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pull-scroller-react v1.5.x

1.3.x Docs



A H5 mobile scrolling component developed based on React and Better-Scroll supports pull-down refreshing and pull-up loading, and supports custom pull-down components and pull-up components.


npm install pull-scroller-react

Install the dependencies related to better-scroll.

npm install @better-scroll/core @better-scroll/pull-down @better-scroll/pull-up @better-scroll/observe-image

Note: this component needs to run react > 16.8.


import PullScroller from 'pull-scroller-react';

Simple usage

/* app.css */

  height: 100vh
return (
  <div className="app">
      <List list={list} />

Using back-top

function BackTopDemo() {
  const [list, setList] = useState<ListItem[]>([]);
  const { windowHeight } = useWindowHeight();

  useEffect(() => {
    mockGetListData(0, 50)
      .then((res) => {
      .catch((err) => {
  }, []);

  const BackTopMaker = useCallback(
    ({ handleScrollToTop, show }) => <BackTop scrollToTop={handleScrollToTop} show={show} />,

  return (
    <PullScroller height={windowHeight} backTop={BackTopMaker}>
      <DemoList list={list} />

Using pull-down and pull-up

function PullLoadDemo() {
  const { windowHeight } = useWindowHeight();
  const [list, setList] = useState<ListItem[]>([]);
  const [noMoreData, setNoMoreData] = useState(false);
  const pullDownConfig = useMemo(() => ({ threshold: 100, stop: 60 }), []);

  const refreshHandler: AsyncPullingHandler = useCallback(async () => {
   // your logic
  }, []);

  const loadMoreHandler: AsyncPullingHandler = useCallback(async () => {
    // your logic
  }, [noMoreData]);

  const refresher: PullDownMaker = useCallback(({ beforePullDown, isPullingDown, isPullDownError }) => {
    return (
      <PullDownLoader beforePullDown={beforePullDown} isPullingDown={isPullingDown} isRefreshError={isPullDownError} />
  }, []);

  const pullLoader: PullUpMaker = useCallback(
    ({ beforePullUp, isPullingUp, isPullUpError }) => (

  return (
      <List list={list} />

Pull handler is an asynchronous function

  // pull-down
  const refreshHandler = useCallback(async () => {
    try {
      const res = await mockGetListData(0, 30);
      // do something with res
      // ...
      // return { delay: 400 }; // Set the pull-down end action delay, default 300ms
    } catch (error) {
      // handle error
      // ...
      return { error: true }; // set PullScroller's isPullDownError: true
  }, []);

  // pull-up
  const loadMoreHandler = useCallback(async () => {
    // no more data
    if (noMoreData && pageIndex.current >= pageTotal.current) {
      return { immediately: true }; // Immediately end the pull-up loading action
    try {
      const res = await mockGetListData(pageIndex.current, 15);
      // do something with res
      // ...
      // return { delay: 200 }; // Set the pull-up end action delay, default 300ms
    } catch (error) {
      // handle error
      // ...
      return { error: true }; // set PullScroller's isPullUpError: true
  }, [noMoreData]);

Pull handler is a synchronization function

  // pull-down
  const refreshHandler= useCallback((complete) => {
    mockGetListData(0, 30)
      .then((res) => {
        // do something with res
        // ...
        // finish pull-down
        // if (done) done({ delay: 400 }); // Set the pull-down end action delay, default 300ms
        complete && complete();
      .catch((e) => {
        // handle error
        // ...
        // finish pull-down
        complete && complete({ error: true }); // set PullScroller's isPullDownError: true
  }, []);

  // pull-up
  const loadMoreHandler = useCallback(
    (complete) => {
      if (noMoreData && pageIndex.current >= pageTotal.current) {
        complete && complete({ immediately: true }); // Immediately end the pull-up loading action
      mockGetListData(pageIndex.current, 15)
        .then((res) => {
          // do something with res
          // ...
          // finish pull-up
          // complete && complete({ delay: 200 }); // Set the pull-up end action delay, default 300ms
          complete && complete(); // Set the pull-up end action delay, default 300ms
        .catch((e) => {
          // handle error
          // finish pull-up
          complete && complete({ error: true }); // set PullScroller's isPullUpError:true

