
0.2.6 • Public • Published


A minimal state management library for React.

Features Include:

  • Dynamic State Injection
  • APIs are similar to React
  • Centralize Module State into single file
  • Not Context / Redux knowledge required
  • Async Action Status (loading)
  • Easy to Learn


The docs below is how you can manually setup this package, You are welcomed to install one of my cli tool called jamyth-script. As this package will be one of the dependencies of the cli tool, and easy generate the following codes in just one command !

p.s. Jamyth is now working on the jamyth-script. Please wait.


Most of the time when we develop a webapp, we use state management library such as redux, etc...

But there are some cases that we might want to access a state within a module or a small scope.

What redux does is to make the state global, and we have to define the actions, reducer and stuff for just a boolean or array.

Could we have something that can achieve a "semi-global" state, and also get rid of "Props drilling" issue ?


yarn add react-cloud-state
// or
npm i react-cloud-state

Suggested Project File Structure

Of course you can use the one you are familiar with. but here is my suggestion

+-- src
|   +-- module
|   |   +-- home
|   |   |   +-- type.ts // Step 1
|   |   |   +-- hook.ts // Step 3
|   |   |   +-- index.ts // Step 4
|   |   |   +-- component
|   |   |   |   +-- Main.tsx // Step 5
|   |   +-- other
|   |   |   +-- type.ts
|   |   |   +-- hook.ts
|   |   |   +-- index.ts
|   |   |   +-- component
|   |   |   |   +-- Main.tsx
|   +-- util
|   |   +-- type.ts // Step 2

TypeScript Usage

Step 1

Go to your module/home/type.ts

export interface State {
    // Your State about the current Module
    helloWorld: string;

Step 2

First, you have to create a type.ts | util/type.ts (or you name it) to centralize a RootState interface for your web app.

import {CloudState} from 'react-cloud-state';
import {State as HomeState} from 'module/home';

export interface RootState extends CloudState {
  app: {
      // Append your State for Each Module
      home: HomeState

Step 3

Next, go to module/home/hook.ts

Here is a reminder, the home should change as how you name it in step 2.

import {useSelector} from 'react-cloud-state';
import {RootState} from 'util/type';

export const useHomeState = <T>(
    fn:(state: RootState['app']['home']
) => T): T => {
    return useSelector((state: RootState) => fn(;

Step 4

Then, go to module/home/index.ts

Here are the actions if you are familiar with redux.

  • home should always match the key you named in step 2
  • setState acts like the React.setState, so it is simple
  • getState returns the state of current module
  • getRootState returns the app state, but use it carefully as all state is dynamically injected to app, so it might return undefined if you getRootState().app.otherModuleState
// This is not related to Step 4
import { Main as MainComponent } from './component/Main';

import {registerModule, loading} from 'react-cloud-state';
import {State} from './type';
import {RootState} from 'util/type'

const initialState: State = {
    helloWorld: 'Hello World',

const HomeModule = registerModule<RootState, "home">(
    ({ setState, getState, getRootState }) => ({
        setHelloWorld: (text: string) => {
            setState({ helloWorld: text });
            // or
            setState(state => state.helloWorld = text);
        // Async function
        sendRequest: async () => {
            await res = axios.get('blah blah');
            setState({ helloWorld: 'fetched' });
        // Async function with loading state
        // key can be anything, or empty : 'list';
        sendRequestWithStatus: loading('list')(async () => {
            await res = axios.get('blah blah');
            setState({ helloWorld: 'fetched' });

export const actions = HomeModule.getActions();

Step 5

We are almost done !

go to module/home/component/Main.tsx

// Finally real React stuff XD.
import React from 'react';
import {actions} from 'module/home';
import {useHomeState} from 'module/home/hook';
import {useAction, usePromiseAction, useLoadingState} from 'react-cloud-state';

export const Main = React.memo(() => {

    const helloWorld = useHomeState(state => state.helloWorld);

    const setHelloWorld = useAction(actions.setHelloWorld);

    // should match the key provided in index.ts
    const isLoading = useLoadingState('list');

    const sendRequest = usePromiseAction(actions.sendRequest);
    const sendRequestWithStatus = usePromiseAction(actions.sendRequestWithStatus);

    React.useEffect(() => {
    }, [])

    return (
            <h1>{isLoading ? 'Loading...' : helloWorld}</h1>
              onChange={e => setHelloWorld(}

JavaScript Usage

p.s. you should start using TypeScript right now !

Basically follow Step 3, 4, 5

I am lazy, don't want to write the JS Docs, someone help me ?

PRs are welcomed

There are still some enhancements that could be done, but my typescript knowledge is limited, so please help.


MIT licensed. Copyright (c) Jamyth Luk 2020.




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  • jamyth