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0.0.0-beta.4 • Public • Published


Minimalistic, schema-free validation library with type inference and explicit type declarations.

CI Status for Tests License Created by Johannes Lindgren

This minimalistic validation library lets you choose whether to declare your types explicitly or having them inferred.

Infer types:

const isUser = object({
  id: isNumber,
  name: isString,
type User = Infer<typeof isUser>

Declare types explicitly:

type User = {
  id: number
  name: string
const isUser = object<User>({
  id: isNumber,
  name: isString,

Furthermore, this library is designed to be:

  • Lightweight—0.7 kB minified + zipped
  • Robust—built on top of functional programming principles, while having thorough tests for both the executable code and the type system.
  • Composable & Extendable—easily extend the library with your own validation functions.
  • No vendor lock-in—this library uses plain TypeScript and JavaScript languages features and does not introduce any library-specific constructs.

Are you wary of adding external dependencies to your projects? Since this project is so small, you can simply copy the source code and audit it yourself.


pure-parse provides the means to build validation functions, which is are functions that accepts one unknown argument and returns a type predicate.

export type Validator<T> = (data: unknown) => data is T

With a type predicate, TypeScript is able to narrow the type of argument if the function returns true.

In pure-parse, each JavaScript primitive has a corresponding validation function:

  • isNull
  • isUndefined
  • isBoolean
  • isNumber
  • isString
  • isBigInt
  • isSymbol

There is a second category of higher order functions that construct new, custom validation functions:

  • literal—for literal types, and unions between literals; e.g. "left" or "left" | "right".
  • union—for union types, e.g. string | number.
  • tuple—for tuple types, e.g. [number, number].
  • object—for object types, e.g. { id: number, name?: string }
  • record—for records with a finite amount of keys; e.g. Record<'left' | 'right' | 'top' | 'bottom', number>
  • partialRecord—for records where not all values are defined; e.g. Partial<Record<string, number>>
  • array—for arrays, e.g. string[]
  • nonEmptyArrays—for arrays with at least one item; for example [string, ...string[]]

The third category is convenience functions for dealing with null, undefined, and optional properties:

  • optional–for optional properties
  • optionalNullable–for optional nullable properties
  • nullable–for unions with null
  • undefineable–for unions with undefined. If this is used for a property on an object, the property is still required.

By composing these higher order functions and primitives, you end up with a schema-like syntax that models your data:

const isUsers = array(
    id: isNumber,
    parentId: nullable(isNumber),
    name: isString,
    address: optional(
        country: isString,
        city: isString,
        streetAddress: isString,
        zipCode: isNumber,

See more examples below.

Inferring and Declaring Types

To infer the type from a validator function, use the Infer utility type:

type Users = Infer<typeof isUsers>

If you'd rather declare your type explicitly, annotate the validation functions with a type parameter:

type User = {
  id: number
  name: string
  address?: {
    country: string
    city: string
    streetAddress: string
    zipCode: number
const isUser = object<User>({
  id: isNumber,
  name: isString,
  address: optional(
      country: isString,
      city: isString,
      streetAddress: isString,
      zipCode: isNumber,

If the type predicate in the validation function (isUser) does not match the type argument (User), you will get a type error. This powerful feature ensures that the inferred type is in sync with the type it is validating.

Note that when explicitly declaring union types, provide a tuple of the union members as type argument:

const isId = union<['string', 'number']>(isString, isNumber)
const isColor = literal<['red', 'green', 'blue']>('red', 'green', 'blue')

Due to a limitation of TypeScript, you can't' write union<string | number>() or literal<'red' | 'green' | 'blue'>(). Therefore, it is generally recommended to omit the type arguments for union types and let TypeScript infer them.

JSON Parsing

A typical JavaScript programs need to parse some JSON data. Therefore, this library provides the parseJson function:

const data = parseJson(object({ id: isNumber }))('{ "a": 1 }')
if (data instanceof Error) {
  // the parsing failed
} else {
  // data is of type `{ id: number }`.

When successful, the returned value is the parsed JSON data; but when unsuccessful, the returned value will be a JavaScript Error. By returning the error as a value—rather than throwing it—the Error type becomes part of the function's type signature, which forces the user of parseJson to handle potential errors.

