A ES6 wrapper (co & generator based - async/await style) for node-postgres.
var pg = require('pg-co');
var SQL = require('sql-template');
var conString = "postgres://postgres:1234@localhost/postgres";
var client = new pg(conString);
var line;
line = yield client.row(SQL`SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=${22}`);
// same line = yield client.row('users', {id:22});
throw "Missing user";
yield client.insert("users_log", {
user_id : 22,
time : Date.now(),
await client.select(table [,condition = true [, columns = * [, extra ]]])
await client.select(PG_TEMPLATED_QUERY)
Select stuffs ? what did you expect ...
var line = yield client.select(SQL`SELECT * FROM users WHERE parentId=${22}`);
=> [ {id:1, name : "John doe", parentId:22}, {id:2, name : "Jane doe", parentId:22}]
await client.row(table [,condition = true [, columns = * [, extra = LIMIT 1 ]]])
await client.row(PG_TEMPLATED_QUERY)
return a single row, and a falsy value if no match (see example below)
var line = yield client.row(SQL`SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=${22}`);
=> { id : 22, name : "John doe" }
await client.col(table [,condition = true [, column = * [, extra = '']]])
await client.col(PG_TEMPLATED_QUERY)
return an array of values from a single column
var line = yield client.col('users', true, 'user_id');
=> [22, 1, 25, 55]
await client.insert(table, values)
Insert values in table...
yield client.insert("users_log", {
user_id : 22,
time : Date.now(),
await client.update(table, values[, where])
Update values in a table...
yield client.insert("users_log", {
time : Date.now(),
}, {
user_id : 22,
await client.delete(table[, where])
Delete rows in a table...
yield client.delete("users_log", "log_weight < 51");
await client.replace(table, values[, where])
Replace values in a table... (lock select using * postgresql FOR UPDATE)
yield client.replace("users_log", {
time : Date.now(),
}, {
user_id : 22,
await client.query(queryString);
yield client.query("TRUNCATE TABLE donttruncatemeplznooooo");
await client.truncate(tableName);
yield client.truncate("donttruncatemeplznooooo");
await client.begin() => transaction token
await client.commit(transaction token)
await client.rollback(transaction token)
Start/commit/rollback a transaction (or a savepoint, if nested)
var transaction_token = await client.begin();
if(Math.random() < 0.5)
await client.commit(transaction_token);
else await client.rollback(transaction_token);
Recommended template string engine
Not invented here / key features
- Supported nested transaction (through savepoints)
- Sane API = sane implementation (whole lib is < 150 lines)