
0.2.0 • Public • Published


Create fancy badges for your projects in plain JS.


In the browser

Download badge.js, and start having fun with badges !

    <script src="badge.js"></script> 
      var myBadge = new badge.Boolean({
        text: 'cookies',
        status: true,
        statusText: 'baked !'

Et voilà, a shiny custom badge in just two lines of code and 3 config parameters.
Le wild badge appears in the browser

In node

This module is available as an npm package npm install project-package
You should check out node-canvas which provides a compatible canvas API in node. Actually, it's what's being used in node-project-badge to provide a CLI badge generator.

One badge for every thing


var myBadge = new badge.Progress({
  text: 'baking',
  progress: 32,

Progress badge 32% Progress badge 55% Progress badge 87%
Common usage: code coverage

var myBadge = new badge.Info({
  text: 'baking time',
  info: '12\'30'

Info badge
Common usage: package verison, date of last build

var myBadge = new badge.Boolean({
  text: 'taste',
  status: true,
  successText: 'yummy',
  failureText: 'yuck !',
  unknownText: 'what ?'
myBadge.renderTo(ctx, 0, 0);
myBadge.status = false;
myBadge.renderTo(ctx, 120, 0);
myBadge.status = null;
myBadge.renderTo(ctx, 240, 0);

Boolean badge
Common usage: build: passing/failure

API Reference


Use this function to set global configuration settings. Available settings are:

'color-success': '#0a0'
'color-failure': '#a00'
'color-unknown': '#aaa'
'color-warning': '#880'
'color-info': '#3BC2EB'
'color-background': '#444'
'color-text': '#fff'      
'font': '11px Verdana'      # the same font for all texts 
'border-radius': 5          # like css border-radius 
'padding': 5                # x padding for the text 
'text-height': 14           # text position, y-axis 
'width': 50                 # default width 
'height': 20                # default height 


A badge that can take two states (namely 'failure' and 'success') depending on the value of 'status'


  • text (String): the text shown on the left hand side of the badge
  • status (true/false): defines the state the badge is in
  • successText (String): text shown on the right side of the badge in case of success
  • failureText (String): text shown on the right side of the badge in case of failure
  • unknownText (String): text shown on the right side of the badge in case the status is null
  • statusText: (String): text shown on the right side of the badge regardless of the state statusText has precedence over (failure|success)Text

Typical use cases

  • Show the result of a build in a CI environment (à la Travis-ci)


A badge that shows a single information as a key-value pair


  • text (String): the text shown on the left hand side of the badge (key)
  • info (String): the text shown on the right hand side of the badge (value)

Typical use cases

  • Show the current version of a package
  • Show the date of last build (useful when shown together with a build status badge)


A badge that shows a real value bounded between a minimum and a maximum. The badge is color coded to indicate wether the value is in the "bad", "warning" or "good" interval (defined by the bounds parameter).


  • text (String): the text shown on the left hand side of the badge (key)
  • progress (Number): the real value to show ranging from 0 to 100
  • progressText (String): the text shown on the right hand side of the badge (value)
  • unit (String): a string appended to the progressText (default: '%')
  • bounds (Array): two values that delimit the bad, warning and good zones (default: [40, 80])

Typical use cases

  • Show code coverage (it was designed specifically for this use).
  • Show any bounded continuous value.


Base class for any badge class. You may create a badge of type badge directly but it won't generally be of great use.

It defines the badge public interface and handles the rendering pipeline.

Public API

The public API is defined by the parent class Badge and should not be overriden.

  • constructor(params: {key: value})
    Constructs a badge and applies all parameters to this instance
  • badge.[param]
    All parameters are directly accessible on the badge's instance. For instance:
    // All badges drawn with this instance will now use the text 'build'
    badge.text = 'build';
  • renderTo(ctx: RenderingContext [, x: Number] [, y: Number]) -> void
    Renders the badge on the provided rendering context at position (x, y). Is rendered at (0,0) by default.
  • measure(ctx: RenderingContext) -> Dimentions
    measures the width and height the badge will occupy. Base implementation measures the width taken by text and two margins and returns the configured height
  • Dimentions = {w: Number, h: Number}
    Format used to represent badge dimentions

Rendering pipeline

The following methods are called in this order and may be overriden to implement custom graphics:

  • drawBorder(ctx: RenderingContext, dimentions: Dimentions) -> void
    begins and constructs a path that defines the badge's borders (does not close nor draw it)
  • drawBackground(ctx: DrawingContext, dimentions: Dimentions) -> void
    draws the badge's background
  • drawBackgroundEffects(ctx: DrawingContext, dimentions: Dimentions) -> void
    applies effects once the background was drawn
  • drawForeground(ctx: DrawingContext, dimentions: Dimentions) -> void
    draws the badge's foreground
  • drawForegroundEffects(ctx: DrawingContext, dimentions: Dimentions) -> void
    applies effects once the foreground was drawn

To implement custom measurments, override doMeasure

  • doMeasure(ctx: RenderingContext) -> Dimentions
    Actually performs the measure


The following parameters are assumed to be necessary for any class implementing a badge

  • text (String): default text shown in the badge, left aligned


0.2.0 -- Mar 19, 2017

  • Add "unknown" status badge (thanks @tforgione)
  • Add npm task to build the lib with grunt

0.1.0 -- Oct 19, 2014

  • Initial project-badge release

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npm i project-badge

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  • hmil