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PostCSS Custom Utils PostCSS

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PostCSS Custom Utils lets you read, write, and transform Custom Variables, like Custom Properties, Custom Media, Custom Selectors, and Environment Variables.



The read method reads custom variables from a variety of sources.
  { to: '/path/to/another/source', type: 'css' },

For more details about configuring individual file sources, see readFile.


The readCSS method returns an object of custom variables.

util.readCSS(root, options) // options = { filename }

readCSS filename Option

The readCSS method accepts a filename option to determine the source mapping for variables.


util.readFile(filename, options) // options = { from, type, async }

readFile Type Option

The readFile method accepts a type option to control which kind of file is written — Common JS using cjs or js, ES Module using esm or mjs, JSON using json, and css using css or anything else. If not specified, the type will be determined by the file extension, and otherwise it will be css.

Note: There is no convention for writing Environment Variable declarations in CSS, and so those variables will not be read from CSS files.

readFile Async Option

The readFile method accepts a async option to control whether the function should run asynchronously. By default, all read methods run synchronously.


The readRoot method returns an object of custom variables from an AST Root.

util.readRoot(root, options) // options = { features, preserve }

Note: There is no convention for writing Environment Variable declarations in CSS, and so those variables will not be written.

readRoot Features Option

The readRoot method accepts a features option to determine which kinds of custom variables will be read from the AST Root.

The available options are customMedia, customProperties, customSelectors, and environmentVariables.

readRoot Preserve Option

The readRoot method accepts a preserve option to determine which kinds of custom variables will be preserved from the AST Root, rather than removed.

The available options are customMedia, customProperties, customSelectors, and environmentVariables.


The transformCSS method returns a transformed string of CSS using custom variables.

util.transformCSS(css_string, options) // options = { variables }


The transformFile method returns a transformed string of CSS from a file using custom variables.

util.transformFile('path/to/style.css', options) // options = { variables }


The transformRoot method returns a transformed AST Root using custom variables.

util.transformFile('path/to/style.css', options) // options = { variables }


The write method writes custom variables to a variety of destinations.

  { to: '/path/to/destination', type: 'css' },
  options // options = { async }

The last argument passed into the write method are the options.

write Async Option

The write method accepts a async option to control whether the function should run asynchronously. By default, all write methods run synchronously.


The writeFile method writes custom variables to a file.

util.writeFile(filename, options) // options = { type }

writeFile Type Option

The writeCSS method accepts a type option to control which kind of file is written — Common JS using cjs or js, ES Module using esm or mjs, JSON using json, and css using css or anything else.

Note: There is no convention for writing Environment Variable declarations in CSS, and so those variables will not be written to CSS files.

writeFile Async Option

The writeFile method accepts a async option to control whether the function should run asynchronously. By default, the writeFile methods runs synchronously.


The writeCJS method returns custom variables as an Common JS string of code.

util.writeCJS(root, options)


The writeCSS method returns a CSS string of custom variables.

util.writeRoot(root, options) // options = { insert }

Note: There is no convention for writing Environment Variable declarations in CSS, and so those variables will not be written.

writeCSS Insert Option

The writeCSS method accepts a insert option to control whether the custom variables are inserted before or after the other CSS.


The writeESM method returns custom variables as an ES Module string of code.

util.writeESM(root, options)


The writeJSON method returns custom variables as a JSON string.

util.writeJSON(root, options)


The writeRoot method returns an Root object with inserted custom variables.

util.writeRoot(root, options) // options = { insert }

Note: There is no convention for writing Environment Variable declarations in CSS, and so those variables will not be written.

writeRoot Insert Option

The writeRoot method accepts a insert option to control whether the custom variables are inserted before or after the other CSS.


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