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2.5.4 • Public • Published


Railyard is a generic shunting-yard parser for parenthesized infix expressions. Want users to be able to input formulae, but don't want to rely on JavaScript's evil eval? Then Railyard may be for you.

Railyard supports binary infix operators, unary prefix operators, and functions of arbitrary arity.



const {
} = require('railyard');


import {
  OpNode, ValNode, ResultNode, AstNode,
  ValToken, OpToken, Token,
  InfixInfo, FnInfo, OpInfo,
  NEG, INV, NOT, Intrinsic,
} from 'railyard';`

Several parser operations return an OpInfo data structure, with info about an instance of an operator in the context of an expression. This is a discriminated union of InfixInfo and FnInfo structures, which have the following format:

type InfixInfo = {
    type: 'infix';
    name: string; // String identifying the operator
    precedence: number; // How tightly this operator binds
    associativity: "left" | "right"; // In which direction it binds with equal-precedence operators 
    fn?: Intrinsic | ((a: any, b: any) => unknown);  // Optional implementation

type FnInfo = {
    type: 'function';
    name: string; // String identifying the operator
    arity: number; // How many arguments the function takes
    fn?: Intrinsic | ((...args: any[]) => unknown); // Optional implementation

Creating a new parser is as easy as const parser = new Railyard();. After that, you will need to tell your parser about the operators that you want it to recognize:

const parser = new Railyard()
    .register({ type: 'infix', name: '^', precedence: 9, associativity: "right", fn: Math.pow })
    .register({ type: 'infix', name: '*', precedence: 8, associativity: "left", fn: (a, b) => a * b })
    .register({ type: 'infix', name: '/', precedence: 8, associativity: "left", fn: (a, b) => a / b })
    .register({ type: 'infix', name: '%', precedence: 8, associativity: "left", fn: (a, b) => a % b })
    .register({ type: 'infix', name: '+', precedence: 8, associativity: "left", fn: (a, b) => a + b })
    .register({ type: 'infix', name: '-', precedence: 8, associativity: "left", fn: (a, b) => a - b })
    .register({ type: 'function', name: '-', arity: 1, fn: (a) => -a })
    .register({ type: 'function', name: 'sin', arity: 1, fn: Math.sin })
    .register({ type: 'function', name: 'xor', arity: 2, fn: (a, b) => a ^ b });

The parser.register method takes an OpInfo object--either InfixInfo or FnInfo. Function calls bind more tightly than any infix operators, and are right-associative. If you do not provide implementations, the parser can still parse, but it will not be able to evaluate the parsed expressions.

Note that, by default, functions with an arity of 1 (unary functions) are treated as unary prefix operators. I.e., sin ( t ) parses identically to sin t. However, due to the maximal binding precedence of function calls, sin 2 + 3 is equal to sin ( 2 ) + 3, not sin ( 2 + 3 ). Similarly, a + - b * c is equivalent to a + ( - ( b ) ) * c.

A number of Intrinsic symbols are provided that you can use for implementations of basic JavaScript operators, without having to provide your own function. Thus, the above registration could be done as follows instead:

const parser = new Railyard()
    .register({ type: 'infix', name: '^', precedence: 9, associativity: "right", fn: Math.pow })
    .register({ type: 'infix', name: '*', precedence: 8, associativity: "left", fn: MUL })
    .register({ type: 'infix', name: '/', precedence: 8, associativity: "left", fn: DIV })
    .register({ type: 'infix', name: '%', precedence: 8, associativity: "left", fn: REM })
    .register({ type: 'infix', name: '+', precedence: 8, associativity: "left", fn: ADD })
    .register({ type: 'infix', name: '-', precedence: 8, associativity: "left", fn: SUB })
    .register({ type: 'function', name: '-', arity: 1, fn: NEG })
    .register({ type: 'function', name: 'sin', arity: 1, fn: Math.sin })
    .register({ type: 'function', name: 'xor', arity: 2, fn: XOR });

The use of Intrinsics makes not difference to parsing or interpretation, but does allow more effective partial evaluation and improves the performance of compiled expressions, and can be convenient to avoid re-implementing lots of simple functions anyway. The use of unwrapped, built-n Math functions also improves compilation efficiency, as calls to those functions can be directly inlined into compiled code.

