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react + apexchart 를 쉽게 시작하기 위해 제작했습니다.

Easy to get started with react + apexchart.

apexchart 종류 별로 업데이트 예정이며, 현재는 Line Chart, Bar Chart, Area Chart, Bubble Chart, BoxPlot Chart, Candlestick Chart, Heatmap Chart, Pie Chart, PolarArea Chart, Radar Chart, Radial Bar Chart, TreeMap Chart 가 업데이트 된 상태 입니다.

It will be updated for each apexchart type, and the Line Chart, Bar Chart, Area Chart, Bubble Chart, BoxPlot Chart, Candlestick Chart, Heatmap Chart, Pie Chart, PolarArea Chart, Radar Chart, Radial Bar Chart, TreeMap Chart is currently updated.

Download and Installation

Installing via npm
npm i react-apexchart-library


import {
} from 'react-apexchart-library';

최소한의 구성으로 기본적인 라인 차트 만들려면 아래와 같이 진행하세요.

To create a basic line chart with minimal configuration, proceed as follows:

function App() {
  const chartSeries = [
      name: 'Test Name1',
      data: [10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 10, 30],
      name: 'Test Name2',
      data: [20, 40, 60, 80, 20, 40, 60],
  const categories = ['test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4', 'test5', 'test6', 'test7'];
  return (
      <LineChart // or <BarChart />, <AreaChart /> ... etc

export default App;

아래와 같이 차트가 렌더링 됩니다.

This will render the following chart.


Bubble Chart 에서는 Series 설정을 다르게 해야 합니다.

In case of Bubble Chart, you need to set the Series differently.

function App() {
  const bubbleRadius = [10, 100];
  const chartSeries = [
      name: 'Bubble1',
      data: [
        [10, 10, 10],
        [20, 20, 20],
        [30, 30, 30],
      name: 'Bubble2',
      data: [
        [50, 50, 50],
        [60, 60, 60],
        [70, 70, 70],
      name: 'Bubble3',
      data: [
        [40, 40, 40],
        [80, 80, 80],
        [90, 90, 90],
      name: 'Bubble4',
      data: [
        [26, 26, 26],
        [73, 73, 73],
        [81, 81, 81],

  //* data: [[x: number => xAxis, y: number => yAxis, z: number => size]]
  return (
      <BubbleChart chartSeries={chartSeries} bubbleRadius={bubbleRadius} dataLabelEnabled={false} />

BoxPlot Chart 에서는 Series 설정을 다르게 해야 합니다.

In case of BoxPlot Chart, you need to set the Series differently.

function App() {
  const chartSeries = [
      data: [
          x: 'Category A',
          y: [54, 66, 69, 75, 88],
          x: 'Category B',
          y: [43, 65, 69, 76, 81],
          x: 'Category C',
          y: [31, 39, 45, 51, 59],
          x: 'Category D',
          y: [39, 46, 55, 65, 71],
          x: 'Category E',
          y: [29, 31, 35, 39, 44],
          x: 'Category F',
          y: [41, 49, 58, 61, 67],
          x: 'Category G',
          y: [54, 59, 66, 71, 88],

  //* [{ x: category/date, y: [min, q1, median, q3, max] }]
  return (
      <BoxPlotChart chartSeries={chartSeries} dataLabelEnabled={false} zoomOptions={{ enabled: false }} />

Candlestick Chart 에서는 Series 설정을 다르게 해야 합니다.

In case of Candlestick Chart, you need to set the Series differently.

function App() {
  const chartSeries = [{
      data: [
          x: new Date(1538778600000),
          y: [6629.81, 6650.5, 6623.04, 6633.33]
          x: new Date(1538780400000),
          y: [6632.01, 6643.59, 6620, 6630.11]
          x: new Date(1538782200000),
          y: [6630.71, 6648.95, 6623.34, 6635.65]
          x: new Date(1538784000000),
          y: [6635.65, 6651, 6629.67, 6638.24]
          x: new Date(1538785800000),
          y: [6638.24, 6640, 6620, 6624.47]
          x: new Date(1538787600000),
          y: [6624.53, 6636.03, 6621.68, 6624.31]
          x: new Date(1538789400000),
          y: [6624.61, 6632.2, 6617, 6626.02]
          x: new Date(1538791200000),
          y: [6627, 6627.62, 6584.22, 6603.02]
          x: new Date(1538793000000),
          y: [6605, 6608.03, 6598.95, 6604.01]

  The multi-dimensional array:
  [[Timestamp], [O, H, L, C]]

  single array:
  [Timestamp, O, H, L, C]

  xy format:
  [{ x: date, y: [O,H,L,C] }]

  return (

Heatmap Chart 에서는 Series 설정을 다르게 해야 합니다.

