
0.2.1 • Public • Published

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Fastest method for returning deeply nested properties based on a string path.

If you merely try to access a path like a.b.c and either a or a.b does not exist, you will throw an error. If a is not defined: ReferenceError: a is not defined. If a.b is not defined: TypeError: Cannot read property 'c' of undefined.

The only safe pattern for property access is: a && a.b && a.b.c. Relying on this pattern leads to verbose, error-prone code. You will also have problems passing this around to other functions.

get will allow you to pass get( "a.b.c" ) as a path or as an array of "segments", get( ["a", "b", "c"] ). If any part of the path fails, get returns undefined.

Any properties you can normally access, get can return. For instance, this will work in the browser: get( "document.body.childNodes.length" );


No, this does not use try/catch. That tends to slow things down, especially in the browser. For each "depth", perfget constructs a function capable of accessing properties at that depth. The function gets cached for reuse. Splitting long strings can also take time, so we cache those as well for reliable, fast results.

Getting started

Download and include perfget.min.js on a browser page or install via npm:

npm install perfget --save-dev


  • get( path:String|Array ) : Returns property values of this.
  • _get( receiver:Object ) : Returns a function which takes a path (just like get).
  • get_( path:String|Array ): Returns a function which takes a receiver.


Use get() globally

<!-- Browser example -->
<script src="perfget.min.js">
get( "window.location.hash" );
// NodeJS example
var get = require( "perfget" ).get;
get( "process.title" ); //'node'

Use get() for your custom objects

<!-- Browser method example -->
<script src="perfget.min.js">
function Klass( thangs ) {
  this.stuff = {
    thangs: thangs
Klass.prototype.get = get;
var k = new Klass( [1,2,3] );
k.get( "stuff.thangs.1" ); //2
<!-- Browser Object.create example -->
<script src="perfget.min.js">
var obj = Object.create( perfget() );
obj.stuff = {
  thangs: [1,2,3]
obj.get( "stuff.thangs.1" ); //2
// NodeJS method example
var perfget = require( "perfget" );
function Klass( thangs ) {
  this.stuff = {
    thangs: thangs
Klass.prototype.get = perfget.get;
var k = new Klass( [1,2,3] );
k.get( "stuff.thangs.1" ); //2
// NodeJS util.inherits example
var perfget = require( "perfget" );
var util = require( "util" );
function Klass( thangs ) {
  this.stuff = {
    thangs: thangs
util.inherits( Klass, perfget.constructor );
var k = new Klass( [1,2,3] );
k.get( "stuff.thangs.1" ); //2
// NodeJS Object.create example
var perfget = require( "perfget" );
var obj = Object.create( perfget.factory() );
obj.stuff = {
  thangs: [1,2,3]
obj.get( "stuff.thangs.1" ); //2

Use _get() to wrap objects

<!-- Browser example -->
<script src="perfget.min.js">
var location = _get( window.location );
location( "hash" );
// NodeJS example
var _get = require( "perfget" )._get;
var global = _get( global );
global( "process.versions.v8" );

Use get_() with promises

<!-- Browser example -->
<script src="jquery.min.js">
<script src="perfget.min.js">
var getResults = get_( "data.results" );
$.get( "" )
  .done( getResults )
  .then( handleResults )
  .fail( handleError );
// NodeJS example
var Promise = require( "es6-promise" ).Promise;
var http = require( "http" );
var get_ = require( "perfget" ).get_;
var getResults = get_( "data.results" );
function request( options, body ) {
    return new Promise( function ( resolve, reject ) {
        var req = https.request( options, resolve );
        req.on( "error", reject );
        if ( body ) {
            req.write( body );
    } );
function body( res ) {
    var body = "";
    return new Promise( function ( resolve, reject ) {
        res.on( "data", function ( chunk ) {
            body += chunk;
        } );
        res.on( "end", function () {
            return (res.statusCode === 200 ? resolve : reject)( body );
        } );
    } );
function parse( body ) {
    return JSON.parse( body );
request( {
            hostname: "",
            path: "/api",
            method: "GET"
        } )
            .then( body )
            .then( parse )
            .then( getResults )
            .then( handleResults )
            .catch( handleError );

Use get_() functionally, like with .map()

<!-- Browser example -->
<script src="jquery.min.js">
<script src="perfget.min.js">
var pluckId = get_( "" );
var obj = {deeply:{nested:{id:1}}}
[obj].map( pluckId ); // [1]
// NodeJS example
var get_ = require( "perfget" ).get_;
var pluckId = get_( "" );
var obj = {deeply:{nested:{id:1}}}
[obj].map( pluckId ); // [1]

Change log

Date Version Notes
2014-03-24 v0.2.1 Added better support for Object.create
2014-03-22 v0.2.0 Added support for util.inherits
2014-03-18 v0.1.1 Replaced gulp-mocha with gulp-nodeunit, added travis-ci integration


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