Set horizontal scrolling

PullScroller only handles vertical scrolling and does not handle horizontal scrolling. If you want the page to scroll horizontally as well, you can set { eventPassthrough: 'horizontal' } to make horizontal scrolling use native scrolling.


function App() {
  const [list, setList] = useState<ListItem[]>([]);
  const { windowHeight } = useWindowHeight();
  const config = useMemo(() =>({ eventPassthrough: 'horizontal' }),[]);

  useEffect(() => {
    mockGetListData(0, 50)
      .then((res) => {
      .catch((err) => {
  }, []);

  return (
    <PullScroller height={windowHeight} extraConfig={config}>
      <DemoList list={list} />

Use exposed instance methods(added in version 1.5.x)

  // using in typescript 
  function App() {
    const scroller = useRef<ScrollRefProps>(null);

    useEffect(() => {
    }, [])

    return (
        <List list={list} />

Problems that may be encountered in use

  • When the page has <img />.It is possible that the page has been rendered but the image has not been loaded.The PullScoller component is unable to monitor picture loading completion,so after the image is loaded, refresh() is not triggered,this may causes problems with page scrolling.
    There are two recommended ways.

    • If possible, set the width and height for the image or its parent container (this is the recommended way).

    Set the image size directly


    .banner-img {
      width: 300px;
      height: 200px;


    import style from './style.module.css';
    function App(){
       return (
        <PullScroller height={'100vh'}>
          <img className={style['banner-img']} src="imgurl" alt="" />

    Set the parent container size


    .banner {
      width: 100%;
      height: 0;
      padding-bottom: 56.25%;
    .banner-img {
      width: 100%;


    import style from './style.module.css';
    function App(){
       return (
        <PullScroller height={'100vh'}>
          <div className={style.banner}>
            <img className={style['banner-img']} src="imgurl" alt="" />
    • Using the @better-scroll/observe-image plugin. It is easy to use, just set the value of 'observeImg'.
    function App(){
       return (
           // or
           // observeImg={{ debounceTime: 100 }}
          <img className={style['banner-img']} src="imgurl" alt="" />

    Note: this is not recommended.This approach should not be used for scenarios where CSS has been used to determine the image width and height, because each call to Refresh has an impact on performance. You only need it if the width or height of the image is uncertain.

  • The PullScroller has elements inside that use native scroll.

  function App(){
     return (
      <PullScroller height={'100vh'}>
          <div calss="wrapper" style={{ width: '100%', height: '200px', overflow: 'scroll' }}>
            <div style={{ width: '100%', height: '500px'}}></div>

In this case, the wrapper may not scroll and the page may shake when sliding inside the wrapper.
It may be a bit cumbersome to solve this problem, but there doesn't seem to be any good way to do it right now.
You can solve the problem like this:

  function App(){
    const wrapper = useRef(null);

    useEffect(() => {
      const dom = wrapper.current;
      const cb = (e) => {
      if (dom ) {
        dom.addEventListener('touchstart', cb);

      return () => {
        dom?.removeEventListener('touchstart', cb);
    }, []);

    return (
      <PullScroller height={'100vh'}>
          <div ref={wrapper} calss="wrapper" style={{ width: '100%', height: '200px', overflow: 'scroll' }}>
            <div style={{ width: '100%', height: '500px'}}></div>
  • The page has elements with fixed positioning.
    If a fixed positioned element is placed inside a scroll, fixed will fail because better-scroll uses transalate to simulate scrolling. So you should place the fixed element outside the PullScroller.
function App() {

  // ...
  return (
      <div className="fixed">fixed</div>
      <PullScroller height={windowHeight}>

There is an example of a fixed tabbar.


  • height(default 100%): Height of scrolling area.The default value is '100%'.The value is of type string.(ex: '100px','100vh')
    This props is required in most cases.

  • handleScroll: Custom scroll event.When you want to do something while the page is scrolling.

  • enablePullDown: Whether to enable pull-down components.If the value is true, handleRefresh is required.

