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An npm module to encode an object into query params of an url


To install queryencoder, run:

$ npm install queryencoder



const { encode } = require('queryencoder');

const object = {
    str: 'string',
    n: 23,
    truthy: true

// The result is '?str=string&n=23&truthy=true'
const queryUrl = encode(object);

With nested object

const { encode } = require('queryencoder');

const object = {
    str: 'string',
    nested: {
        a: 'ciao'

// The result is '?str=string&nested=true&nested.a=ciao'
const queryUrl = encode(object);

With some options

const { encode } = require('queryencoder');

const object = {
    str: 'string',
    shown: undefined,
    nested: {
        a: 'ciao'
    vero: true

// The result is 'str=string&nested.a=ciao&vero'
const queryUrl = encode(object, {
    preserveUndefined: true,
    addQuestionMark: false,
    flagNestedParents: false,
    shortBoolean: true

With some dates

const { encode } = require('queryencoder');

const object = {
    date: new Date('1999-04-23')

// The result is 'date=1999-04-23'
const queryUrl = encode(object, {
    dateParser: date => date.toISOString().slice(0, 10)


The documentation site is: queryencoder documentation

The documentation for development site is: queryencoder dev documentation


The function to encode an object into an url query param string.


const queryString = encode(object, options);


  • object: It is the object describing the parameters that should be encoded. It is an object that can be nested ad have values of type: string, number, boolean and Date.
  • options: Optional. It is the object containing the options.

Options parameters:

  • addQuestionMark: Optional. A boolean that says if the ? will be added to the begin of the result. Default value: true.
  • shortBoolean: Optional. If a value is of boolean type, it will be just declared if true while omitted if false. (e.g. &val) Default value: false.
  • flagNestedParents: Optional. A boolean that says if in case there is a nested object, a parameter with value true for each path to the parents will be added. Default value: true.
  • preserveNull: Optional. A boolean that says if all the null values will be kept and parsed as 'null'. Default value: true.
  • preserveUndefined: Optional. A boolean that says if all the undefined values will be kept and parsed as 'undefined'. Default value: false.
  • dateParser: Optional. The function used to parse the dates. Default value: value => value.toISOString().


To build the module make sure you have the dev dependencies installed.

The project is written in Typescript, bundled with Webpack and linted with ESLint.


In order to lint the code:

$ npm run lint

In order to lint and fix the code:

$ npm run lint:fix

There are also the :source and :test suffix after lint in order to lint only the source code or the test code.


To transpile both the source and the test code:

$ npm run transpile

The source and the test folders will be transpiled in the dist folder. Also the type declarations will be generated.

To transpile only the source code:

$ npm run transpile:source

The source folder will be transpiled in the dist folder. Also the type declarations will be generated.


After having transpiled the code, run:

$ npm test

in order to run the tests with mocha.

If a coverage report is to be generated, run:

$ npm run nyc


$ npm run bundle

The source folder will be compiled in the bundled folder. It will contain the bundled index.js and index.d.ts files.

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npm i queryencoder

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