
4.6.6 • Public • Published


A node process controller designed to enable horizontally scalable deployments

RackMan has been designed to fill the gap between a full-stack cluster toolkit like amino and custom cluster implementations run behind a load balander. The primary objective is to provide many of the advantages of a full stack cluster toolkit while still allowing a load balancer to work effectively for protocols like WebSockets (which are notoriously poorly handled by such load balancers) and permitting zero-downtime updates.


  • Spectacularly easy to use
  • Uses metadata for configuration, simplifying deployment workflows
  • Built in smart auto-reload on file changes
  • Support for Upstart
  • Powerful hook support
  • Support for side-by-side deployment
  • Helpful deployment scripts


To configure RackMan to run on your server, all you need to do is run an npm install -g rackman and then point RackMan to your application's deployment folder by running rackman /my/app/folder.

All configuration parameters for RackMan are set in the .rackman.json file within your application's directory, allowing you to easily change configuration options when deploying your application without the need make modifications to your server.

Example Configuration

require('http').createServer(function(req, res) {
    res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
    return res.end('RackMan!\nVersion ' + process.env.version + '\n');


    "server": "server.js",
    "ports": [3000, 3001, 3002],
    "watch": [
    "timeout": 60000,
    "reload": 3600000,
    "environment": {
        "DEBUG": "express"


module.exports = {
    cluster: {
        started: function() { },
        shutdown: function() { },
        reloading: function() { },
        changed: function(filename) { }
    worker: {
        started: function(port) { },
        shutdown: function(port) { },
        crashed: function(port) { }

Enviroment Variables

RackMan populates a number of environment variables which you can make use of within your application for diagnostic purposes. These include port which is also used for binding your worker to the correct port, and version which reflects the deployed version in side-by-side deployments and will be set to false in standard deployments.

Configuration Options

  • server - The file used to host the server, should run .listen(process.env.port)
  • ports - An array of ports to listen on, RackMan will ensure there is always a worker listening on each port
  • watch - An array of watch directives which will be used to detect changes to your code and reload your application accordingly
  • timeout - The amount of time to wait between requesting a worker shutdown and forcing it to be killed, this can help prevent in-flight requests from being dropped while still ensuring that rogue workers aren't left alive.
  • reload - The amount of time between forced reloads, useful to help reduce the effect of memory leaks (if you've got any) in your applications.
  • environment - Any environment variables you would like to provide to your worker processes

The watch option uses minimatch to process watch paths, so you can easily specify complex monitor expressions. Keep in mind that these are used primarily for on-the-fly reloading of your application during development.


  • cluster.started - Triggered when RackMan is first started up, can be used to report when your server starts
  • cluster.shutdown - Triggered when RackMan has closed down all workers in preperation for shutdown
  • cluster.reloading - Triggered when RackMan begins a cluster reload either because files have changed or a SIGHUP/SIGUSR2 signal was recieved
  • cluster.changed - Triggered whenever a file change is detected, includes the name of the file which was changed
  • worker.started - Triggered whenever a worker is successfully started
  • worker.shutdown - Triggered whenever a worker is successfully shutdown
  • worker.crashed - Triggered whenever a worker fails to start correctly or closes prematurely

Important Notes

RackMan makes use of an intelligent file watching system which attempts to aggregate changes to the file system into a single operation, it does this by waiting for a second after the last file operation is detected before triggering a reload of the server. This means that copy operations shouldn't result in the server spamming reloads - making them safe to do without first closing down the server.

There is one important exception to this, and that is modifications to the .rackman.json and .rackhooks.js files, which will immediately cause RackMan to take action (in the case of .rackhooks.js that is to replace all the hooks in the application with the latest ones, while .rackman.json will result in new workers being created in case the ports have changed).

RackMan also attempts to intelligently handle worker crashes, if a worker fails to start correctly it will not be restarted until a cluster reload is initiated - this helps prevent the server from continuously attempting to reload a worker when there is something inherently wrong with the code.


The primary advantages of RackMan are its flexibility and simplicity, allowing you to easily use it to deploy a wide variety of clustered web applications with ease while still maintaining maximum compatibility. This allows you to use systems like NGINX to manage load balancing and sticky sessions automatically while RackMan remains responsible for keeping your server up and zero-downtime upgrades of your application.

This makes RackMan compatible, out of the box, with all common WebSocket libraries including socket.io and primus. It also means that there is less in the way of requests being processed, and the lightweight nature of Node's cluster framework ensures minimal performance penalties are incurred.

In addition to this, we've provided example NGINX configurations and Upstart scripts which you can easily modify - helping to minimize your setup time.

Side-by-Side Deployment

A major issue with many automated deployment scenarios is being able to quickly rollback versions when an error occurs, as well as the possibility for serving of partially stale files when updating in-place. A good solution to this is to deploy different versions in parallel, but separate, directories and switch the target once everything is in place - this allows you to reliably rollback to a previous version of your application at any time as well as solving many other transient issues.