  • pullDownHandler: When pull-up is triggered, pullDownHandler will execute. It can be a synchronous function or an asynchronous function.
    When it's an 'async', pull-down will end automatically when pullUpHandler execution is finished. When it is a synchronous function, the method receives a finish method, and you need to call finish() in your code to end the pull-down.
    It provides three states that you can use to control your pull-down component.Of course you can also define your own state without using these three states.
    States: { beforePullDown: boolean; isPullingDown: boolean; isPullDownError: boolean; }

    • finish: it can receive a configuration object {delay?: number; error?: boolean; immediately?: boolean;}

      • delay: the delay of finishing pull-down,default: 300ms.

      • error: set the value of isPullDownError provided by PullScroller, default value is false.
        It indicates whether there is an error in the pull-down action. You can use the isPullDownError to control your pull-down component to display the error status.

      • immediately: whether to end the pull-down action immediately. If true, pull-down action will finish immediately after pullUpHandler is complete.The priority is higher than delay. Default value is false.

    • There are two ways to pass the configuration to finish():
      When pullDownHandler is an asynchronous function.

        const pullDownHandler = async () => {
          try {
             const res = await getData();
            // do something width res
            // ....
            // return your configuration
            return { delay: 300, error: false, immediately: false };
          } catch (error) {
            // return your configuration
            return { error: false };

      When pullDownHandler is a synchronization function:

        const pullDownHandler = (complete) => {
          getData().then((res) => {
            // do something width res
            // ....
            // pass configuration when calling
            complete({delay: 300, error: false, immediately: false})
          }).catch((err) => {
             complete({ error: false })

    Note: This configuration is not required, depending on your actual usage. If not passed, the default value will be used.

Source code:

  // finish pull-down
  const finish = useCallback(
    (state?: FinishState) => {
      const { delay, error, immediately } = state ?? { delay: 300, error: false, immediately: false };
      if (bScroller) {
        // finish pullDown
        error ? setIsPullDownError(error) : setIsPullDownError(false);
        if (immediately) {
          // finish immediately
        } else {
          // finish delay
          let timer1;
          let timer2;
          const finishDelay = delay === undefined ? (error ? 400 : 300) : error ? delay + 100 : delay;
          const updateStateDelay = finishDelay + 100;

          timer1 = setTimeout(() => {
            timer1 = null;
          }, finishDelay);

          timer2 = setTimeout(() => {
            timer2 = null;
          }, updateStateDelay);

  const pullingDownHandler = useCallback(async () => {
    // trigger pullDown
    if (pullDownHandler) {
      try {
        const isasync = isAsync(pullDownHandler);
        if (isasync) {
          // async handler
          const res = await pullDownHandler();
          if (res) {
          } else {
        } else {
          // sync handler
      } catch (e: any) {
        finish({ error: true });
        if (e instanceof Error) throw e;
        throw new Error(e);
  }, [finish, pullDownHandler]);
  • pullDownLoader: pull-down element or component. It is a function that returns JSX.Element, or a React element (which will not be displayed if it does not meet the conditions)
  interface PullDownState {
    beforePullDown: boolean;
    isPullingDown: boolean;
    isPullDownError: boolean;

  type PullDownMaker = (props: PullDownState) => ReactNode;

  interface ScrollProps {
    pullDownLoader?: PullDownMaker | ReactNode;
  • pullDownConfig: pull-down config. When using custom refresh component this parameter may be required. Default value is true (= { threshold: 90, stop: 40 }) ({ threshold?: number; stop?: number })
    threshold: the distance from the top drop-down to trigger the refresh, stop: rebound hover distance.
    You must define this value using either useMemo or useState, because this configuration accepts an object (the value of the reference type). If you pass objects directly into the component,each status update causes this value to be reassigned(the object references are not equal),this may cause the page to be unable to scroll.

So you can define the configuration like this

  const pullDownConfig = useMemo(() => ({ threshold: 100, stop: 60 }), []); // Recommend
  // or
  const [pullDownConfig,setPullDownConfig] = useState({ threshold: 100, stop: 60 });
  • enablePullUp: Whether to enable pull-up components.If the value is true, handlePullUpLoad is required.

