
1.0.1 • Public • Published


A layout/scene building plugin for Phaser 3. This plugin takes a user-defined config and creates the objects denoted therein. The plugin also includes a number of subsystems for manipulating the layout build. Documentation is a work in progress.


  • Seperate layout from game logic
  • Define object position as a ratio of scene size (i.e. '25%', '50%')
  • Seperate objects into and manipulate depth layers
  • Create and populate groups from config
  • A simple resize manager to adjust certain position/size attributes on scene resize
  • Default values for most objects in the Phaser.GameObject namespace


npm install phaser3-phorge


Setup the Plugin

import Phaser from 'phaser';
import PhorgePlugin from 'phaser3-phorge';
const gameConfig = {
    type: Phaser.WEBGL,
    parent: 'game-container',
    width: 400,
    height: 600,
    scene: [
    plugins: {
        scene: [
                key: 'phorge', 
                mapping: 'phorge',
                plugin: PhorgePlugin
const game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);

Build the Layout

class Main extends Phaser.Scene {
    constructor() { super({key: 'Main'}); }

Config Schema

layers - An array of strings, representing the layers in ascending order.
groups - An array of strings, each denoting an instance of Phaser.GameObjects.Group.
anims - An array of animation configs, see here for more info about what properties an animation config can contain.
objects - An array of object configs, with the properties:

  • key - (Required) The key by which this object can be retrieved from the plugin. Also used to map the object to the scene if mapToScene is true in the build config (as it is by default).
  • class - (Required) The class to instantiate this object.
    • For many objects in the Phaser.GameObjects namespace, a string (case insensitive) can be used to resolve the class. This will work for any of the following: BitmapText, DynamicBitmapText, Graphics, Image, RenderTexture, Sprite, Sprite3d, Text, TileSprite, Zone.
  • params - (Optional) An array with params to pass the instantiated object.
    • If you need to pass the parent scene, you can use '{scene}' as a placeholder and it will be resolved at runtime.
  • layer - (Optional) A string corresponding to one of your layers. Defaults to the first layer.
  • group - (Optional) A string correspnding to one of your groups.
  • props - (Optional) An object containing key/value pairs for each property to assign after this object's creation.
    • Any property can be set here, not only those which are already owned by the object
    • Property chains (i.e. prop.nextProp.whatever) are valid
    • For the properties x, y, displayWidth, and displayHeight, you can pass a string such as '50%' to set the value based on a percentage of the scene dimensions.
  • resize - (Optional) The plugins resize subsystem can manage the resizing of the following properties: x, y, displayWidth, and displayHeight.
    • By default the ResizeManager will subscribe to the scene's resize event and resize any object w/ a resize property in it's config. This can be disabled by using phorge.resizer.stop()
    • Use a ratio string such as '50%' to maintain a certain size relative to the scene dimensions.



The LayerManager maintains a list of semantic layers by setting the depth property of each layer's children. The LayerManager has many methods for manipulating/reordering layers, however it can also be ignored after the initial build if desired. (You can always call restack() to reset the depth of each layer's children.)


Reapplies the parent layers depth to each of the layer's children

Kind: instance method of LayerManager

layers.addLayer(key, objects) ⇒ Phaser.GameObjects.Group

Add's a new layer to the top of the stack

Returns: Phaser.GameObjects.Group - - The new layer

Param Type Description
key String The layer key
objects Array.<Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject> An array of objects that belong to this layer

layers.removeLayer(layerKey, [destroyObjects]) ⇒ Phaser.GameObjects.Group

the LayerManager.Any objects in that layer will no longer be managed by

Returns: Phaser.GameObjects.Group - - The removed layer

Param Type Default Description
layerKey String The layer to remove
[destroyObjects] Bool false Whether to call destroy() on all objects in the group

layers.getLayer(layerKey) ⇒ Phaser.GameObjects.Group

Returns the Phaser Group representing a given layer

Returns: Phaser.GameObjects.Group - - The new layer

Param Type Description
layerKey String The layer to get

layers.merge(layerOneKey, layerTwoKey)

Merge two layers into one

Param Type
layerOneKey String
layerTwoKey String

layers.swap(layerOne, layerTwo)

Swaps the depth order of two layers

Param Type Description
layerOne String The key of the first layer
layerTwo String The key of the second layer


Switch the order of the given layer with the layer directly above it.

Param Type Description
layerKey String The key of the layer to bring up


Switch the order of the given layer with the layer directly below it.

Param Type Description
layerKey String The key of the layer to bring up


Brings a layer to the top of stack

Param Type
layerKey String


Sends a layer to the bottom of stack

Param Type
layerKey String

layers.addObject(layerKey, object)

Adds an object to the given layer

Param Type Description
layerKey String The layer into which the object will be added
object Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject An valid object in the Phaser.GameObjects namespace


Removes an object from any layer in which it resides.

Param Type Description
object Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject The object to remove

layers.getObjLayerKey(object) ⇒ String | Bool

Returns the key of the layer that the given object resides in

Returns: String | Bool - - The layer key, or false if the object resides in no layers

Param Type Description
object Object The object for which to retrieve the layer key

layers.moveToLayer(object, newLayerKey)

Move an object to a different layer

Param Type Description
object Object The object to move
newLayerKey String The destination layer key


The ResizeManager can manage the resizing of certain game object properties when the scene trigger's a resize event. Currently the ResizeManager can manage the following properties: x, y, displayWidth, and displayHeight. In the future more complex behavior will be supported.


Name Type Default Description
[active] Bool true Set to false to stop the ResizeManager completely
[manageCameras] Bool true Indicates whether the ResizeManager should also resize the camera when the scene resizes

resizeManager.manage(target, config)

Adds an object for the ResizeManager to manage according to the given config. Properties passed as strings will resolved as a percentage of the scene's dimensions.

Param Type Description
target Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject The target object to resize
config Object The resize config w/ transform properties
config.x String | Number The x position of the target object
config.y String | Number The y position of the target object
config.displayWidth String | Number The object's display width
config.displayHeight String | Number The resize config w/ transform properties

Config Examples

A simple layout with only two objects:

const SimpleLayout = {
    layers: ['one', 'two', 'three'],
    groups: ['one', 'two'],
    objects: [
            key: "healthbar",
            layer: "one",
            class: 'sprite',
            params: ['{scene}', 0, 0, 'healthbar'],  //'{scene}' will resolve to the current scene
            props: { anchorX: 0.5, anchorY: 0.5, x: '50%', y: '50%' }
            key: "mana",
            layer: "two",
            clone:  'healthbar', //Use the settings from another config
            params: ["{SCENE}", 0, 0, 'mana']
export default LayoutTwo;

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  • jhavrick