Note that parseJson is curried; that is so that you can easily define your own json parsers and validation functions. For example:

const isUser = object({
  id: isNumber,
  name: isString,
const isApiResponse = object({
  users: array(isUser),
const parseMyRestApiResponse = parseJson(isApiResponse)

export const fetchUsers = () =>
    .then((res) => res.json())
    .catch((e) => new Error('The request failed', e))


Primitive types represent primitive values, which are immutable and have no properties:

isString('hello') // -> true
isNumber(42) // -> true
isBoolean(true) // -> true
isNull(null) // -> true
isUndefined(undefined) // -> true
isBigInt(42n) // -> true
isSymbol(Symbol()) // -> true


Literals types represent single values of primitive types; for example, true, false, 42, "hello", and null are all types and values. Use the literal() function to create a validation function for a literal type:

const isRed = literal('red')
const isOne = literal(1)

literal() also lets you define unions of literals:

const isDirection = literal('north', 'south', 'east', 'west')
isDirection('north') // -> true

const isDigit = literal(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
isDigit(5) // -> true


Unions types—or sum types—represent values that can be one of several types. Use the union() function to create a validation function for a union type:

const isStringOrNumber = union(isString, isNumber)
isStringOrNumber('hello') // -> true
isStringOrNumber(123) // -> true

Since it's very common to create unions with null and undefined, there are two helper functions for validating optional and nullable types:

  • undefineable—for unions with undefined
  • nullable—for unions with null
const isUndefineableString = undefineable(isString)
isOptionalString('hello') // -> true
isOptionalString(undefined) // -> true

const isNullableString = optional(isString)
isNullableString('hello') // -> true
isNullableString(null) // -> true

When explicitly declaring union types, provide a tuple of the union members as type argument:

const isId = union<['string', 'number']>(isString, isNumber)
const isColor = literal<['red', 'green', 'blue']>('red', 'green', 'blue')

Due to a limitation of TypeScript, you can't' write union<string | number>() or literal<'red' | 'green' | 'blue'>(). Therefore, it is generally recommended to omit the type arguments for union types and let TypeScript infer them.


Tuples are arrays of fixed length, where each element has a specific type. Use the tuple() function to create a validation function for a tuple type:

import { tuple } from './validation'
import { isTest } from 'std-env'

const isCoordinate = tuple([isNumber, isNumber])
isCoordinate([42, 34]) // -> true

const isTransparentColor = tuple([isString, isNumber])
isTransparentColor(['#FF0000', 0.5]) // -> true


Validate objects with the object() function. The function takes an object with keys and corresponding validation functions:

const isUser = object({
  id: isNumber,
  name: isString,
isUser({ id: 42, name: 'Alice' }) // -> true

You can nest objects:

const isUser = object({
  id: isNumber,
  name: isString,
  address: object({
    country: isString,
    city: isString,
    streetAddress: isString,
    zipCode: isNumber,

You can declare optional properties:

import { optional } from './validation'
import { optionalNullable } from 'pure-parse'

const isUser = object({
  id: isNumber,
  name: optional(isString),
  age: optionalNullable(isString),
isUser({ id: 42 }) // -> true
isUser({ id: 42, name: undefined, age: undefined }) // -> true
isUser({ id: 42, age: null }) // -> true

Note that optional properties are different from unions with undefined:

import { optional } from './validation'
import { optionalNullable } from 'pure-parse'

const isUser = object({
  name: optional(isString),
  age: union(isUndefined, isString),
isUser({ age: undefined }) // -> true: name is optional and can be omitted
isUser({}) // -> false: age is not optional and must be present
isUser({ name: undefined, age: undefined }) // -> true: TypeScript allows undefined values to be assigned to optional properties

You can explicitly declare the type of the object and annotate the validation function with the type as a type parameter:

type User = {
  id: number
  name?: string
const isUser = object<User>({
  id: isNumber,
  name: optional(isString),


Records are objects that map string keys to values. Call record() with a list of all keys and a validation function for the values:

const isPadding = record(['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'], isNumber)
isPadding({ left: 10, right: 20, top: 0, bottom: 0 }) // -> true

Note that for each key, there must exist a corresponding value, so that when you index a validated record, you are certain to retrieve a result:

if (isPadding(data)) {
  console.log(data.left + 10) // -> number
isPadding({ left: 10, right: 20 }) // -> false

Partial Records

To validate a record where the values might not exist for every key—for example, Record<string, ?>—use the partialRecord() function:

const isWordbook = partialRecord(isString, isString)
  hello: 'used to express a greeting',
  goodbye: 'farewell (a conventional expression used at parting)',
}) // -> true

const isPadding = partialRecord(
  literal('left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'),
isPadding({ left: 10, right: 20 }) // -> true


Arrays are ordered lists of elements of the same type. Use the array() function to create a validation function for an array type:

const isBase = literal('A', 'T', 'C', 'G')
const isDna = array(isBase)
isDna(['A', 'T', 'A', 'T', 'C', 'G']) // -> true

Sometimes, it's useful to know whether an array has at least one element. Use the nonEmptyArray() function to create a validation function for an array with at least one element:

import { nonEmptyArray } from './validation'

const isToggleState = nonEmptyArray(literal('on', 'off', 'indeterminate'))

Both of these functions check every element in the array. If you already have an array of validated data, and you want to find out wether it is non-empty, you can use the nonEmptyArray function:

import { isNonEmptyArray } from './validation'
;(names: string[]) => {
  if (isNonEmptyArray(names)) {
    console.log(names[0]) // -> string

