
2.0.1 • Public • Published

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This module is designed to simplify server logic when utilizing 3rd party API's. Several API's can be used in conjunction, and the proxy can be used in tandem with server defined routes.

demo - $ node ./demo/server


Server Example

Note: for a fully funcitonal demo, clone and run node ./demo/server and take a look at the code here

var proxy  = require('proxy-express');
var routes = require('/routes');
var server = require('express')();
server.use(proxy('', '/foo'));
server.use(proxy('', '/bar'));
server.use(proxy('', {
  prefix  : 'github',
  request : {
    forceHttps : true,
    headers    : {
      'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0',

Proxy types

Pure proxy

Forward all requests to the host specified. If forceHttps is true, all requests to the proxied server will be https

  server.use(proxy(''), [forceHttps]);
  // [METHOD] /* => proxied to the 3rd party server

Proxy With Prefix

Forward all requests to the host specified. Only requests made with the prefix in the URL will be run through the proxy. The prefix will be stripped from the request before it's made to the proxied server. if forceHttps is true, all requests to the proxied server will be https

  server.use(proxy('', '/foo', [forceHttps]));
  // [METHOD] /users => ignored by proxy
  // [METHOD] /foo/users => proxied to [METHOD] //

Proxy With Configuration

Allows complex configuration. More details in the configuration section

  server.use(proxy('', {
    prefix  : 'foo',
    request : {
      forceHttps : true,
      headers    : {
        'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0',
  // [METHOD] /users => ignored by proxy
  // [METHOD] /foo/users => proxied to [METHOD] with 'User-Agent' set

Configuration Options

The following configuration options are allowed


Type: String

The proxy will match any route with the leading prefix. The prefix will be removed before the request is submitted to the proxied server

proxy('', {
  prefix : '/foo'
  // /foo/test => /test
  // /test => ignored by proxy


Type : String || RegExp || Array || Function

Only routes matching the restrictions will be run through the proxy

proxy('', {
  restrict : 'bar'
  // /biz/bar => proxied
  // /biz => ignored

// OR

proxy('', {
  restrict : /\/bar$/
  // /biz/bar => proxied
  // /bar/biz => ignored

// OR

proxy('', {
  restrict : [/\/bar$/, 'foo']
  // /biz/bar => proxied
  // /biz/foo/baz => proxied
  // /bar/biz => ignored

// OR

proxy('', {
  restrict : function(req){
    return req.get('force-proxy') !=== undefined
  // curl -H force-proxy:foobar
  // => proxied


Type: Object

All options set in the request proper will be applied to the proxy request


Type: Boolean

If true, all requests to the proxied server will be made over https

proxy('', {
  request : {
    forceHttps : true


Type: Boolean Default: true

Whether or not to do SSL key validation when making requests to the registry via https. This is similar to the git/npm/request setting of the same name; useful if you're behind a proxy.

proxy('', {
  request : {
    strictSSL : false


Type: String

The path to be prepended to every request through the proxy

proxy('', {
  request : {
    prepend : 'foo/v0'


Type: Boolean

Default: true

If true, all redirects returned from the proxied server will be followed before returning content

proxy('', {
  request : {
    followRedirects : false


Type: Object

Any header key/value pair will override the headers being proxied by to the 3rd party server. Setting a header to undefined will remove it from the proxied request

proxy('', {
  request : {
    headers : {
      'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0',
      'accept-language' : undefined // deleted from all proxied requests


Type: Object

Any query key/value pair will override the query being proxied by to the 3rd party server

proxy('', {
  request : {
    query : {
      type : 'proxied' // /foo => /foo?type=proxied


Type: Object

Requires: bodyParser.json()

Any form key/value pair will override the form/body being proxied by to the 3rd party server

proxy('', {
  request : {
    form : {
      type : 'proxied'


Type : function || Array

The function passed in will be run ad a callback before the request is made. any changes to proxyObj.reqOpts will be used in the request. The reqOpts object will be passed directy into the request module after the callback is executed. If using this function. please familiarize yourself with the request module. If an array of functions are submitted, they will be executed synchronously

proxy('', {
  pre : function (proxyObj) {
    // proxyObj contains
    // {
    //   req      : Object // express request
    //   res      : Object // express request
    //   proxyObj : Object // object used in the 'request' module request
    // }
    return callback();


Type : function || Array

The function passed in will be run ad a callback after the request is made. any changes to proxyObj.res and proxyObj.result will be used in the response. proxyObj.result.response is the response object returned from the request module. If an array of functions are submitted, they will be executed synchronously

proxy('', {
  post : function (proxyObj) {
    // proxyObj contains
    // {
    //   req      : Object // express request
    //   res      : Object // express request
    //   proxyObj : Object // object used in the 'request' module request
    //   result   : {
    //     response : Object, // response object from the proxied request
    //     body     : Mixed // response body from the proxied request
    //   }
    // }
    return callback();


Type : Boolean

if truthy, the proxy will log out the details of any incoming request/action

proxy('', {
  log: true


to run tests: npm install && npm test

tests must be added for each new feature to maintain coverage


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  • duanegarber
  • johnhof