Coming from the PHP World, you probably use PSR-7 UriInterface almost every day to manipulate URIs.
But what if you come to front-end development? You can use native URL
objects, which are mutable, have no fluent setters and different property names. And only absolute URLs are supported.
So, this library is intended to expose the same methods as PSR-7, in an immutable way:
import {URI} from 'psr7-js';
let uri = new URI('/foo'); // Relative URLs are supported - Defaults to window.location.href
uri = uri.withQuery('foo=bar');
console.log(uri.toString()); // /foo?foo=bar
Query Strings aren't part of the PSR-7 specification, but there are still issues when dealing with complex query strings in Javascript.
There are lots of query string manipulation libraries on NPM packages, but I couldn't find one which properly handles PHP's array syntax (sequential and/or associative).
import {QueryString} from 'psr7-js';
let qs = new QueryString('?foo=bar'); // Accepts strings (leading ? is ignored) or objects - Defaults to
qs = qs.withParam('bar', 'baz'); // foo=bar&bar=baz
qs = qs.withoutParam('bar'); // foo=bar
qs = qs.withParam('foos', ['foo', 'bar']); // foo=bar&foos[]=foo&foos[]=bar
qs = qs.withParam('sort', {'updated_at': 'desc', 'hits': 'desc'}); // foo=bar&foos[]=foo&foos[]=bar&sort[updated_at]=desc&hits=desc
qs = qs.withoutParam('sort', 'hits'); // foo=bar&foos[]=foo&foos[]=bar&sort[updated_at]=desc
"foo": "bar",
"foos": [
"sort": {
"updated_at": "desc"
console.log(qs.toString()); // foo=bar&foos[]=foo&foos[]=bar&sort[updated_at]=desc
Inspired by bentools/querystring.
yarn test // or npm run-script test