
0.3.0 • Public • Published

Predix UI Menubar app

Searches through useful Predix UI info like colors and icons to help you design and develop faster and with more confidence.

Download the app

The app is distributed for recent Mac OS X platforms. Download the latest version by opening the latest release page and downloading the file pxtools-menubar-darwin-x64-[VERSION].zip.


You'll need node and bower to develop.

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run yarn from inside the repo to install all dependencies
  3. Run npm run-script dev to serve the app and develop it in the browser
  4. Run npm run-script start to serve the app in the menubar and test how it works

Adding Icons

To add icons, you just need to run a script which will extract all icons from px-icon-set and create the icons.json data file.

  1. Have node modules and bower components installed.
  2. Make sure you have Node.js 7.6+
  • If you're on 7.x run with the flag node --harmony-async-await
  • If you're on 8.x no flag
  1. If px-icon-set has a new group (e.g. Feature, Object, etc), you must add it to scripts/extract-icons.js dirs object.
  2. Provide optional keywords in scripts/keywords.json for each new icon.
  3. node scripts/extract-icons.js


  1. Run npm run-script build to build the app.
  2. Zip the new build up and delete the source folder (don't check the source folder or zip into the repo)
  3. Add release notes to HISTORY.md
  4. Run npm version [NEW_VERSION_HERE] to bump the version number - this command will automatically bump package.json and commit the result
  5. Run npm publish to publish the new version to the npm registry
  6. Run git push origin master && git push origin --tags to push the new code and release tag to github
  7. Create a new release on Github and upload the distribution zip you created so users can download the new version.


Current Tags

  • Version
    Downloads (Last 7 Days)
    • Tag
  • 0.3.0
    • latest

Version History

  • Version
    Downloads (Last 7 Days)
    • Published
  • 0.3.0
  • 0.2.2
  • 0.2.0

Package Sidebar


npm i pxtools-menubar

Weekly Downloads






Last publish


  • randyaskin
  • davidrleonard