In case of Heatmap Chart, you need to set the Series differently.

function App() {
  const chartSeries = [
      name: 'Metric 1',
      data: [
          x: 'W1',
          y: 22,
          x: 'W2',
          y: 29,
      name: 'Metric 2',
      data: [
          x: 'W1',
          y: 22,
          x: 'W2',
          y: 29,

  const heatmapColorScale = [
      from: 0,
      to: 20,
      name: 'low',
      color: '#2196F3',
      from: 21,
      to: 40,
      name: 'medium',
      color: '#4CAF50',
      from: 41,
      to: 60,
      name: 'high',
      color: '#FFC107',
      from: 61,
      to: 80,
      name: 'extreme',
      color: '#FF5722',
      from: 81,
      to: 100,
      name: 'max',
      color: '#9C27B0',

  return (
      <HeatmapChart chartSeries={chartSeries} dataLabelEnabled={false} heatmapColorScale={heatmapColorScale} />

Pie Chart 에서는 Series 설정을 다르게 해야 합니다.

In case of Pie Chart, you need to set the Series differently.

function App() {
  const chartSeries = [44, 55, 13, 43, 22];
  const pieLabels = ['Label1', 'Label2', 'Label3', 'Label4', 'Label5'];

  return (
      <PieChart chartSeries={chartSeries} pieLabels={pieLabels} />

PolarArea Chart 는 Pie Chart 와 동일합니다.

PolarArea Chart is the same as Pie Chart.

function App() {
  const chartSeries = [44, 55, 13, 43, 22];
  const polarLabels = ['Label1', 'Label2', 'Label3', 'Label4', 'Label5'];

  return (
      <PolarAreaChart chartSeries={chartSeries} polarLabels={polarLabels} dataLabelEnabled={false} />

Radar Chart 는 Line Chart 와 동일합니다.

Radar Chart is the same as Line Chart.

function App() {
  const chartSeries = [
      name: 'Test Name1',
      data: [10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 10, 30],
      name: 'Test Name2',
      data: [20, 40, 60, 80, 20, 40, 60],
  const categories = ['test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4', 'test5', 'test6', 'test7'];
  return (
      <RadarChart // or <BarChart />, <AreaChart /> ... etc

Radial Bar Chart 는 Pie Chart 와 동일합니다.

Radial Bar Chart is the same as Pie Chart.

function App() {
  const chartSeries = [10, 30, 50, 70, 90];
  const radialBarLabels = ['test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4', 'test5'];
  return (
      <RadialBarChart chartSeries={chartSeries} radialBarLabels={radialBarLabels} tooltipOptions={[false]} />

TreeMap Chart 는 Heatmap Chart 와 동일합니다.

TreeMap Chart is the same as Heatmap Chart.

function App() {
  const chartSeries = [
      name: 'Desktops',
      data: [
          x: 'ABC',
          y: 10,
          x: 'DEF',
          y: 60,
          x: 'XYZ',
          y: 41,
      name: 'Mobile',
      data: [
          x: 'ABCD',
          y: 10,
          x: 'DEFG',
          y: 20,
          x: 'WXYZ',
          y: 51,
          x: 'PQR',
          y: 30,
          x: 'MNO',
          y: 20,
          x: 'CDE',
          y: 30,

  return (
      <TreeMapChart chartSeries={chartSeries} dataLabelTextStyle={{ colors: ['#fff'] }} zoomOptions={{ enabled: false }} />


Prop Type Default Description
chartSeries Array [] chart data series
chartHeight Number/String '500px' chart height
chartWidth Number/String '100%' chart width
backgroundColor String '#fff' chart background color
offsetX Number 0 chart offset X Axis
offsetY Number 0 chart offset Y Axis
sparkLine Boolean false Helps to visualize data in small areas
title String/Undefined undefined chart title
titleStyle Object fontSize, fontWeight, color ...etc chart title style
dataLabelEnabled Boolean true chart label
dataLabelString String '' chart label suffix
dataLabelAnchor String 'middle' chart label anchor position
dataLabelTextStyle Object fontSize, fontWeight, color ...etc chart label style
dataLabelBackground Array [true, '#fff', '#fff'] [used/unused, foreColor, borderColor]
dataLabelTextShadow Array [false, '#000', 0.45] [enabled, color, opacity]
chartLegend Array [true, 'top', 'center', 0, 0] [show, position, horizontalAlign, offsetX, offsetY]
chartMarker Array [0, 'circle'] [size, shape]
chartNodata Array [undefined, 'middle', 0, 0, 14] [text, verticalAlign, offsetX, offsetY, fontSize]
chartStroke Array [true, 'straight', 2, 0] [show, curve, width, dashArray]
chartSubtitle Array [undefined, 'center', 0, 0, 12, '#9699a2'] [text, align, offsetX, offsetY, color]
tooltipOptions Array [true, true, false, 'light', 12] [enabled, shared, fillSeriesColor, theme, fontSize]
tooltipXAxis Array [true, 'dd MMM'] [show, format]
tooltipYAxis Array ['', ''] [tooltip y axis suffix, tooltip y axis title suffix]
XAxisOptions Array ['category', 'on', 'bottom', false] [xAxis type, tickPlacement, position, tooltip enabled]
YAxisOptions Array [true, false, false, 6, true] [show, opposite, reversed, tickAmount, labels show]
colorSet Array ['#008FFB', '#00E396', '#FEB019', '#FF4560', '#775DD0'] color format
toolbarOptions Object show, offsetX, offsetY, ... etc
zoomOptions Object enabled, type, autoScaleYaxis, ... etc