At this point, you can call

  • parser.parseToRPN(tokens: Iterable<string>): Generator<Token> This method returns a version of the input expression converted into de-parenthesized Reverse Polish Notation, with each original string token wrapped up in a Token data structure indicating whether it was originally an input value or an operator. The structure of the Token data type is type Token = { type: "value"; value: string; } | { type: "operator"; value: OpInfo; };
  • parser.parseToAST(tokens: Iterable<string>): AstNode This method returns a data structure describing the fully-disambiguated parsed expression. The structure of the AstNode data type is type AstNode = { type: "operator"; value: { op: OpInfo; args: AstNode[]; }; } | { type: "value"; value: string; };
  • parser.parseToSExpr(tokens: Iterable<string>): string This method returns a version of the expression in fully-parenthesized S-expression format, similar to LISP code. This is meant primarily for debugging.


parser.parseToSExpr('2 ^ 2 ^ 3 * b * ( a + 3 )'.split(' '))) === '(* (* (^ 2 (^ 2 3)) b) (+ a 3))'

If you have provided implementations for all operators used in a particular expression, then you can use

  • parser.interpret(tokens: Iterable<string>): unknown This method will attempt to apply your operator definitions to the appropriate arguments to produce a value. By default, everything token that is not recognized as a registered operator name is treated as an input value, and by default all inputs are interpreted as decimal floating-point numbers with JavaScript's built-in parseFloat function.

parser.interpret(['3', '*', '(', '2', '+', '1', ')']) === 9

However, you can also provide your own lookup function for interpreting non-operator tokens however you want, using the parser.lookup(fn: (s: string) => unknown) method; e.g., for looking up variable names:

const env = {
  a: 3,
  b: 5,

parser.lookup((v) => {
  const n = parseFloat(v);
  return isNaN(n) ? env[v] : n;

parser.interpret('2 ^ 2 ^ 3 b ( a + 3 )'.split(' ')) === 7680

If you do not have complete operator implementations, you can still use the partial and compile methods:

  • parser.partial(tokens: Iterable<string>): { ast: AstNode; free: { ops: Set<string>; vars: Set<string>; }; } This method performs partial evaluation and returns the resulting minimized AST, along with sets of the names of unimplemented methods and missing values that would be needed to complete evaluation. Thhe structure of the ASTNode data type is augmented in this case as follows: type AstNode = { type: "operator"; value: { op: OpInfo; args: AstNode[]; }; } | { type: "result"; value: string; };, in which a ResultNode indicates a final value, which should not be evaluated any further.
  • parser.compile(tokens: Iterable<string>): { fn: Function; free: { ops: Set<string>; vars: Set<string>; }; } This method performs partial evaluation and returns a compiled JavaScript function which can complete evaluation of the expression when given the necessary missing values, along with the names of unimplemented methods and missing values that it needs. To run the returned function, pass in an object whose keys are the missing operator and value names.

The partial and compile methods depend on a lookup function having been set which will throw an exception for missing values. Otherwise, whatever you feel like returning will be treated as a perfectly respectable value and passed on to later stages of evaluation, without recording any missing inputs.

Note that all of these methods require the input to be pre-tokenized. Railyard does not know anything about your lexical grammar.

Railyard also has a couple of auxiliary methods to tweak the behavior of the parser. Before or after registering operator definitions, you can also optionally

  • use parser.setImplicitOp(token: string) to tell Railyard to use a default infix operator for values in hiatus; i.e., calling parser.setImplicitOp('*'); will cause it to interpret the input ['a', '(', 'b', '+', '1', ')'] as equivalent to ['a', '*', '(', 'b', '+', '1', ')']; i.e., parser.interpret('a ( b + 1 )'.split(' ')) === parser.interpret('a * ( b + 1 )'.split(' ')). Setting a certain operator token as the implicit operator does not change its precedence! If you want, e.g., implicit multiplication and explicit multiplication to have different precedence, you must register different operators with the same implementation.
  • use parser.unaryFnAsPrefix(flag: boolean) to tell Railyard whether to permit calling unary functions as unary prefix operators without parentheses. The default is true. If set to false, examples like sin t will throw an error, requiring sin ( t ) instead.

Appendix: Intrinsic Implementations

The complete list of available Intrinsic functions is as follows:

  [ADD]: (a, b) => a + b,
  [SUB]: (a, b) => a - b,
  [MUL]: (a, b) => a * b,
  [DIV]: (a, b) => a / b,
  [REM]: (a, b) => a % b,
  [XOR]: (a, b) => a ^ b,
  [XNR]: (a, b) => ~(a ^ b),
  [AND]: (a, b) => a & b,
  [NND]: (a, b) => ~(a & b),
  [ORR]: (a, b) => a | b,
  [NOR]: (a, b) => ~(a | b),
  [NEG]: a => -a,
  [INV]: a => ~a,
  [NOT]: a => !a,

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