When explicitly declaring array types, provide type of the item in the array type argument:

// Validator<number[]>
const isNumberArray = array<number>(isNumber)
// Validator<[T, ...T[]][]>
const isNonEmptyNumberArray = nonEmptyArray<number>(isNumber)

Tagged/Discriminated Unions

Validate discriminated unions with unions of objects with a common tag property:

const isState = union(
    tag: literal('loading'),
    tag: literal('error'),
    error: isString,
    tag: literal('loaded'),
    message: isString,
isState({ tag: 'loading' }) // -> true
isState({ tag: 'error', error: 'Failed to load' }) // -> true
isState({ tag: 'loaded', message: 'Data loaded' }) // -> true

Unknown Data

Sometimes, you may want to defer the validation of the parsed value until later. In these instances, use either of these functions:

  • isUnknown—always returns true, which means that the parsed value will be of type unknown.
  • isJsonValue—validates that the parsed value is of type JsonValue, which is a type that describes any JSON-serializable data.
/* {
    id: number,
    customMetaData: JsonValue,
const isArticle = object({
  id: isNumber,
  customMetaData: isJsonValue,
  id: 42,
  customMetaData: {
    foo: 'bar',
}) // -> true

Custom Validator Functions

It is trivial to extend the functionality of pure-parse: all you need to do is to define your own function with a type predicate. For convenience, use the Validator<T> generic type. Here's a working example with generic trees:

export type Leaf<T> = { tag: 'leaf'; data: T }
export type Tree<T> = {
  tag: 'tree'
  data: (Tree<T> | Leaf<T>)[]
export const leaf =
  <T>(validator: Validator<T>) =>
  (data: unknown): data is Leaf<T> =>
      tag: literal('leaf'),
      data: validator,

export const tree =
  <T>(validator: Validator<T>) =>
  (data: unknown): data is Tree<T> =>
        tag: literal('tree'),
        data: array(union(leaf(validator), tree(validator))),

which will validate (and infer the of) the following data:

const myTree: Tree = {
  tag: 'tree',
  data: [
      tag: 'leaf',
      data: 'package.json',
      tag: 'tree',
      data: [
          tag: 'leaf',
          data: 'index.ts',

const isTree = tree(isString)

Comparison to other validation libraries

What sets pure-parse apart from other validation libraries is the freedom it gives to the user to choose between type inference and explicit type declarations.

Type Inference and Explicit Type Declarations

Unlike Joi, pure-parse—like Zod—is able to infer the type:

const isUser = object({
  id: isNumber,
  name: isString,
type User = Infer<typeof isUser>

But unlike Zod, pure-parse—like Zod also allows you the options to declare your types explicitly:

type User = {
  id: number
  name: string
const isUser = object<User>({
  id: isNumber,
  name: isString,

If the validation function does not match the type, you will get a type error. Inferred types often consists of a complex expressions, which can be hard to read. By declaring the types explicitly, you can make the code more readable and maintainable. Explicit types also serve as documentation for the data structure, and a source of truth

Schema-free and no vendor lock-in

Unlike other validation libraries—such as Zod and Joipure-parsepure-parse has no concept of a schema: instead, users deal exclusively with type predicates, which is a TypeScript language feature. This means that the library does introduce any library-specific constructs into your codebase, which prevents vendor lock-in.


pure-parse—like Zod library is tiny, which makes it easy to audit and maintain. By having a small size (and by being tree-shakable) pure-parse ensures that the final footprint on the application bundle size is minimal.

Library Minified + Zipped
pure-parse 1.0 kB
Zod 21 kB
Yup 60 kB
Joi 236 kB

Note that the other libraries contain more features and are tree-shakeable, so your bundle size may not be the full size if you don't use all the features.

Due to the small size, by design, the library does not contain every feature under the sun. This library focuses on providing foundational building blocks that you can compose to validate most of your data structures. If you reach for a validation function that is not in the library, you are able to easily construct it yourself (with Validator<T>) and seamlessly integrate it with the core functionality.

Note that even though other libraries might be much larger, the final contribution to the bundle size will depend on whether the library is tree-shakeable and how many features of the library your application uses.

No built-in transformations

Zod gives the user the means to transform the data that is being validated. So while Zod does infer the type of the result data, it does not infer the type of the input data. Sometimes, it is important to know the original shape of the data; for example, when writing back the parsed data to the source with a Restful API. With pure-parse, this problem does not exist as the type of the input always equals the same as the output. If the user wants to transform the data, they are encouraged to pipe the parsed input data to a transformation function.

Error messages

Unlike many validation libraries, pure-parse does not give any details of why a validation did not fail. The return type of a validation is always a type predicate

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  • johannes-lindgren