RackMan is designed to make deploying such systems as easy as possible by integrating support for these deployments out of the box. All you need to do? Drop a .rackversion file in your application's deployment directory and deploy all versions to their own self-contained subdirectories.


Deploying couldn't be easier, all you need to do is have a directory structure like the following and then ensure the contents of .rackversion match the name of the version you want to use. Version names can be any valid directory name, so if you want to use Git hashes to match deployments to your commits you can do that too!

  • /web/apps/myapp/
  • v1
    • .rackman.json
    • .rackhooks.js
  • v2
    • .rackman.json
    • .rackhooks.js
  • v3
    • .rackman.json
    • .rackhooks.js
  • .rack.json


We've also included a helper utility called rackadmin which is designed to automate most of your deployment management tasks, allowing you to easily deploy, switch and clean versions of your application while supporting cool features like rollbacks and automatic link management. In order to support it, you'll need a .rack.json file in your deployment directory - this can be created by running rackadmin setup -s {resource_folder} from within your deployment folder.

From then on, all you need to do to deploy your application is run rackadmin deploy /web/apps/myapp v4 and it'll take care of the rest, have an issue and want to go back to the previous version? Just run rackadmin rollback /web/apps/myapp or cd /web/apps/myapp && rackadmin rollback and it'll automatically update your static resource pointer and switch to your last deployed version.

Configuring RackAdmin

Configuration of your RackAdmin deployments is very straightforward, and can be done by running the rackadmin setup command which works in much the same way as git init. If you require static resources, you will need to tell rackadmin setup about them by specifying the -s flag during setup.

For example, if you store static resources in the public folder within your application deployments, then you should run rackadmin setup -s public. RackAdmin will then always ensure that new deployments have their public directory symlinked to the public directory within your deployment.

Deploying Applications

RackAdmin allows you to easily deploy different versions of your application using the rackadmin deploy command, which will automatically handle copying of the files and checking out of the latest version. There are a few things to keep in mind when using it, firstly you should know that it deploys the entire contents (minus .git*) of the current folder (wherever you run the command from) to the deployment target you specify. You can also opt to either specify a version number for tracking purposes, or leave it out and let rackadmin generate one for you.

For example, deploying from your continous integration server can be achieved by running rackadmin deploy /web/apps/myapp $CI_BUILD_REF from within your build directory.

Switching Deployed Versions

One of the most powerful aspects of RackAdmin is its ability to quickly switch the version of your application that has been deployed, this can be done by using the rackadmin switch or rackadmin checkout commands. These commands can be run from within the deployment folder, or you can opt to specify the deployment as part of their arguments.

There are a number of ways you can checkout versions, these include using the version identifier, an absolute deployment index (starting at 0 for your first deployed version) or a relative offset based on the current version.

For example, if you wanted to switch to v2 you could run rackadmin switch v2 or rackadmin switch /web/apps/myapp v2. But you could also want to go to the first deployment you have by running rackadmin switch #0, or perhaps you want to go back 3 versions? rackadmin switch ^3.

We've also aliased rackadmin switch ^1 as rackadmin rollback to make it easier to remember.

Cleaning Up Your Deployments

If you're routinely making deployments, you'll probably reach a point at which you don't want or need all the legacy versions. Luckily RackAdmin has a tool to help you clean up your deployment folder by removing any orphaned versions (versions which have been removed from the deployment database) as well as versions prior to a specified deployment.

Cleaning up of only orphaned versions can be done by running rackadmin clean, while if you wish to also remove all versions preceeding a specific one you can use rackadmin clean v2, rackadmin clean #1 or rackadmin clean ^2 to remove them as well.

RackAdmin won't allow you to remove your currently deployed version, but you should take care none-the-less when running rackadmin clean to make sure you don't lose data you'd rather keep.

Deployment Information

You can also use RackAdmin to get a bit of information about your deployment, like the currently deployed version using rackadmin head or rackadmin version, or a list of all the versions you have available with rackadmin list or rackadmin versions.

Custom Implementations

As of v2.0 of RackMan, the terminal interface is simply a wrapper around the RackMan core. This allows you to easily create your own deployment wrappers built on top of RackMan. Want a webpage to manage deployments? You can do that!

All you need to do to create your own wrapper is the following...

var RackMan = require('rackman');
// For a single folder deployment
var rm = new RackMan('/web/apps/myapp');
// Or for a multi folder deployment using .rackversion
var rm = new RackMan('/web/apps/myapp', true);
// Or if you want to use a specific version and ignore .rackversion
var rm = new RackMan('/web/apps/myapp', 'v2');
// Run start() when you're ready to get going
// And stop() when you're done
rm.stop(function() {
// You can also listen to events
rm.on('error', function(err) {
rm.on('reloading', function() {
rm.on('modified', function(file, change) {
rm.on('workerStarted', function(manager, worker) {
rm.on('workerShutdown', function(manager, worker) {
rm.on('workerCrashed', function(manager, worker) {


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