
3.0.1 • Public • Published


Version 3.0

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GitHub release


This package can be installed using NodeJS's package manager, npm.

npm install quizlet.js


To use the new ESM syntax, set your type to module in your package.json. Click me for more information

  • You can import the entire package into a single variable (esm)

    import * as Quizlet from 'quizlet.js'
  • You can import certain parts of the package into different variables (esm)

    import {Class, StudySet, User, Live, Folder} from 'quizlet.js'
  • You can also import this package into non-esm modules (commonjs)

    var Quizlet = await import("quizlet.js")


  • StudySet (Quizlet.StudySet)

    One of the main things about Quizlet is the unique study sets. This class allows you to access these sets
    • Methods

      Type Method Parameters Returns Description Example


      Parameter Type Default Description
      id string number Required The Set ID


      Gets a study set via it's ID
      await StudySet.getByID("123456")


      Parameter Type Default Description
      id string number Required The User ID
      `Promise` Gets all the sets that a user has created ```js await StudySet.getFromUser("123456") ```


      Parameter Type Default Description
      id string number Required The Class ID


      Gets all the sets that exist within a class
      await StudySet.getFromClass("123456")


      Parameter Type Default Description
      id string number Required The Folder ID


      Gets all the sets that exist within a folder
      await StudySet.getFromFolder("123456")


      getTerms None Promise<Term>:
      Property Type Description
      Property Type Description
      text string The content's text
      audio string The content's audio (Always a TTS from my testing)
      The term's term
      Property Type Description
      text string The content's text
      audio string The content's audio (Always a TTS from my testing)
      The term's definition
      rank number The term's index, or rank in the set
      image string The image URL of the term.
      setId number The ID of the set that this term belongs in
      id number The ID of this term
      Gets all the terms in a study set
      await mySet.getTerms()


      getCreator None Promise<User> Gets the creator of a study set.
      await mySet.getCreator()
    • Properties

      Property Type Description


      string The set URL
      id number The set's ID
      creatorId number The ID of the set's creator
      termLang string The languages of the terms in the set
      defLang string The languages of the definitions in the set
      title string The set title/name
      description string The set's description
      thumbnail string The icon for the set
      numTerms number The number of terms in this set
  • User (Quizlet.User)

    The User class allows you to see details about users on Quizlet
    • Methods

      Type Method Parameters Returns Description


      Parameter Types Default Description
      id string number Required The user ID


      Gets a user by their ID
      static getByEmail
      Parameter Types Default Description
      email string Required The user's email


      Gets a user from a registered email
      static getByUsername
      Parameter Types Description
      username string The user's username


      Gets a user from the user's username
      dynamic getSets None Promise<StudySet[]> Gets all the sets that a user has created
      dynamic getClasses None Promise<Class[]> Gets all the classes that the user is a member of
      dynamic getFolders None Promise<Folder[]> Gets all the folders that the user has sets in
    • Properties

      Property Types Description
      id number The user's ID
      username string The user's username
      avatar string The URL to the user's display image
      numClasses number The number of classes that this user is a memberof
      type 0 1 2 The type of the user this is. 0 means that the user is a student.
      2 means that the user is a teacher.
      If you find out what 1 means for the user, please let me know
  • Class (Quizlet.Class)

    The Class class allows you to access classes created within Quizlet
    • Methods

      Type Method Parameters Returns Description


      Parameter Types Default Description
      id string number Required The class ID


      Gets a class by its ID
      static getByCode
      Parameter Type Default Description
      code string Required The class's join code


      Gets a class by its join code
      static getFromSchool
      Parameter Types Default Description
      id string number Required The school's ID


      Gets all the classes in a school
      static getFromUser
      Parameter Types Default Description
      id string number Required The user's ID


      Gets all the sets that a user has created
      static getClasses None Promise<Class[]> Gets all the classes that the user is a member of
      dynamic getMembers None Promise<User[]> Gets all the members of a class
      dynamic getSets None Promise<Set[]> Gets all of the sets linked to the class
    • Properties

