatically provides keys;
With integer
import { renderMany } from 'react-cool-utils';

function Example(): ReactElement {
  // returns a Fragment with 5 span elements inside
  return renderMany(5, (_, index) => (
With iterable
import { useMemo } from 'react';
import { renderMany } from 'react-cool-utils';

function Example(): ReactElement {
  const data = useMemo((): Set<object> => createExampleMap(), []);
  // returns a Fragment with generated span elements inside
  return renderMany(data, (element, index, key) => (
    // key is unique for each element
    <div key={key}>{index}</div>
With fallback
import { useMemo } from 'react';
import { renderMany } from 'react-cool-utils';

function Example(): ReactElement {
  // returns a Fragment with generated fallback
  return renderMany([], (element, index) => (
    <div key={key}>{index}</div>
  ), () => (
    <div>I'm fallback</div>

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  • alex-skakun