TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

2.1.1 • Public • Published


Basic typescript module that translate a template and data in a resulting output. You provide a template (HTML, XML, PDF ...) associate data in JSON and let the module merge them to have a personalized result.

This is base on the lodash.template method, so for detail on how to specify the template and the data, please refer to the lodash documentation (

How to use template

You will have to insert tag with associated variable to obtain a desired result.

insert a variable

{ 'user': 'fred', 'description' : 'IT technician' }
// for inserting the user variable use the following tag in your template
<%= user %>!

Escaping HTML delimiters

{ 'value': '<script>', 'description' : 'example of escaping value' };
// using the HTML "escape" delimiter to escape data property values
'<b><%- value %></b>'

Repeating a pettern

{ 'users': ['fred', 'barney', 'henry', 'paul'] }
// using the "evaluate" delimiter to execute JavaScript and generate HTML
'<% _.forEach(users, function(user) { %><li><%- user %></li><% }); %>'

using the print command

{ 'user': 'barney', 'description' : 'cartoon artist' }
// using the internal `print` function in "evaluate" delimiters
'<% print("hello " + user); %>!'

using the variable insert

{ 'user': 'pebbles', 'description' : 'comment here' }
// using the ES delimiter as an alternative to the default "interpolate" delimiter
'hello ${ user }!'

Quick start


In your project folder (base on fact that npm has been installed globaly)

$ npm install processhtmltemplate --save

Don't forget the --save parameter if you want that the package register to the package.json

Usage (in typescript)

normal usage with callback

"use strict";

import * as testProcHtmlTemp from './index';
import * as util from './lib/ErrorManagement/InbediaError';

let myTemplateHTML : string = '<!doctype html><h1>Congratulation those clients win a prize!</h1><html><% _.forEach(users, function(user) { %><li><%- user %></li><% }); %><p>Country of origin : <%=[1] %></p><h4>You can participate every week.</h4><hr/><p>This has been generated with processhtmltemplate a node module from inbedia.</p></html>';
let myTemplateDataUser : object = { 'users': ['Fred Flimstone', 'Barney Nockeles', "Bill Belechek", "Mat Groening"], continent : {country : ["Canada", "USA", "Mexico"]} };


// Standard With callback
function testModuleTemplateHTMLCB() : any {
    // Normal using callback    
    let testHTMLtemplateCB : any  =  new testProcDocTemp.InbediaModule.ProcessDocumentTemplate(myTemplateHTML, myTemplateDataUser);
    testHTMLtemplateCB.ProcessDocument((resString : string) => { 
        if (typeof resString === "string")  {
  "SUCCESS - Result normal using callback")
            console.log("Merge result = " + resString);
            console.error("Error - has been generated no processing done..."); 

// Standard with Promise
function testModuleTemplateHTMLPromise() : void {

    // Normal with promise
    let testHTMLPromise : any =  new testProcDocTemp.InbediaModule.ProcessDocumentTemplate(myTemplateHTML, myTemplateDataUser);
    testHTMLPromise.ProcessDocument().then((resolve : string)  => {"SUCCES - standard use with Promise...");
        console.log ("Result merg = " + resolve)
    }).catch((reject)  => {
        console.error ("ERROR - no valide processing done...");

// Standard with async
async function testModuleTemplateHTMLAsync() : Promise<void> {
    let testHTMLAsync : any = new testProcDocTemp.InbediaModule.ProcessDocumentTemplate(myTemplateHTML, myTemplateDataUser);
    let respProcess : any = await testHTMLAsync.ProcessDocument();
    if (respProcess !== null)  {"SUCCES - SUCCES - standard use with asych...");
        console.log("Result of async function call = " + respProcess);
        console.error("ERROR - function testModuleTemplateHTMLAsync return NULL");

// Generated error and outputing result
function testgenerateError() : void  {
    // Error param not present in data object
    let templDataError = { 'widget': ['fred', 'barney', "Bill", "Mack"], continent : {country : ["Cnada", "USA", "Mexico"]} };;
    let testHTMLError = new testProcDocTemp.InbediaModule.ProcessDocumentTemplate(myTemplateHTML, templDataError);
    testHTMLError.ProcessDocument((resError : any)   =>  {"ERROR generated - param not present in data object...");
        if (typeof resError === "object")   {
            console.log("General error = " + resError.Message);
            console.log("Technical error = " + resError.TechnicalError);
            console.log("Technical error message = " + resError.TechnicalMessage);
            console.log("Stack = " + resError.Stack);
            console.log("Error level = " + resError.ErrorLevel);
            console.log("Error level number = " + resError.ErrorLevelNum);
            console.log("Type of return = " + typeof resError);
        else  {
            console.error("No error generated !");

Result in HTML

<!doctype html>
        <h1>Congratulation those clients win a prize!</h1>
            <li>Fred Flimstone</li>
            <li>Barney Nockeles</li>
            <li>Bill Belechek</li>
            <li>Mat Groening</li>
        <p>Country of origin : USA</p>
        <h4>You can participate every week.</h4>
        <p>This has been generated with processhtmltemplate a node module from inbedia.</p>

Result in the browser

Congratulation those clients win a prize!

  • Fred Flimstone
  • Barney Nockeles
  • Bill Belechek
  • Mat Groening

Country of origin : USA

You can participate every week.

This has been generated with processhtmltemplate a node module from inbedia.

Hint :

You can use the error management you want in casting the error result in the type you want.

Contribution guidelines

  • Inbedia

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  • inbedia