  • pullUpHandler: When pull-up is triggered, pullUpHandler will execute. It can be a synchronous function or an asynchronous function.
    When it's an 'async', pull-up will end automatically when pullUpHandler execution is finished. When it is a synchronous function, the method receives a finish method, and you need to call finish() in your code to end the pull-up.
    It provides three states that you can use to control your pull-up component. Of course you can also define your own state without using these three states.
    States: { beforePullUp: boolean; isPullingUp: boolean; isPullUpError: boolean; }

    • finish: it can receive a configuration object {delay?: number; error?: boolean; immediately?: boolean;}

      • delay: the delay of finishing pull-up,default: 300ms.

      • error: set the value of isPullUpError provided by PullScroller, default value is false.
        It indicates whether there is an error in the pull-up action. You can use the isPullUpError to control your pull-up component to display the error status.

      • immediately: whether to end the pull-up action immediately,If true, pull-up action will finish immediately after pullUpHandler is complete.The priority is higher than delay. Default value is false.

    • There are two ways to pass the configuration to finish():
      When pullUpHandler is an asynchronous function.

        const pullUpHandler = async () => {
          try {
             const res = await getData();
            // do something width res
            // ....
            // return your configuration
            return { delay: 300, error: false, immediately: false };
          } catch (error) {
            // return your configuration
            return { error: false };

      When pullUpHandler is a synchronous function.

        const pullUpHandler = (complete) => {
          getData().then((res) => {
            // do something width res
            // ....
            // pass configuration when calling
            complete({delay: 300, error: false, immediately: false})
          }).catch((err) => {
             complete({ error: false })

    Note: This configuration is not required, depending on your actual usage. If not passed, the default value will be used.

source code

  // finish pull-up 
  const finish = useCallback(
    (state?: FinishState) => {
      const { delay, error, immediately } = state ?? { delay: 300, error: false, immediately: false };
      // console.log(`delay: ${delay}, error: ${error}, immediately: ${immediately}`);
      if (bScroller) {
        // finish pull-up
        error ? setIsPullUpError(error) : setIsPullUpError(false);

        if (immediately) {
          // finish immediately
        } else {
          // finish delay
          let timer1;
          let timer2;
          const finishDelay = delay === undefined ? 300 : delay;
          const updateStateDelay = error ? finishDelay + 200 : finishDelay + 50;

          timer1 = setTimeout(() => {
            timer1 = null;
          }, finishDelay);

          timer2 = setTimeout(() => {
            timer2 = null;
          }, updateStateDelay);

  const pullingUpHandler = useCallback(async () => {
    // trigger pull-up
    if (pullUpHandler) {

      try {
        const judgeAsync = isAsync(pullUpHandler);
        if (judgeAsync) {
          // async handler
          const res = await pullUpHandler();
          if (res) {
          } else {
        } else {
          // sync handler
      } catch (e: any) {
        finish({ error: true });
        if (e instanceof Error) throw e;
        throw new Error(e);
  }, [finish, pullUpHandler]);
  • pullUpLoader: pull-up element or component. It is a function that returns JSX.Element, or a React element (which will not be displayed if it does not meet the conditions)
  interface PullUpState {
    beforePullUp: boolean;
    isPullingUp: boolean;
    isPullUpError: boolean;

  type PullUpMaker = (props: PullUpState) => ReactNode;

  interface ScrollProps {
    pullUpLoader?: PullUpMaker | ReactNode;
  • pullUpConfig: pull-up config. Default value is { threshold: 0 }(threshold: threshold for triggering the pull-up event, default is 0, you can set it to whatever value you want).
    You must define this value using either useMemo or useState, because this configuration accepts an object (the value of the reference type).If you pass objects directly into the component,each status update causes this value to be reassigned(the object references are not equal), this may cause the page to be unable to scroll.

So you can define the configuration like this

  const pullUpConfig = useMemo(() => ({ threshold: 50 }), []); // recommend
  // or
  const [pullUpConfig,setPullUpConfig] = useState({ threshold: 50 });
  • backTop: back-top element or component. It is a function that returns JSX.Element, or a React element (which will not be displayed if it does not meet the conditions)
  interface BackTopProps {
    handleScrollToTop: () => void;
    show: boolean;
    showAlways: boolean;

  type BackTopMaker = (props: BackTopProps) => ReactNode;

  interface ScrollProps {
    backTop?: BackTopMaker | ReactNode;
  • observeImg: Using ObserveImage Plugin. Configuration:

