
0.2.74 • Public • Published

Portable Open Game Protocol 0.0.19

Making games should feel like playing games.

Introducing the POG protocol

The POG Protocol defines language-neutral binary representations of Inputs and State.

This allows us to create a portable game loop that can be run in browser or any major game engine.


  • browser - use wasm to prototype and playtest with hot reloading

  • standalone / mobile / console - use ffi to bring your game loop into any game engine

  • online multiplayer - run your game loop on any web server or exchange pogp binary input peer to peer


  • input representations are based on web standards

  • state representations use open standards (WIP)

  • games that adopt the protocol can benefit from shared solutions for common functionality


  • immersion during the development process is sacrosanct. making games feels like playing games.

  • the POG protocol is designed to be zero-copy, zero-alloc per frame

  • you can continue to use and benefit from all the great game making tools and rendering you use today for mobile, browser, standalone and console targets


The goal of the POG protocol is to help create better games for players, to make game development more accessible, and to reduce crunch.

The goal is for anyone familiar with basic software development to create a game using the protocol today, using the languages and tools they're already familiar with.

Web and app developers benefit from industry-wide adoption of open technology like the HTTP protocol and Linux.

Game developers have typically suffered from a more closed source mindset, with many shared solutions for crucial low-level problems locked behind paywalls or other privileged access.

I love games, and I believe that by embracing open standards and shared solutions across languages and game engines, there can be a better world for developers and players of games.

Code Example (typescript/browser)

import { GameLoop, MarshalInput, KeyboardSnapshot } from 'pogp';

const keyboard = new KeyboardSnapshot();
const heroElement = document.body.appendChild('div') as HTMLElement;

let state = {
	hero: { x: 0, y: 0 }

new GameLoop((frame, now, inputs) => {
	// read inputs from binary buffer

	// run update loop
	if (keyboard.isKeyDown(Key.KeyD)) {
		state.hero.x += 10;
	} else if (keyboard.isKeyDown(Key.KeyA)) {
		state.hero.x -= 10;

	// render to screen
	heroElement.style.transform = `translateX(${state.hero.x}px)`;

Interactive Examples



Project Status

The Pog Protocol is in a pre-alpha state. The protocol itself is still being defined, and client libraries currently only exist for rust.

We are looking for domain experts to contribute to libraries for each major game engine and runtime environment.

If you are interested in contributing or adding an environment to the list, please open a github issue or drop me a line on discord nu11#1111 or neil at nullent.com

Path to 1.0

  • Define state protocol

  • Define rendering protocol

  • Flesh out existing libraries

    • rust
    • typescript
    • unity c#
  • Add client libraries

    • c++
    • modern c#
  • Add online multiplayer demo

    • in browser
    • in a game engine
  • Add engine demos beyond unity

    • unreal engine
    • godot
    • bevy

Client Libraries

Game Logic Client Libraries

language dev environment inputs state wasm support
c# unity @ns @ns n/a
c++ unreal OPEN OPEN OPEN
rust bevy OPEN OPEN OPEN
c# browser OPEN OPEN OPEN
c++ browser OPEN OPEN OPEN
rust browser @ns @ns @ns
typescript browser @ns @ns @ns

Rendering Client Libraries

language framework environment status
c# unity pc/mac/mobile/console OPEN
c++ unreal pc/mac/mobile/console OPEN
rust bevy pc/mac OPEN
swift xcode/autolayout ios OPEN
typescript pixi.js browser @ns


@ns - @neilsarkar



Inputs contain the state of the input at the current frame.

Whenever possible, representations are based on open standards.

Gamepad (a.k.a. Controller) Input

Touch Input

Mouse Input

Keyboard Input

Gamepad Input

Gamepad input represents what's commonly called a "Controller".

We extend the open standard https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Gamepad with a standard for generic positional identifiers.

