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1.1.10 • Public • Published

RDX Socket (Redux Socket)

Extremely simple websocket binding designed for direct integration in redux-saga.


RDX Socket is hosted on the npm registry. To install, run npm i --save rdxsocket or yarn add rdxsocket.


RDX Socket wraps the basic WebSocket with an event-driven process flow. No extra middleware is required, it integrates directly into a redux saga.

In a saga.js file:

import {socketHandler, request} from 'rdxsocket'
import * as actions from './actions'
import * as events from './events'

const subscriptions = [

const connections = {
  events.fetchData.type: actions.setData

export function* saga() {
  yield all([
    fork(socketHandler, 'ws://localhost:8082/main', subscriptions, connections),
    takeEvery(`${actions.request}`, request),
    // ... any other sagas

In some index.js:


const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
  fetchData: () => dispatch(actions.request(events.fetchData))  // Payload should be an Event or CustomEvent


In the corresponding template.js:


  componentDidMount() {

In this example, actions.request is the action type dispatched by any components requesting data from the websocket. subscriptions are the types of events the socket should subscribe to. The when actions.request are dispatched, the request saga in RDX Socket dispatches those events to the socket, which in turn makes the calls to the backend. connections are the actions ('value') the RDX wrapper should emit whenever it receives a message of type 'key'. In the above example, if RDX Socket receives a message of type 'FETCH_DATA' (or whatever events.fetchData.type equals), it will emit an action actions.setData with the payload it received from the WebSocket.

Note: to minimize variable creation the subscriptions variable could be replaced in the fork call with Object.keys(connections) if the socket only needed to subscribe to events that required an action be dispatched.

Every event in the events file should be of type Event or CustomEvent. RDX Socket can handle CustomEvents with the payload located in the detail prop.

Variable Name Summary

When learning Redux, it helped me to explain to myself what certainly variables were representing in English (especially with mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps).

  • subscriptions: The requests I want the socket to subscribe to, a.k.a. listen for internally.
  • connections: The connections I want the socket to make between incoming message and action to emit ("When I receive a message of type key, I should emit an action value").

Socket Message Schema

RDX Socket is best suited for developers who have control over their front and back ends. It was designed initially with the intent to use with Groovy and Spring (Boot), but is compatible with any vanilla WebSocket implementation (see Technical Debt).

The default schema RDX Socket expects in messages to receive is

  type: type,     // The type of message to check for connections
  payload: data,  // The data to emit in the action payload (can be undefined)

My WebSocketHandler is configured to just echo the type when replying to messages, which is why it is possible to use Object.keys(connections) instead of separate subscriptions and connections when calling the socketHandler fork.

Technical Debt

  • Unknown functionality with SockJS or other WebSocket wrappers.
  • Using multiple RDX Socket instances is untested.
  • Unit tests.


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