
0.3.2 • Public • Published


Configurable call rate limiter, for any function taking a callback as the last argument. Extendable with externally written limits.

Quick Start

var qlimiter = require('qlimiter');

// rate limit func to no more than 5 calls per 100 milliseconds
var rateLimitedFunc = qlimiter(func, {maxPerInterval: 5, interval: 100});

rateLimitedFunc(1, 2, function(err, ret) {
    // ret => 3

function func(a, b, cb) {
    var ret = a + b;
    cb(null, ret);


100k 2-arg maxConcurrent calls in 47 ms (2 concurrent)

100k 2-arg maxPerInterval calls in 152 ms (max 1000 during any 1 ms)


qlimiter( func, [options] )

Return a function that invokes func when all rate limit criteria are met, else queues the call. Calls are run in order, queued calls first, though they may complete out of order. The function func must always take a callback as its last argument.


  • limits - array of custom limits to test
  • maxConcurrent - limit number of calls running concurrently
  • minInterval - minimum calls spacing, in milliseconds
  • maxPerInterval - limit calls per rolling time interval milliseconds
  • interval - rolling time interval, default 1000 milliseconds


Custom limits can be plugged into the qlimiter limits stack. Custom limits are tested before built-in limits.

A custom limit inherits from qlimiter.Limit or must implements methods

setOnUnblock( onUnblock ) - function to notify the limiter that the resource usage has dropped below the limit threshold.

acquire( args ) - called to test whether a call can run. Return true to allow the call to run now, false to block it until later. If blocked, must notify the limiter when unblocked with the onUnblock method. Acquire is presented the arguments of the call. Each call has a different args array, even if the args contain the same values.

release( args, isUndo ) - called to inform the limit that the resource is no longer used. Called when a call completes or to undo an acquire if the call was not started because another limit blocked it. The args argument is the identical object that was passed to acquire.

Change Log

  • 0.3.2 - unit tests
  • 0.3.0 - maxConcurrent, minInterval, maxPerInterval
  • 0.1.0 - first checkin, working but work still in progress


  • maxWaitingCount - cap wait queue
  • maxWaitingTime - max ms to wait
  • backoffTime -
  • backoffMultiplier -

Related Work

  • limiter -
  • function-rate-limit -
  • simple-rate-limiter -


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