      Property Type Description
      id number The class's ID
      title string The class's title/name
      description string The class's course description
      creatorId number The ID of the class's creator
      numMembers number The number of members in this class
      numSets number The number of sets in this class
  • Folder (Quizlet.Folder)

    The Folder class allows you to see folders made by the many users of Quizlet
    • Methods

      Type Method Parameters Returns Description


      Property Type Default Description
      id number Required The folder's ID


      Gets a folder by its ID
      static getFromUser
      Property Type Default Description
      id number Required The user's ID


      Gets all the folders that belong to a user
      dynamic getCreator None Promise<User> Gets the creator of a folder
      dynamic getSets None Promise<Set[]> Gets all of sets in a folder
    • Properties

      Property Type Description
      id number The folder's ID
      creatorId number The ID of the folder's creator
      title string The folder's name
      description string The folder's description
      url string The folder's publicly accessible URL
  • Live (Quizlet.Live)

    When using this package to join any kind of Quizlet Live game, the classes should be setup in the following mannor:
    // First, create a new instance of "Classic" or "Checkpoint"
    /* Quizlet Checkpoint game pins start with the letter "C" (CXX-XXX), any other pins are Quizlet Live game pins */
    const game = new Quizlet.Live.Classic();
    // Once your class is initialized, setup all the events
    /* Refer to each individual class's documentation to see what events are supported */
    game.on("question", (question, options) => {
        // Both Classic and Checkpoint game modes have this event, but each event behaves differently.
        // The main thing throughout both classes is that it is highly recommended to call the `game.answer(...)` method from within this event
    // After your events are prepared, you can go ahead and join the game
    game.joinGame("XXXXXX" /* The game pin */, "RedYetiDev" /* username */, "https://assets.quizlet.com/...." /* Your avatar */)
    • Classic (Quizlet.Live.Classic)

      • Methods

        Type Method Parameters Returns Description


        Parameter Type Default Description
        code number Required The game code


        Gets a game via it's code (The return object is not typed, as you won't really ever need it, but typings may be added in the future)
        dynamic joinGame
        Parameter Type Default Description
        pin number Required The game pin
        name string "Quizlet.JS Bot" The username to join with
        image string "https://assets.quizlet.com/a/j/dist/app/i/live_game/default-avatar.610344da6feae31.png" The avatar to use when joining. (This avatar's URL must have the root domain of *.quizlet.com)
        Nothing Joins the Quizlet Live game using the information provided


        Parameter Types Description
        answer string number Term string: If answer is of type string, it is considered to be the content text of the correct answer

        number: If answer is of type number, it is considered to be the index of the correct answer in the options array returned from the question event.

        Term: If answer is an instance of Term, it is considered to contain the same text content of the correct answer
        Nothing Answers the currently active Quizlet Live question
      • Properties

        Property Types Description
        active boolean Whether the game currently active
        pin string The game pin
        gamemode 0 1 Whether the game is a Classic game (1) or a Checkpoint game (0)
        name string The username that game is joining with
        image string The avatar that the user is using to join the game
        token string The multiplayer join token for the game
        id string The user's unique ID (Similar to a UUID)
        gameInstance object The game instance
        statuses string[] The status that are currently being sent between the client and the server
        socket Socket The socket that connects the client to the server (a Socket.IO connection)
        set StudySet The set that the host is using to play Quizlet Live
        terms Term[] The terms that currently in play. The length of this array can range between 6 and 12
        type number Whether the game is a singleplayer game (2), or a multiplayer game (not 0)
        teams object[] The teams in the game
        team object My team in the game
        index number The currently active question's index
        streak number How many attempts a team has made. Your team starts the game with a streak of 0 When your team gets a question wrong, and you have to start over, your streak increments by 1
        players object All the players within the game
        gameOptions object The game's settings
      • Events

