Adobe Photoshop has an EcmaScript 3 compatible scripting engine.
Its variant of EcmaScript is called ExtendScript.
ExtendScript files use the jsx
file extension.
The ExtendScript Toolkit.app will let you experiment with this code.
It's installed at /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Utilities-CC.localized/ExtendScript Toolkit CC/ExtendScript Toolkit.app
Here's some sample ExtendScript
function setColor_jsx(color){
app.foregroundColor.rgb.red = color.red
app.foregroundColor.rgb.green = color.green
app.foregroundColor.rgb.blue = color.blue
return app.foregroundColor.rgb.hexValue
var color = {
red: Math.random() * 255,
green: Math.random() * 255,
blue: Math.random() * 255
Photoshop / After Effects scripting with Node.js
npm install photoshop
photoshop.createStream(jsx, [args])
This is almost always what you want to use.
creates a Node.js Stream.
The first argument to createStream
is an ExtendScript jsx
function to evaluate in Photoshop.
The jsx
function will be called with an ExtendScript Socket
instance and whatever additional arguments you supply as the second argument to createStream
Writing to the socket from Photoshop will immediately stream that string back to node.
function streamColorChanges_jsx(writeStream, setColor_jsx, color){
alert("Photoshop won't return until this window is closed, but the stream already sent its data!");
var readStream = require('photoshop').createStream(streamColorChanges_jsx, [setColor_jsx, color]);
readStream.on('end', function(){
aftereffects.createStream(jsx, [args])
require('photoshop/aftereffects').createStream(function jsx(stream, props){
alert("After Effects won't return until this window is closed, but the stream already sent its data!")
}, [{lulz:true}])
ify manythings!
require('./aftereffects').createStream(function jsx(stream, props){
var composition = app.project.ao_comps()[0];
var layer = composition.layers[1];
JSON.stringify(layer, null, 2)
}, [{lulz:Math.random(0)}])
photoshop.invoke(jsx, [args,] callback)
The invoke
method evaluates the given ExtendScript script in Adobe Photoshop.
It handles serializing and deserializing the result of your script so you can return pretty much anything.
You can even return Photoshop host objects and it'll do its best to not completely wet its pants.
It includes es5shim
and JSON2
so you can use normal JavaScript like Array map
in your ExtendScript.
function recentFilesThatExist_jsx(){
return app.recentFiles.map(File).filter(function(file){return file.exists})
require('photoshop').invoke(recentFilesThatExist_jsx, function(error, recentFiles){
The args
argument is optional.
You can pass JSONable objects as arguments.
require('photoshop').invoke(setColor_jsx, [color], function(error, foregroundColor){
console.log('#' + foregroundColor)