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1.0.3 • Public • Published


This is a PostHTML plugin which generates srcset and sizes attributes for images based on configured presets. It will just generate the HTML, not the actual images - but there are other tools for that. This plugin integrates especially well with ParcelJS.

The plugin requires the image element to have a width and height attribute matching the actual image dimensions - it will not try to resolve the image file and read its dimensions.

The plugin works with the following elements:

  • <img>
  • <source> inside a <picture>


npm i -D posthtml-responsive-images



  "plugins": {
    "posthtml-responsive-images": {
      "urlFormat": "{baseUrl}{basename}@{width}x{height}.{ext}",
      "presets": {
        "preset A": {
          "sources": [ 128, 256, 512 ],
          "sizes": [
            [ 560, "256px" ],
            [ "30vw" ]
          "aspectRatio": "1:1"

HTML input

<img src="/images/thumbs/my-pretty-face.jpg" width="720" height="640" responsive="preset A">

HTML output

<img src="/images/thumbs/my-pretty-face@512x512.jpg"
    /images/thumbs/my-pretty-face@128x128.jpg 128w,
    /images/thumbs/my-pretty-face@256x256.jpg 256w,
    /images/thumbs/my-pretty-face@512x512.jpg 512w
  sizes="(min-width: 560px) 256px, 30vw">

Configuration options


Option Type Description
urlFormat string Format string for generated URLs, see below for details.
srcUrlFormat string Format string for adjusted src, see below for details. Defaults to urlFormat.
presets Record<string, Preset> See next section.


Option Type Description
sources number[] An array of source sizes in ascending order.
sizes ([number, string / number] / string / number)[] CSS sizes the image can have. If this is omitted, the sizes attribute will not be generated. All but the last entry should be a [number, string / number] tuple, where the first element represents the min-width of the viewport for the size to apply. The last entry is the default size. A size specified as a number will be suffixed with px. A size string which contains any of the characters -+*/() and doesn't begin with calc, clamp, max or min will be wrapped in a calc().
aspectRatio string / number Optional aspect ratio. If not specified, it will be calculated from the image width and height attributes. If this is specified, the height parameter of the generated URLs will be computed from the respective width using this aspect ratio. Can be specified as a fractional number (e.g. 0.5625 for 16:9) or a string formatted as either W:H or WxH.
urlFormat string Optional preset-specific override for the global urlFormat option.
srcUrlFormat string Optional preset-specific override for the global srcUrlFormat option.

Generated output

The sources will be filtered to only use source sizes smaller than or equal to the original image width, so you're never enlarging small images.

Aside from generating the srcset and sizes attributes, the plugin will also adjust the src, width and height attributes to match the largest of the configured sizes which is still smaller than or equal to the original width. This means that if you set an aspectRatio, the width and height will now match that, and browsers which don't support srcset and sizes will gracefully fall back to the best resolution which should be needed for that particular image, no matter the source resolution.

The urlFormat and srcUrlFormat strings should include placeholders which will be replaced with the appropriate values. The available placeholders are:

Placeholder Value
{baseurl} The base URL of the image, that is, everything up to and including the last / character in the original image URL, e.g. /images/thumbs/.
{filename} The original image file name and extension, e.g. my-pretty-face.jpg.
{basename} The original image file name without extension, e.g. my-pretty-face.
{ext} The original image extension, e.g. jpg.
{width} The width of the image at the requested size.
{height} The height of the image at the requested size.

Programmatic usage

The plugin exports the core generateResponsiveAttributes function, so if you have some special use-case which the plugin doesn't cover, you should be able to create your own plugin easily enough. The function has the following signature:

export function generateResponsiveAttributes(
  originalSrc: string,
  originalWidth: number,
  originalHeight: number,
  preset: ResponsiveImagePreset,
): ResponsiveAttributes;

The returned value is an object with the src, width, height, srcset, and optional sizes properties. The ResponsiveImagePreset type conforms to what is described in the Configuration section, but it should have its urlFormat already resolved to a string.


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    Downloads (Last 7 Days)
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  • 1.0.3
  • 1.0.2
  • 1.0.1
  • 1.0.0

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  • jahudka