JSON Schema | JSON Example

Binary Schema | Binary Example

Gamepad JSON Schema






  • A human readable name for the vendor, e.g. Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony etc


  • A human readable name for the product, e.g. Left joy-con, Xbox Series S, Dualshock 5


  • An array of Button states
    • label
      • the text printed on the button, e.g. Triangle, A, ZR
    • value
      • int representing the percentage depressed with four digits of precision
    • touched
      • boolean representing whether button is touched
    • position
      • string enum representing button position , e.g. left-face-top, right-shoulder-front


  • An array of Axes states
    • hand
      • string enum representing hand intended to be used with joystick: left | right | unknown
    • value
      • an array of two signed longs representing the x and y position of the thumbstick

Gamepad JSON Example

	type: 'Gamepad',
	id: 'Stadia Controller rev. A (STANDARD GAMEPAD Vendor: 18d1 Product: 9400)'
	vendorName: "Google",
	productName: "Stadia",

	buttons: [
			label: 'A',
			position: 'right-face-bottom',
			value: 100000 // 100%
			label: 'B',
			position: 'right-face-right',
			value: 500600 // 50.06%
			label: 'X',
			position: 'right-face-left',
			touched: true,
			value: 0
			label: 'Y',
			position: 'right-face-top',
			value: 0
			label: 'L1',
			position: 'left-shoulder-front',
			value: 0
			label: 'L2',
			position: 'left-shoulder-back',
			value: 0
		// ...
	axes: [
			hand: 'left',
			value: [
				0n, // x-axis idle
				2147483647n // y-axis max up
			hand: 'right',
			value: [
				-2147483647, // x-axis full left
				-2147483647  // y-axis full down

Gamepad Binary Schema

data example type index length (bytes)
type 1 byte (Input Type) 0 1
buttons.length 12 uint16 1 2
axes.length 12 uint16 3 2
buttons [Button, Button] Button 5 69 * buttons.length
axes [Axes, Axes] Axes 5 + (69 * buttons.length) 129 * axes.length

Gamepad Button Binary Schema

data example type index length (bytes)
position 2 byte (ButtonPosition) 0 1
value 100000 uint32 1 4
label "A" string 5 64

Gamepad Axes Binary Schema

data example type index length (bytes)
hand 1 byte (Hand) 0 1
x 100000 int64 1 64
y 100000 int64 65 64

Keyboard Input

Keyboard keys are represented using the w3 standard, supporting standard 101, Korean, Brazilian and Japanese keyboards.



       type: "keyboard",
       keys: [
data type byte index bit index
Null bool 0 0
ArrowDown bool 0 1
ArrowLeft bool 0 2
ArrowRight bool 0 3
ArrowUp bool 0 4
Backspace bool 0 5
Tab bool 0 6
CapsLock bool 0 7
Enter bool 1 0
ShiftLeft bool 1 1
ShiftRight bool 1 2
ControlLeft bool 1 3
MetaLeft bool 1 4
AltLeft bool 1 5
Space bool 1 6
AltRight bool 1 7
MetaRight bool 2 0
... bool ... ...
IntlRo bool 9 4

Touch Input (WIP)

	type: "touch",
	resolution: [0,0],
	fingers: [
		// there will always be at least one element
			position: [0,0],
			pressure: 0

Mouse Input (WIP)

	type: "mouse",
	resolution: [1920, 1080],
	position: [100, 100],
	buttons: [
			id: 'left',
			down: true
			id :'right',
			down: false
	wheels: [
			id: 'scroll',
			delta: [0,20,0]

Custom (WIP)

	type: "custom",
	id: 'my-flightstick',
	fields: [
			id: 'whammybar',
			values: [420,69]
			id: 'something',
			values: [0]

State (WIP)

Game state represents the state of the game. This is going to be custom for each game.

int is short for int32

	// this is the pog protocol major version
	pog: 0,
	// this is the pog protocol minor version
	pogMinorVersion: 1

	// these are the members of the state.
	fields: {
		// primitives
		timeLeft: 'int',

