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Usage: PScaff command [options]

$ pscaff -h
  -V, --version                                 output the version number
  -r, --resource [resourceName]                 Set resource name, Example: apple
  -p, --resource-plural [resourceNameInPlural]  Set resource name, Example: apples
  -e, --editor [editor]                         Use your favorite editor default:[sublime_text] (default: "sublime_text")
  -a, --action [actionName]                     Resource action [open|scaff] (default: "open")
  -f, --projectfile [projectfile]               JSON project conf file (default: "default")
  -s, --set [set]                               Wich set of template files (default: "files")
  -t, --templates [templates]                   Specify templates by tplName (divided by commas, example: -t 2,4,6) to use when call pscaff
  --prm, --params [params]                      User args used as pscaff params tags (divided by commas)
  -R, --resourcefile [resourcefile]             JSON resource file (default: "default")
  -O, --alloverwrite [alloverwrite]             Set overwrite value [true|false] for (All) templates
  -h, --help                                    output usage information

The main goal of PScaff

The main goal is to run commands like this

$ pscaff -a scaff -R penguin

To scaff/unscaff/open in editor the PSResource, to achive these we need first to define 3 config files:

  • PSresource: In this file we are going to define the resource (object) in singular, plural and languages to use with it.
  • PSproject: In this file we define paths/langs for our PStpls.
  • PStpl: In this template where we write code/text and PStags (no matter what programming language, no matter what type of conent) it is a template that Pscaff is going to re-use each time we call pscaff with a certain PSresource name with -R option.

How to define a PSresource (json config file)

Example of this here

To define for example the 'penguin' resource we need to create a file as /config/resources/penguin.json and its contents

    { "ISOCode":"en", "singular":"penguin", "plural":"penguins"},
    { "ISOCode":"es", "singular":"pingüino", "plural":"pingüinos"}

Defining a PSproject (json config file)

Example of this here

In this file we define our templates to use with pscaff. For example if we want to open and/or scaff template files for a laravel php project we can define of project config file like this:

TIP: This is the default set of files array property to define the default (main) set of files.
        {"tplName": "1", "path":"resources/lang/es/crudvel/<r_plural_slug_c>.php"},
        {"tplName": "2", "path":"app/Models/<r_singular_studly_c>.php"},
        {"tplName": "3", "path":"app/Http/Requests/<r_singular_studly_c>Request.php"},
        {"tplName": "4", "path":"app/Http/Controllers/Api/<r_singular_studly_c>Controller.php"},
        {"tplName": "5", "path":"database/seeds/<r_singular_studly_c>TableSeeder.php"}

All <r_*> listed in the next section will be replace with the resource name given, with the selected convertion case.

PStags for resource convertion cases

A PSTag is a tag where pscaff resplaces/converts its place in resource cases. Example: Pscaff will replace/convert this PStag <r_plural_studly_c> to 'Penguins' when we call pscaff like this:

$ pscaff -a scaff -R penguin

Available resource PStags

<r_singular_lower_c> = singular resource name in lower case (spaces converted to underscore)
<r_plural_lower_c> = plural resource name in lower case (spaces converted to underscore)
<r_singular_underscore_c> = singular resource_name in under_score
<r_plural_underscore_c> = plural resource_name in under_score
<r_singular_studly_c> = singular ResourceName in StudlyCase (the same as camel case but it starts with CapitalCase)
<r_plural_studly_c> = plural ResourceName in StudlyCase( the same as camel case but it starts with CapitalCase)
<r_singular_slug_c> = singular resource-name in slug-case
<r_plural_slug_c> = plural resource-name in slug-case
<r_singular_camel_c> = singular resource name in camelCase (camelCase doesn't start with capital case)
<r_plural_camel_c> = plural resource name in camelCase (camelCase doesn't start with capital case)
<r_singular_uc_first_c> = singular UCF Resource name (preserve the epaces)
<r_plural_uc_first_c> = plural UCF Resource name (preserve the spaces)

How to define a PStpl (template file)

Example of this here

Pscaff will replace all PStags and PScommands inside it when we call it for a certain resource, no matter what programming language are you using in your project.

Imagine that we have a php project and we want to scaff this file for earch resource (object), then we define our PStpl like this in config/templates/default/backend

return [
    'fields' => [
        'active'     => 'Active',
        'created_at' => 'Created at'
        'created_by' => 'Created by',
        'id'         => 'Id',
        'updated_at' => 'Updated at',
        'updated_by' => 'Updated by',
        'id'         => '<r_singular_uc_first_c> id',
        'active'     => '<r_singular_uc_first_c> active',
        'created_at' => '<r_singular_uc_first_c> created at',
        'created_by' => '<r_singular_uc_first_c> created by',
        'created_by' => '<r_singular_uc_first_c> updated by',
        'updated_at' => '<r_singular_uc_first_c> updated at',
    'row_label'  => '<r_singular_uc_first_c>',
    'rows_label' => '<r_plural_uc_first_c>',
    'actions'    => [

How to open project 'resource' files in your favorite editor pretty fast

To open all files of a defined resource, for example 'penguin':

$ pscaff -r penguin -p penguins -a open
# or specifying the editor 
$ pscaff -r penguin -p penguins -a open -e vim

The last command will open all files defined in PSProject config file.

How to define own set of files inside the PSproject json config file

We can use set of files to custom and group particular templates with some variations from the default set of files named 'files' as property. Imagine taht we need a set of files named SextX, then we need to define set of files property like "filesSetx" like following:

TIP: Pscaff recognize this property with pre-concatenated 'files' to your set name.
        {"tplName": "1", "path":"resources/lang/es/crudvel/<r_plural_slug_c>.php"},
        {"tplName": "2", "path":"app/Models/<r_singular_studly_c>.php"},
        {"tplName": "3", "path":"app/Http/Requests/<r_singular_studly_c>Request.php"},
        {"tplName": "4", "path":"app/Http/Controllers/Api/<r_singular_studly_c>Controller.php"},
        {"tplName": "5", "path":"database/seeds/<r_singular_studly_c>TableSeeder.php"}

As defined above, we can call pscaff command with -s option specifying the set of files 'SetX' to use

$ pscaff -a scaff -R penguin -s SetX

Special PStags

Sometimes we need to name a file or add a code with a certain time format in a timestamp, for that we can use the <ts_*> PStag for time In our project config json we can have a defined a tpl path like this:

        {"tplName": "8", "tplLang":"en", "fileNameLang":"en", "path":"database/migrations/<ts_YYYY_MM_DD>_<ts_unix_seg>_create_<r_plural_underscore_c>_table.php"},

How to build a <ts*> tag_

Pscaff is flexible with ts tags, and that flexibility comes requiring 'date-and-time' library, and pscaff do this in its lib/tags.js module. Then we can use <ts_> as 'date-and-time' library allows to define timestamps formats, only we replace the * inside <ts_> tag with the desired format.


// year_month_day format
// we can change the separators:
// or not use separators
// change year, month,day position
<ts_MM DD YY>
.... Many as date-and-time library allow us
// Aditionally we have a unix seg tag

For more info check 'date-and-time' library time formats

Opening files with sublime_text, needed for Windows users

For windows users, run this command as admin to allow call sublime_text from cmd globally from cmd

mklink /h c:\windows\system32\sublime_text.exe "c:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\sublime_text.exe"

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