Chart PlotOptions Props


Prop Type Default Description
barHorizontal Boolean false Bar chart type Horizontal or Vertical
barBorderRadius Number 0 Bar Border Radius
barColumnWidth String '70%' Bar width
barRangeColor Array [0, 0, undefined] [range from, range to, color]
barBackgroundStyle Array [[], 1, 0] [['color',...], opacity, radius]
barDataLabels Array ['top', 'horizontal'] [data label position, data label orientation]


Prop Type Default Description
areaFillTo String 'origin' 'origin' or 'end' : When negative values are present in the area chart, fill the area


Prop Type Default Description
bubbleRadius Array [undefined, undefined] [minBubbleRadius, maxBubbleRadius]


Prop Type Default Description
boxPlotColors Array ['#e9ecef', '#f8f9fa'] [upperColor, lowerColor]


Prop Type Default Description
candlestickColor Array ['#e9ecef', '#f8f9fa'] [upwardColor, downwardColor]
candlestickWick Boolean true Candle wick color uses the same color as the body color


Prop Type Default Description
heatmapRadius Number 2 heatmap square radius
heatmapReverse Boolean true Invert Shading for Negative Numbers
heatmapStroke Boolean false Make the heatmap border color the same as the cell color
heatmapColorScale Array [] [{from, to, color, foreColor, name},]
heatmapInverse Boolean false vertically instead of horizontally


Prop Type Default Description
pieType String 'pie' pie or donut
pieLabels Array [] use in category
pieAngles Array [0, 360] start and end angles of the pie
pieOnClick Boolean false extension when clicked
pieOffset Array [0, 0] position coordinates of pie
pieLabelOffset Number 0 labels will move outside / inside of the donut area
pieShowLabelAngle Number 10 Minimum angle to allow data-labels to show
donutBackground String 'transparent' The background color of the pie
donutLabelsShow Boolean false Whether to display internal labels when donut
donutLabelValueSuffix String '' The suffix on the label when donut
donutTotalShow Boolean false Whether to show the total value when donut
donutTotalStyles Array ['Total', '22px', '#373d3f'] [total labels title, font size, font color]


Prop Type Default Description
polarLabels Array [] use in category
polarRingStroke Array [1, '#e8e8e8'] [Border width of the rings, The line/border color of the rings]
polarSpokeStroke Array [1, '#e8e8e8'] [Border width of the spokes, The line/border color of the spokes]


Prop Type Default Description
radarOffset Array [0, 0] [offsetX, offsetY]
radarStroke Array ['#e8e8e8', '#e8e8e8', 1] [radar stroke color, radar connector color, stroke width]
radarFillColor Array undefined The polygons can be filled with a custom color. [2 colors, the colors will be repeated for the rest of the polygons.]


Prop Type Default Description
radialBarLabels Array [] use in category
radialBarInverse Boolean false Whether to make the first value of series innermost or outermost
radialBarAngle Array [0, 360] [Angle from which the radialBars should start, end]
radialBarOffset Array [0, 0] Sets the offset for radialBars
radialBarHollow Array [5, '50%', 'transparent'] [Spacing which will be subtracted from the available hollow size, Size in percentage relative to the total available size of chart, Background color for the hollow part]
radialBarTrack Array [true, undefined, undefined] [Show track under the bar lines, track start angle, track end angle]
radialBarTrackStyle Array ['#f2f2f2', '97%', 1, 5] [track color, Width of the track, Opacity of the track, Spacing between each track]
radialBarDataLabels Boolean true Whether to display labels inside radialBars
radialBarDataLabelsName Array [true, '16px', 600, undefined, -10] [Show the name of the respective bar associated with it’s value, font size, font weight, font color, Sets the top offset for name]
radialBarDataLabelsValue Array [true, '14px', 400, undefined, 16] [Show the value label associated with the name label, font size, font weight, font color, Sets the top offset for name]
radialBarTotal Array [true, 'Total', '#373d3f', '16px', 600] [Show the total of all the series in the inner area of radialBar, label name, label color, label size, label weight]


Prop Type Default Description
treeMapShades Boolean true Enables color shading based on value.
treeMapShadeIntensity Number 0.5 intensity of shading
treeMapReverse Boolean true When enabled, it will reverse the shades for negatives but keep the positive shades as it is now.
treeMapDistribute Boolean false When turned on, colors will be shaded for each series.
treeMapFillStroke Boolean false When turned on, the stroke/border around the treemap cell has the same color as the cell color.
treeMapColorScale Array [{from: 0, to: 0, color: undefined, foreColor: undefined, }, ...] [{from: Value indicating range’s upper limit, to: Value indicating range’s lower limit, color: Background color to fill the range with, foreColor: Color of the text if data-labels is enabled}, ...]

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