		// objects defined below
		player: 'player',
		level: 'level',

		// arrays of primitives or objects
		enemy: ['enemy'],

		// dictionaries of primitives or objects
		levelClearTimes: {
			int: 'int'
		levelsById: {
			int: 'level'

	// these are objects defined by the game
	objects: [
		player: {
			position: 'vector2',
			score: 'int',
			jump: 'bool',
			myIntList: ['int'],
		enemy: {
			position: 'vector2',
			health: 'int',
		level: {
			id: 'int',
			tiles: ['tile']
		tile: {
			position: 'vector2',
			type: 'int'

The json state will exist in both the logic and the renderer, so object structures are not shared, only the values

data example type index length (bytes)
pog major version 0 int 0 4
pog minor version 1 int 4 4
* fields are done alphabetically

* vectors and fixed length structs are inline

* arrays, lists and dictionaries are represented as an integer of their total length

* array, list and dictionary reading happens after reading the primitives in the state

* strings are utf32 encoded

tic tac toe example:

	// 0 is not taken, 1 is X 2 is O
	board: [
		0, 0, 0,
		0, 2, 0
		1, 0, 0
// fields
uint 9  // length of array

// arrays, lists and dictionaries
ubyte 0 // top left
ubyte 0 // top middle
ubyte 0 // top right
ubyte 0 // middle left
ubyte 2 // middle middle
ubyte 1 // bottom left
ubyte 0 // bottom middle
ubyte 0 // bottom right

pong example:

	isGameOver: false,
	player1: {
		position: [0, 100],
		score: 1
	player2: {
		position: [100,-100],
		score: 0
	ball: {
		position: [50, 50]

Client libraries:

(json schema) => file of native object

(binary data, json schema) => native object

(native object, json schema) => binary data

e.g. csharp

public static string StateFile(string json, string path) {
	// outputs a .cs file to path that has the structure of the json file

Button Position Enum

value name example (xbox one)
0 null
1 left-face-top dpad up
2 left-face-right dpad right
3 left-face-bottom dpad down
4 left-face-left dpad left
5 left-shoulder-front LB
6 left-shoulder-back LT
7 left-thumbstick L3
8 right-face-top Y
9 right-face-right B
10 right-face-bottom A
11 right-face-left X
12 right-shoulder-front RB
13 right-shoulder-back RT
14 right-thumbstick R3
15 middle Xbox Button
16 middle-left View Button
17 middle-right Menu Button

Input Type Enum

value name
0 null
1 gamepad
2 touch
3 mouse
4 keyboard
5 custom

Hand Enum

value name
0 null
1 left
2 right

Key Enum

value name
0 Null
1 ArrowDown
2 ArrowLeft
3 ArrowRight
4 ArrowUp
5 Backspace
6 Tab
7 CapsLock
8 Enter
9 ShiftLeft
10 ShiftRight
11 ControlLeft
12 MetaLeft
13 AltLeft
14 Space
15 AltRight
16 MetaRight
17 ContextMenu
18 ControlRight
19 Backquote
20 Digit1
21 Digit2
22 Digit3
23 Digit4
24 Digit5
25 Digit6
26 Digit7
27 Digit8
28 Digit9
29 Digit0
30 Minus
31 Equal
32 IntlYen
33 KeyQ
34 KeyW
35 KeyE
36 KeyR
37 KeyT
38 KeyY
39 KeyU
40 KeyI
41 KeyO
42 KeyP
43 BracketLeft
44 BracketRight
45 Backslash
46 KeyA
47 KeyS
48 KeyD
49 KeyF
50 KeyG
51 KeyH
52 KeyJ
53 KeyK
54 KeyL
55 Semicolon
56 Quote
57 IntlBackslash
58 KeyZ
59 KeyX
60 KeyC
61 KeyV
62 KeyB
63 KeyN
64 KeyM
65 Comma
66 Period
67 Slash
68 IntlRo




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  • neilsarkar