  • extraConfig: better-scroll configurations, will overrides the default configuration.You should define this value using either useMemo or useState,because this configuration accepts an object (the value of the reference type).If you pass objects directly into the component,each status update causes this value to be reassigned(the object references are not equal),this may cause the page to be unable to drag. (Configurations)

Ddefault configuration:

  const baseConfig = {
    click: true,
    stopPropagation: true,
    useTransition: false,
    pullDownRefresh: pullDownCon,
    pullUpLoad: pullUpCon,

Exposed methods(add in v1.5.x)

Version 1.5.x exposes some instance methods. You can call them to implement some features.How to use these methods can be found in this document

interface ExposedMethodsRef {
  refresh(): void;
  stop(): void;
  enable(): void;
  disable(): void;
    x: number,
    y: number,
    time?: number,
    easing?: EaseItem,
    extraTransform?: {
      start: object;
      end: object;
  ): void;
  scrollBy(deltaX: number, deltaY: number, time?: number, easing?: EaseItem): void;
    el: HTMLElement | string,
    time: number,
    offsetX: number | boolean,
    offsetY: number | boolean,
    easing?: EaseItem
  ): void;

interface EaseItem {
  style: string;
  fn: (t: number) => number;

Deprecated props

Notes: Deprecated props has been removed in the new release and is no longer supported.

  • isPreventDefault: whether to block browser default behavior.(deprecated)

  • enableBackTop: whether to enable back top components.

  • handleRefresh: rename to pulldownhandler

  • refresher: rename to pullDownLoader

  • handlePullUpLoad: rename to pullUpHandler

  • pullLoader: rename to pullUpLoader

Props Interface

import { PropsWithChildren, ReactNode } from 'react';
import { BScrollConstructor } from '@better-scroll/core/dist/types/BScroll';
import { PullDownRefreshOptions } from '@better-scroll/pull-down';
import { PullUpLoadOptions } from '@better-scroll/pull-up';
import { ObserveImageOptions } from '@better-scroll/observe-image';
import { Options } from '@better-scroll/core';

export interface PullDownState {
  beforePullDown: boolean;
  isPullingDown: boolean;
  isPullDownError: boolean;

export interface PullUpState {
  beforePullUp: boolean;
  isPullingUp: boolean;
  isPullUpError: boolean;

export interface BackTopProps {
  handleScrollToTop: () => void;
  show: boolean;
  showAlways: boolean;

export type PullDownMaker = (props: PullDownState) => ReactNode;
export type PullUpMaker = (props: PullUpState) => ReactNode;
export type BackTopMaker = (props: BackTopProps) => ReactNode;

export interface FinishState {
  delay?: number;
  error?: boolean;
  immediately?: boolean;

export type FinishHanlder = (state?: FinishState) => void;
export type SyncPullingHandler = (complete: FinishHanlder) => void;
export type AsyncPullingHandler = () => Promise<void | FinishState>;

export interface ScrollProps {
  readonly height?: string; // Height of scrolling area.The default value is '100%'
  readonly handleScroll?: (scrollY: number) => void; // custom scroll event
  // PullDown
  readonly enablePullDown?: boolean; // enable pulldown (refresh)
  readonly pullDownHandler?: SyncPullingHandler | AsyncPullingHandler; // pullDown handler
  readonly pullDownLoader?: PullDownMaker | ReactNode; // refresh component
  // pull down config. When using custom refresh component this parameter may be required
  readonly pullDownConfig?: true | { threshold?: number; stop?: number }; // default: true = {threshold: 90, stop: 40}
  // PullUp
  readonly enablePullUp?: boolean; // enable pullup (load more)
  readonly pullUpHandler?: SyncPullingHandler | AsyncPullingHandler; // pullUp handler
  readonly pullUpLoader?: PullUpMaker | ReactNode; // load more component
  // pull up config. When using custom load more component this parameter may be required
  readonly pullUpConfig?: true | { threshold: number }; // Threshold for triggering the pull-up event,default:true = {threshold:0}

  readonly backTop?: BackTopMaker | ReactNode; // back top element
  readonly observeImg?: ObserveImageOptions;
  readonly extraConfig?: Options;

export type ScrollerProps = PropsWithChildren<ScrollProps>;

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