        Event Data Description


        Property Types Description
        streak number The streak is how many tries the team has taken
        index number The index of the question that was answered
        isCorrect boolean Whether the question was answered correctly or not
        answeredBy object The player object of the question's answerer
        answeredWith Term The term that the player chose as their answer
        answeredAt Date The exact moment that the question was answered
        Fired when a question is answered


        None Fired when the host replays the game
        lobby None Fired when the host moves the game into the lobby, or when the player joins the lobby
        Property Types Description
        myTeam object The team that the client is on
        allTeams object[] All of the teams within the game
        Fired when the teams are assigned/reassigned


        None Fired when the game ends
        start None Fired when the game starts
        Property Types Description
        question Term The question term
        options Term[] The option terms

        Fired when it is time for the client to answer a question. (It is highly recommended that the answer method be called within the listener for this event)

    • Checkpoint (Quizlet.Live.Checkpoint)

      • Methods

        Type Method Parameters Returns Description


        Parameter Type Default Description
        pin number Required The game pin
        name string "Quizlet.JS Bot" The username to join with
        image string "https://assets.quizlet.com/a/j/dist/app/i/live_game/default-avatar.610344da6feae31.png" The avatar to use when joining. (This avatar's URL must have the root domain of *.quizlet.com)
        Nothing Joins the Quizlet Live game using the information provided


        answer | Parameter | Types | Default | Description | |----------- |-------------------- |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | answer | string Content | Required | string:
        If answer is of type string, it is considered to be the content text of the correct answer

        If answer is an instance of Content, it is considered to contain the same sub-content as the correct answer |
        Nothing Answers the currently active Quizlet Live question
      • Properties

        Property Types Description


        boolean Whether the game is currently running
        pin number The game pin
        gamemode 0 1 Whether the game is a Checkpoint (0) or a Classic (1) game
        name string The display name that the client is joining the game with
        image string The URL of the avatar that the client is joining the game with
        token string The checkpoint game token that the client needs to connect to server
        id string The player's starting connection id (This id is only used for socket connection. For everything else, the uid property is used)
        socket Socket The socket that connects the client to the server (A Socket.IO socket)
        uid string The player's internal ID
        Property Types Description
        prompt Content:
        Property Types Description
        text string The content's text
        image string The URL to the content's image
        audio string The URL to the content's audio (Usually a Text-To-Speech)
        The question's prompt


        number string The question's answer
        options Content[] The question's possible answers
        id number The item ID for the question
        type "WrittenQuestion" "MultipleChoiceQuestion" The question type. (See Excluded Features the question types that are not supported])
        The current question data
        isCorrect boolean Whether you were correct on the last question that you answered
      • Events

        Event Data Description


        None Fired when the client joins the game
        end None Fired when the game has ended
        start None Fired when the game starts
        answer isCorrect Fired when the answers have been graded
        Property Types Description
        reason * The disconnect reason
        Fired when the client disconnects from the socket


        cq Fired when it is time for the client to answer a question

Excluded Features

The following features are not supported by Quizlet.JS at this time. I do not have Quizlet+, and am unable to implement these features.

Most of these features are only available with Quizlet+

  • SeparatedOptionMatchingQuestion
  • FillInTheBlankQuestion
  • MixedOptionMatchingQuestion
  • RevealSelfAssessmentQuestion
  • TrueFalseQuestion
  • SpellingQuestion
  • FITBTextSegment
  • FITBWrittenBlankSegment
  • LocationAttribute

Licensing Information

This package is licensed under an MIT License by RedYetiDev.

That does mean that if you intend to extend on this package, you do need to provide proper credit.

Here is an example of what proper credit can look like:

[Quizlet.JS](https://github.com/RedYetiDev/Quizlet.JS) was created by [RedYetiDev](https://github.com/RedYetiDev)

Quizlet.JS was created by RedYetiDev


Got is a great Node.JS web requests package by Sindresorhus

Socket.IO is also a really cool WebSocket client and server software


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