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ECMAScript 6 Promises Test Suite

This suite tests compliance of a promise implementation with the ECMA-262 6th Edition Draft specification.

Since ECMA-262 is still a draft specification, this test suite should not be regarded as final or complete. This test suite is intended to be contributed to the ECMA test262 project for ES6; however, until it is incorporated into test262, it should NOT be regarded as a definitive claim of what the ES6 standard requires.

These tests also do NOT supersede the promises-aplus tests. These tests are orthogonal to promises-aplus/promises-tests. You should run both sets of tests.

How To Run

The tests run in a Node.js environment or in the browser.


In order to test a promise library, you must expose a minimal adapter interface. This is an extension of the Promises/A+ test adapter, with the following additional exports:

  • defineGlobalPromise(globalScope): ensures that globalScope.Promise is the implementation to be tested and ensures that globalScope.assert behaves like the node assert library
  • removeGlobalPromise(globalScope): removes Promise from globalScope

When a native (browser or node) implementation of Promises is being tested, these functions can have empty bodies (it is fine for these to be no-ops).

When a polyfill or other Javascript implementation of Promises is being tested, these functions should modify the passed-in globalScope object, not the global object.

From the CLI

This package can be invoked with a command-line interface, similarly to promises-aplus-tests.

As a globally installed package:

 $ npm install -g promises-es6-tests
 $ promises-es6-tests test_adapter

As a dependent package:

    "devDependencies": {
        "promises-aplus-tests": "*",
        "promises-es6-tests": "*"
    "scripts": {
        "test": "run-tests && promises-aplus-tests test_adapter && promises-es6-tests test_adapter"

The CLI takes as its first argument the name of the adapter file, relative to the current working directory. It passes through any subsequent options to Mocha.


The main export of this package is a function that allows you to run the tests against an adapter:

var promisesES6Tests = require("promises-es6-tests");
promisesES6Tests(adapter, function (err) {
    // tests complete; output to console; `err` is number of failures

In The Browser

The tests are collected into a single file, bundle/promises-es6-tests.

    "devDependencies": {
        "promises-es6-tests": "*"
   <!-- set up mocha and assert -->
   <script src="node_modules/promises-es6-tests/bundle/promises-es6-tests.js></script>

Structure of Tests

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    • smikes