
1.3.1 • Public • Published

qewd-transform-JSON-editor: Browser-based editor for developing qewd-transform-json Templates

Rob Tweed rtweed@mgateway.com
25 January 2017, M/Gateway Developments Ltd http://www.mgateway.com

Twitter: @rtweed

Google Group for discussions, support, advice etc: http://groups.google.co.uk/group/enterprise-web-developer-community

Special thanks to the Ripple Foundation http://rippleosi.org for support and funding of this project.


This is a browser-based editor for creating, developing and testing qewd-transform-json template objects.

For information on qewd-transform-json, see https://github.com/robtweed/qewd-transform-json


   npm install qewd-transform-json-editor

Standalone version of the editor

This version can be served up from any web server, or as local files.

The files for the standalone version can be found in the /standalone_version folder of this repository

It is started in a browser by loading the index.html page.

QEWD version of the editor

This version provides the ability to define and run custom helper functions for your transforms.

WARNING: DO NOT install this version on a public-facing server, as users can use it to define and run arbitrary server-side JavaScript functions! This editor is ONLY to be used and accessible by trusted users on a non-critical server. USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK!

In order to use this version you must have first installed and configured QEWD to run on your server.

Copy the /qewd_version/www directory to your QEWD /www directory

Start it by loading the index.html page into a browser. You'll be asked to login in. Use any user name, and for the password, enter the QEWD management password.

Using the Editor

You'll see 3 JSON editor panels:

  • The left-hand one is where you paste or input an instance of an input JSON object - one that you want transformed into another format. Note that it must be in JSON format - ie property names and string values must be double-quoted.

  • The middle one is where you paste or input your template object. This will be used by qewd-transform-json as the template for transforming an input object into an output object.

  • The right-hand one is where the transformation results will appear.

The JSON editor panels are based on the jsoneditor module.

Here's a typical example:

typical example

Transformations are defined in the template object by "dot syntax" references to paths within the input object. The editor simplifies the process of figuring these paths out and entering them into the template object by providing you with some additional jsoneditor menu options:

  • in the input object editor panel, go into Tree mode and click on the box next to the node you want to reference. You'll see a Get Path option:

getpath option

Click this to copy the path to the editor's clipboard.

  • in the template object editor panel, go into Tree mode and click on the box next to the node against which you want to use the path. You'll see an Add Path option:

setpath option

Click this and the path in the editor's clipboard will be pasted in as the JSON node's value.

At any time you can click the Test Your Template button. The editor will apply your template to your input object, and you'll see the resulting output object appear in the right-hand editor panel.

Once you're happy with the results, copy and paste your template object from the middle panel (select Text mode first) and save it as a file on your computer.

Defining Transformation Functions

In addition to mapping an input object's properties to a node in an output object, the qewd-transform-json module allows you to do more complex transformations using helper functions. These are described in the qewd-transform-json README file.

You can use the editor to develop and/or test these functions:

First, click the Function button in the header banner of the Template Object Editor Panel. A modal window will appear with 3 options:

  • a button that allows you to paste/edit an object containing all your helper functions in one go
  • a form field that allows you to enter a new helper function
  • a select widget that allows you to select one of your helper functions to edit

Using any of these will bring up a code entry panel in the modal popup.

If you use the Add Helper Function Object button, paste in an object that contains your functions, eg:

      now: function() {
        return new Date().getTime();
      then: function() {
        return 'then';
      getAuthor: function(input) {
        return 'Author is ' + input;

If you use the Create a new Function field, an empty function template will appear:

    function (input) {

Fill out the function's logic as required. Note that your function may have as many inputs as needed.

If you use the Select option, the code for the selected function will appear - edit it as required.

Using Functions in your Transform Template Object

This is described in detail in the qewd-transform-json README file. If you're using the editor, you can either manually type in a function reference within your Template object, eg:

     "author": "=> getAuthor(foo.author)"

or you can use the drop-down menus in the editor panels:

First select the path you need from the Input Object

function get path

Now, in the Template Object editor panel, go into Tree mode, add/select the node you want to use and bring up the pop-up menu. You'll see the Add Function option at the bottom of the list:

addfunction option

Click the Add Function option and enter the name of the helper function you want to use:

addfunction name

Clicking the Add button will add the function reference to the Template Object, complete with the path from the editor's clipboard:


You can now test the helper function-based transformation by clicking the Test Your Template button, and view the results in the Example Output editor panel:


If, for some reason, the function is unable to be executed, you'll see an error in the Example Output object:

testfunction error

Domain-specific Standalone version of the Editor

The repository also includes a special domain-specific, standalone version of the editor, specifically for use in Healthcare. It includes an additional button in the Input Object editor panel's header,
denoted Import HL7.

When clicked, a pop-up editor panel appears into which you can paste/edit an HL7 message, eg:

   PID||0493575^^^2^ID 1|454721||DOE^JOHN^^^^|DOE^JOHN^^^^|19480203|M||B|254 MYSTREET AVE^^MYTOWN^OH^44123^USA||(216)123-4567|||M|NON|400003403~1129086|
   OBR|1|8642753100012^LIS|20809880170^LCS|008342^UPPER RESPIRATORY CULTURE^L|||19980727175800||||||SS#634748641 CH14885 SRC:THROA SRC:PENI|19980727000000||||||20809880170||19980730041800||BN|F
   OBX|1|ST|008342^UPPER RESPIRATORY CULTURE^L||FINALREPORT|||||N|F||| 19980729160500|BN
   OBX|2|CE|997231^RESULT 1^L||M415|||||N|F|||19980729160500|BN
   OBX|3|CE|997232^RESULT 2^L||MR105|||||N|F|||19980729160500|BN

Enter the HL7 version number relevant for parsing the message: 2.3 is the default.

The message is transformed into a JSON representation which appears in the *Example Input Object" editor.

The JSON conversion makes use of the hl7-dictionary module. This dictionary contains meta-data for the following HL7 versions:

  • 2.1
  • 2.2
  • 2.3
  • 2.3.1
  • 2.4
  • 2.5
  • 2.6.1
  • 2.7
  • 2.7.1

The HL7-enabled version of the editor can be served up from any web server, or as local files.

The files for the standalone version can be found in the /standalone_hl7_version folder of this repository

It is started in a browser by loading the index.html page.


Copyright (c) 2017 M/Gateway Developments Ltd,
Redhill, Surrey UK.
All rights reserved.

Email: rtweed@mgateway.com

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

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