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Scrollbars usage

import Scrollbars from 'ray-scrolbar';

The <Scrollbars> component works out of the box with some default styles. The only thing you need to care about is that the component has a width and height:

import Scrollbars from 'ray-scrolbar';

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <Scrollbars style={{ width: 500, height: 300 }}>
        <p>Some large content...</p>

The <Scrollbars> component is completely customizable. Check out the following code:

import Scrollbars from 'ray-scrolbar';

class CustomScrollbars extends Component {
  render() {
    return (

Scrollbars props

params type default description
onScroll func: (event) => {} - Event handler
onScrollFrame func: (values: Values) => {} - Runs inside the animation frame.
onScrollStart func: (event) => {} - Called when scrolling starts
onScrollStop func: (event) => {} - Called when scrolling stops
onUpdate func: (values: Values) => {} - Called when ever the component is updated. Runs inside the animation frame
renderView func: () => JSX.Element - The element your content will be rendered in
renderHorizontalTrack func: () => JSX.Element - Horizontal track element
renderVerticalTrack func: () => JSX.Element - Vertical track element
renderHorizontalThumb func: () => JSX.Element - Horizontal thumb element
renderVerticalThumb func: () => JSX.Element - Vertical thumb element
hideTracksWhenNotNeed boolean false Hide tracks (visibility: hidden) when content does not overflow container.
thumbSize Number - Set a fixed size for thumbs in px.
thumbMinSize Number 30 Minimal thumb size in px.
autoHide boolean false Enable auto-hide mode. When true tracks will hide automatically and are only visible while scrolling.
autoHideTimeout Number 1000 Hide delay in ms.
autoHideDuration Number 200 Duration for hide animation in ms.
autoHeight boolean false Enable auto-height mode. When true container grows with content
autoHeightMin Number 0 Set a minimum height for auto-height mode
autoHeightMax Number 200 Set a maximum height for auto-height mode
universal boolean false Enable universal rendering. Learn how to use universal rendering
customScrollbarWidth number - custom scrollbar size

Scrollbars Values

params type default description
top Number - scrollTop progess, from 0 to 1
left Number - scrollLeft progess, from 0 to 1
clientWidth Number - Width of the view
clientHeight Number - Height of the view
scrollWidth, Number - Native scrollWidth
scrollHeight Number - Native scrollHeight
scrollLeft Number - Native scrollLeft
scrollTop Number - Native scrollTop

Scrollbars Methods

  • scrollTop(top = 0): scroll to the top value
  • scrollLeft(left = 0): scroll to the left value
  • scrollToTop(): scroll to top
  • scrollToBottom(): scroll to bottom
  • scrollToLeft(): scroll to left
  • scrollToRight(): scroll to right
  • getScrollLeft(): get scrollLeft value
  • getScrollTop(): get scrollTop value
  • getScrollWidth(): get scrollWidth value
  • getScrollHeight(): get scrollHeight value
  • getClientWidth(): get view client width
  • getClientHeight(): get view client height
  • getValues(): get an object with values about the current position.


ScrollArea usage

import ScrollArea from 'ray-scrollbar/lib/scrollarea';

class ScrollAreaDemo extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div style={{ width: '200px', height: '200px' }}>
          <div style={{ height: '900px' }}>content ...</div>

export default ScrollAreaDemo;

ScrollArea props

ScrollArea.childContextTypes = {
  scrollArea: PropTypes.object

ScrollArea.propTypes = {
  children: PropTypes.node,
  // CSS class names added to main scroll area component.
  className: PropTypes.string,
  // Inline styles applied to the main scroll area component.
  style: PropTypes.object,
  // Scroll speed applied to mouse wheel event. **Default: 1**
  speed: PropTypes.number,
  // CSS class names added to element with scroll area content.
  contentClassName: PropTypes.string,
  // Inline styles applied to element with scroll area content.
  contentStyle: PropTypes.object,
  // When set to false, vertical scrollbar will not be available, regardless of the content height.**Default: true**
  vertical: PropTypes.bool,
  // Inline styles applied to vertical scrollbar's container.
  verticalContainerStyle: PropTypes.object,
  // Inline styles applied to vertical scrollbar.
  verticalScrollbarStyle: PropTypes.object,
  // When set to false, horizontal scrollbar will not be available. **Default: true**
  horizontal: PropTypes.bool,
  // Inline styles applied to horizontal scrollbar's container.
  horizontalContainerStyle: PropTypes.object,
  // Inline styles applied to horizontal scrollbar.
  horizontalScrollbarStyle: PropTypes.object,
  `onScroll(value: Object)` event which can notify the parent component when the container scrolls.
    - `value: Object` - informations about current position
    - `value.leftPosition: Number` - content left position (distance in pixels from the left side of container)
    - `value.topPosition: Number` - content top position (distance in pixels from the top of container)
    - `value.containerHeight: Number` - container height
    - `value.containerWidth: Number` - container width
    - `value.realHeight: Number` - real content height
    - `value.realWidth: Number` - real content width
  onScroll: PropTypes.func,
  // You can override window to make scrollarea works inside iframe. **Default: window**
  contentWindow: PropTypes.any,
  // You can override document to make scrollarea works inside iframe. **Default: document**
  ownerDocument: PropTypes.any,
  // Using this prop it's possible to set minimal size in px for both scrollbars.
  minScrollSize: PropTypes.number,
  // After set to true, mouse wheel event has swapped directions.
  // So normal scrolling moves horizontal scrollbar and scrolling with SHIFT key moves vertical scrollbar.
  // It could be useful for applications with horizontal layout. **Default: false**
  swapWheelAxes: PropTypes.bool,
  // After set to true, mouse wheel event will not propagate.
  // This option is specifically useful in preventing nested scroll areas from propagating scroll actions to parent scroll areas.
  // **Default: false**
  stopScrollPropagation: PropTypes.bool,
  // After set to a number, scrollarea-content is rendered with a tabindex value set to the passed in.
  // This option is specifically useful in allowing the scroll area to be focusable. **Default: undefined**
  focusabconstabIndex: PropTypes.number,
  // In some scenarios, it is necessary to set the custom scrollbar size and automatically calculate the scrollbar size. In the body zoom scenario, bugs may occur
  customScrollbarWidth: PropTypes.number

ScrollArea Context

use context

class Content extends Component {

Content.contextTypes = {
  scrollArea: PropTypes.object

// context methods
this.context.scrollArea.refresh(); // That method allows manual refreshing of the scrollbar.
this.context.scrollArea.scrollTop(); // It allows to scroll to the top of `ScrollArea` component.
this.context.scrollArea.scrollBottom(); // It allows to scroll to the bottom of `ScrollArea` component.
// It moves vertical scrollbar. `topPosition` is a distance between the top of `scrollArea` container and the top of `scrollArea` content.
this.context.scrollArea.scrollLeft(); // It allows to scroll to the left of `ScrollArea` component.
this.context.scrollArea.scrollRight(); // It allows to scroll to the right of `ScrollArea` component.
// It moves horizontal scrollbar. `leftPosition` is a distance between left edge of `scrollArea` container and left edge of `scrollArea` content.



modify Scrolbar autoHide content hover


add ScrollArea


add horizontalTrackClassName and verticalTrackClassName





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  • ilex.h